
单词 resettlement
释义 reˈsettlement
[re- 5 a.]
1. a. The act of resettling; a fresh settlement.
a1639Wotton in Reliq. (1672) 103 Whenceforth we may account a full Re-settlement of Lordship and propriety through the Realm.1660N. Ingelo Bentiv. & Ur. ii. (1682) 194 Necessary for the Re-settlement of the Affairs of the Kingdom.1744Warburton Occas. Refl. Wks. 1788 VI. 334 The Return from the great Captivity, and Resettlement in the Land of Judæa.1859Lang Wand. India 217 It is a great mistake to suppose that the whole of the land⁓holders in Bengal would cry out against a resettlement of that province.1878Morley Diderot i. 3 The resettlement of Europe by Charlemagne.
attrib.1897Daily News 8 Feb. 2/1 ‘Resettlement Day’ is a Jewish celebration,..commemorating the return of the Jews to England in the time of the Commonwealth.
b. spec. The act of resettling demobilized servicemen into civilian life.
1918Labour Gaz. May 175/1 (heading) Resettlement of officers and professional men... The report of the Committee appointed to consider the resettlement of officers has been approved by the Minister of Reconstruction.1920Brit. Med. Jrnl. 4 Sept. 340/1 Many doctors who served long with the forces have found the period following demobilization a time of uncertainty and financial stress. For them ‘resettlement’ has proved an uphill business.1922Encycl. Brit. XXX. 821/2 (heading) The first two years of resettlement. The success of the preparations which had been made..is indicated by the figures of re-absorption of men demobilized.1945Yorkshire Post 19 Apr. 3/2 The Minister of Labour has provided several admirably chosen lecturers..to tell Servicemen of the plans made for their release and resettlement when their term of service comes to an end.
c. S. Afr. The act of resettling Blacks in their supposed homelands.
In South Africa resettlement involves the enforced removal of Blacks from one area, often followed by a period in temporary resettlement camps, before their removal to the ‘homelands’.
1954Bantu Nov. 11 (caption) Compare these neat little houses with the unhygienic tin and brick shacks of Sophiatown..and you would understand why the resettlement of the Bantu had become imperative.1976A. Lemon Apartheid viii. 153 The further resettlement of up to half the existing number of Africans in white areas is being seriously contemplated.1981Observer 31 May 12/4 About four million have been moved since 1948 and at least another million are marked down for ‘resettlement’.
2. The process of settling down again; the result of a resettling.
1675J. Rose Eng. Vineyard Vind. 44 Others, roll their Casks about the Cellar to blend with the Lees, and after few daies resettlement rack it off.1839H. T. De la Beche Rep. Geol. Cornwall, etc. viii. 257 The white clay there situated might be a resettlement of the Bovey clay.
3. attrib. and Comb., as resettlement area, resettlement board, resettlement camp, resettlement centre, resettlement grant, resettlement office, resettlement officer, resettlement plan, resettlement programme, resettlement project, resettlement scheme, resettlement village.
1971Progress (Cape Town) May 7/4 The *resettlement areas..to which so many African urban people have been endorsed.
1954Bantu Nov. 4 The views expressed in this article are personal and in no way bind the Department or the Natives *Resettlement Board.1973Resettlement board [see resettlement programme below].
1971Progress (Cape Town) May 7/5 The valiant attempts of the women of these missions and *resettlement camps to make some sort of living for themselves and their families.1972Times 19 Dec. 3/1 There are events planned in all the 14 resettlement camps.
1973*Resettlement centre [see resettlement programme below].1977R.A.F. News 11–24 May 7/1 Even the *resettlement grant does not sweeten the bitter pill.
1945Daily Tel. 17 May 3/3 They would be welcomed at the employment exchanges and the *resettlement offices if they had not got a job.
1922Encycl. Brit. XXX. 821/1 A number of officers known as *Resettlement Officers were appointed.., whose business was to travel the country and investigate the causes which impeded the turnover from war to peace.1946Lancet 2 Feb. 177/1 Our resettlement officer almost got the job, but like me he didn't have the Finnish, or the Norwegian, Swedish, or Danish, without which, out there, the execution of big business is apparently impossible.1974‘J. Le Carré’ Tinker, Tailor xxxii. 286 The first person..to visit him was the resettlement officer, talking about a friendly teaching agency.
1945Daily Tel. 17 May 3/3 (heading) Mr. Bevin explains *resettlement plans.
1973Guardian 16 Apr. 20/1 No more Uganda Asians will be allowed into the resettlement centres. An announcement..by the Home Office..marks the first stage in the *resettlement programme and has the full backing of the Uganda Resettlement Board.1973J. Hoagland South Afr. xi. 299 The Portuguese moved quickly to establish the resettlement program in Mozambique.
1936Sun (Baltimore) 28 Jan. 8/7 The Government's *resettlement project at..Reedsville.
1921W. Sherren Rights of Ex-Service Man & Woman iii. 23 The Civil Liabilities *Resettlement Scheme of 1918 was instituted to provide assistance to ex-officers and men who had suffered serious hardship by reason of their military service.1954Bantu Sept. 44 Throughout the ages various Resettlement Schemes have been undertaken similar to the Scheme of the Western Areas of Johannesburg.
1952Times 22 Sept. 5/1 Volunteer teams..after receiving a short course of instruction in spoken Malay..live in the new *resettlement villages.1973J. Hoagland South Afr. xi. 299 There were 433,000 Africans living in resettlement villages.

