
单词 Rhodian
释义 Rhodian, a. and n.|ˈrəʊdɪən|
[f. L. Rhodi-us, f. Rhodos, -us, = Gr. Ῥόδος Rhodes: see -ian.]
A. adj.
a. Of or belonging to the order of the Knights of Rhodes or Hospitallers.
1592? Kyd Soliman & Pers. iii. i. 67 This is Erastus, the Rhodian worthie.1843Browning Return of Druses i. 3/2 A Rhodian eight-point cross of white flame.
b. Belonging to or inhabiting the island of Rhodes in the ægean Sea off the south-west coast of Asia Minor. Rhodian law (see quot. 1866).
1697R. Collier Essays on Moral Subjects ii. (1703) 5 The Rhodian Colossus.1796Morse Amer. Geogr. II. 454 The Rhodian law was the directory of the Romans in maritime affairs.1839Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. II. 435/1 Variegated marbles... Rhodian, with golden or pyritic spots.1866Chambers's Encycl. VIII. 239/2 Rhodian Law is the earliest system of marine law known to history, said to be compiled by the Rhodians after they had by their commerce and naval victories obtained the sovereignty of the sea, about 900 years before the Christian era.1880Jrnl. Hellenic Stud. I. 308 Mediaeval Rhodian love-poems.
c. Designating a rhetorical style characteristic of the ancient Rhodian school of oratory; also, of the school itself.
1852Disraeli Ld. G. Bentinck xii. 203 The debate was opened by a dashing speech from Mr. McCarthy, worthy of the historical society in the most fervent hour of its Rhodian eloquence.1876― in Hansard Commons 11 Aug. 1138 After the Rhodian eloquence to which we have just listened, it is rather difficult for the House to see clearly the point which is before it.1954H. Caplan in Cicero's Ad Herennium 193 The Rhodian school opposed the overloud delivery of the Asiatic orators.1969R. A. Lanham Handlist Rhet. Terms 90 Rhodian style, the middle style between Atticism and Asiatismus.
d. Designating a style of pottery characterized by brilliant red pigment, formerly thought to derive from Rhodes. Properly, a variety of later Isnik ware.
1899R. Glazier Man. Hist. Ornament 80 In the Rhodian Ware..the purple is replaced by a fine opaque red of great body, called Rhodian red, produced from Armenian bole.1900F. Litchfield Pott. & Porc. vii. 244 We can readily recognise as a distinct class of decorative ware what is now known as Rhodian.1957[see Isnik].1977Jrnl. R. Soc. Arts CXXV. 482/2 A large Bichrome V ware crater, decorated on both sides between the handles with animals in what is certainly a perfect imitation of the Rhodian style of the seventh century bc.
B. n.
a. A Knight of Rhodes; a Hospitaller.
1550Coke Deb. betw. Heralds §168 (1877) 107 Armytes, ancres, rodianes, and other disguised harlottes.1551Bale Eng. Votaries ii. 47 b, Rhodyanes, Templers, Hospytelers.
b. An inhabitant or native of Rhodes.
1593Lodge Life & Death Will. Longbeard (Hunter. Cl.) 68 Sicilians, Rhodians, Athenians.1660Jer. Taylor Rule Consc. iii. i. 42 Some of the Rhodians had mov'd that they might help Perseus the King of Macedonia, in case peace could not be obtained for him.1799Campbell Pleas. Hope ii. 73 When first the Rhodian's mimic art arrayed The queen of Beauty in her Cyprian shade.1831A. Sutherland Achievements of Knights of Malta II. 8 Anthony Meligalle, a Rhodian of noble birth, who had once worn the cross of the Order.1866Chambers's Encycl. VIII. 239/2 The Rhodians rose upon and expelled the intruders.

