
音标: 英 [dʒæm] 美 [dʒæm]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 门窗侧壁, 侧柱

n. upright consisting of a vertical side member of a door or window frame


1. First, place the wedge between the door and the jamb.

首先 把楔子楔进门和门的侧边之间

2. And this door jamb, this is where I measured the kids' height.

还有这个门柱 就是在这里为孩子们量身高的

3. The door chain was ripped off the jamb, so we know that there was forced entry.

门闩被扯了下来 所以我们知道是强行闯入

4. And the way this door jamb is slightly torn from this side, as if someone was holding on.

门框这边有轻微损毁 像是有人顶着门
