
音标: 英 [ˌdɪsɪn'dʒenjʊəslɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


adv. 不诚实地, 不坦白地

r. in a disingenuous manner


1. But i'm afraid i would sound disingenuous.


2. I must be disingenuous with my face.


3. I take it you think my message is disingenuous.


4. It's tacky, it's gauche, it makes you seem disingenuous.

很俗气 粗鲁 让你显得虚伪

5. I know it sounds like I'm always kidding and being disingenuous, but I'm not.

我知道我听起来总在开玩笑又不诚挚 但其实我不是

6. It's unfortunate that her hu*and's ethnicity is a factor, but to say that it isn't would be disingenuous.

很不幸 她丈夫的种族问题是某种因素 但否认这点的话也太虚伪了

7. Okay, that's too many people saying hello to me. It feels disingenuous.

好了 今天向我打招呼的人 实在是太多了 感觉很不真诚

8. I just don't want to feel like I'm going around being fake and having fake relationships, and putting on a front in a way that's, like, disingenuous.

我不想虚假地面对世界 和别人保持虚假的关系 用不诚实的面具伪装自己
