
音标: 英 [stɪnt] 美 [stɪnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vt. 节省, 限制, 停止
vi. 节约
n. 吝惜, 节约, 限额

n. an individual's prescribed share of work
v. supply sparingly and with restricted quantities


1. One time, I tried to set up my bunkmate from my first stint in juvie on a coffee date with my bunkmate from my third stint in juvie.

有一次 我想撮合 我首次和第三次进少管所的狱友 安排他俩在一家咖啡店见面

2. Honorable discharge, but did a stint for poaching.

光荣退休 不过做过一段时间非法偷猎

3. This last stint in rehab was the first I did on my own for me and for them.

上次去康复中心是我第一次自愿去的 为我 也为她们

4. Had a stint of living with others like us.


5. Weapons, jewelry, his family did not stint or pilfer.

武器 珠宝 他的家人没有在陪葬品上吝啬

6. Joey did a threeyear stint for mail fraud.


7. I doubt his lungs would survive a stint in gaol.


8. We were leading by a lap, going into the last stint.

我们领先了一圈 进入最后赛程

9. He's been down almost a full lap this whole stint.


10. Because you pretty much skipped your stint in uniform.

因为你不用辛苦服兵役 就一步登天
