
音标: 英 [ʃeɪk] 美 [ʃeɪk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 酋长, 王子, 村长, 族长, 教长, 导师, 有威信的丈夫

n the leader of an Arab village or family


1. Sheikh, you‐‐ you really don't have to do that.

謝赫 你 你真的不必麻煩的

2. I‐‐I'm telling you, I spoke about it with the sheikh.

真的 我跟谢赫谈过这个

3. I should probably introduce myself to your sheikh.


4. If you mess this up, it's really over for you and the sheikh.

但要是你搞砸了 你和谢赫就玩完了

5. All this can be done without you, my sheikh.

你不需要亲自动手 谢赫

6. The hadra's wrapping up now, but the sheikh's down to meet with you after.

哈德罗快结束了 不过谢赫答应结束后见你

7. At times, there's a conflict of interest between being a father and a sheikh.

有时候 在父亲和谢赫的身份之间 存在利益冲突

8. European royalty mingled with sheikhs, sultans and maharajahs.

欧洲皇室 酋长 君主 大君齐聚一堂

9. Dad, I'm sure the sheikh has some sort of wisdom behind this.

爸 我觉得谢赫的做法一定深藏智慧

10. I, I actually have had similar problems, and the sheikh has been really helpful.

其实我也遇上了类似的问题 谢赫帮了我很多
