
音标: 英 [rɔ:] 美 [rɔ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 擦伤处, 半成品
a. 生的, 未加工的, 生疏的, 不成熟的, 阴冷的, 刺痛的, 擦掉皮的
vt. 擦伤
[计] 写后读

n. informal terms for nakedness
s. having the surface exposed and painful
a. not treated with heat to prepare it for eating
s. not processed or refined


1. I got really into raw, not raw foods totally, but more raw foods.

我现在更喜欢生机饮食了 不是全生 就是吃的更健康了

2. So...she was very raw when I met her.


3. There's a lot of talent there, but it's raw.

他们非常有才华 不过还是新手

4. And he's had such a raw deal, his life.

他受到了那样的不公平对待 他的人生

5. It's a very raw, real lifestyle here.

这里的生活方式非常原始 非常现实

6. You're you're open and vulnerable and raw.

你很开放 很容易受到伤害

7. But the point is they're raw, they're distinctive.

但关键是它们是全新的 与众不同

8. I'll introduce you to raw and powerful.


9. But they're raw spices, that's the bit.

但干吃香料 我有点不敢

10. I'm sure it's still pretty raw for them.

