
音标: 英 ['ʃʌtlkɒk] 美 [ˈʃʌtlˌkɑk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 羽毛球, 一来一回的事物(如争论)
vt. 往返递送
vi. 往返移动

n. badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers
v. send or toss to and fro, like a shuttlecock


1. And I am not going to be the shuttlecock that you two *ack back and forth.

并且我也不想做 你们俩之间拍来拍去的那只羽毛球

2. I am not my hu*and, and I am not going to be the shuttlecock that you two *ack back and forth.

我不是我丈夫 并且我也不想做 你俩间拍来拍去那只羽毛球

3. I mean, I did get hit in the face with a shuttlecock, and you didn't give me the obvious nickname.

我是说 我的确被羽毛球砸中脸了 你都没给我取显而易见的外号

4. Girl, you took a shuttlecock to the face, and I nicknamed you flimsy? I think you got off okay there.

姑娘 你的脸被羽毛球打中了 我居然给你取外号叫脆弱 我觉得你接受得挺好的

5. I feel like I could also, like, set up a badminton net in here and use your head like a shuttlecock.

我觉得我还可以在这里搭个羽毛球网 把你的头当羽毛球打
