
音标: 英 ['ɡlɒsɪ] 美 [ˈɡlɒsɪ, ˈɡlɑsɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 平滑的, 有光泽的

n. a photograph that is printed on smooth shiny paper
s. (of paper and fabric and leather) having a surface made smooth and glossy especially by pressing between rollers
s. superficially attractive and stylish; suggesting wealth or expense


1. Just look at this glossy but classy catalog.


2. He was sitting right here, staring up at me with these glossy eyes.

他就坐在这 用奇怪的目光看我

3. So, plan is to keep it really glossy and premium.

我們的設想是 片子要有一種質感和高級感

4. But you shiny, glossy, frontpage superheroes, you're all alike.

但是你们这些虚有其表的 头牌超级英雄 都是一样的

5. And your hair, if I might be so bold, has such a glossy sheen on it.

你的头发 请原谅我的大胆 如丝般柔顺光泽

6. You want this lovely, glossy egg wash on the top.

你要最后成品有光泽 品相好 就在顶端刷点蛋液

7. I remember getting glossy hands when I was a kid, making these.

我记得小时候做这个 弄得一手滑

8. Three whole pages with a glossy photograph of your handsome face.

写了整整三页 高清照片上是你英俊的脸庞

9. Oh, I'm not comfortable putting myself out on social media and putting out glossy brochures.

我不喜欢把自己放到社交媒体上 然后出现在那些精美的小册子上

10. And we're far overdue for a glossy new fashion district to represent our cultural importance.

我们早就该打造一片夺目的时尚新区 代表我们的文化价值了
