
音标: 英 ['sweɪtənd] 美 ['sweɪtənd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 变甜的

v make sweeter in taste
v make sweeter, more pleasant, or more agreeable
s with sweetening added


1. With the pink sweetener, not the blue.

用的是粉色的调味剂 不是蓝的

2. sweetened it into a phrase of such delight.


3. That could be related to your usage of artificial sweeteners.


4. For this request, she'd like to sweeten the deal.

这次的请求 她愿意提高回报

5. A little mercy could sweeten the pot.

手下留点情 赌注就大多了

6. attributes to sweeten the deal, I said no.

身体优势得到更多好处时 我拒绝了

7. It's a little sweeter than lemonade, it sweetens the acid.

它比柠檬水略甜 中和了酸度

8. I'm sure there are ways to sweeten the pot. It's not about money.

我相信多花点钱就摆平了 这跟钱无关

9. Just tell me how I can sweeten the pot.

就跟我说 要怎么样才行

10. Mike, look, I can sweeten the pot on this.

迈克 听着 我还能加码
