音标: 英 [maɪk] 美 [maɪk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


[计] 介质接口, 连接器


1. The main mics were off, but I'd left the room mics on.

主麦克风关了 但我让室内的麦克风开着

2. I'm sorry. I've been hogging the mic.

抱歉 一直都是我一个人在说

3. Or unwired the mics, as they currently are.

又或者像现在这样 给它们断了线

4. There's no mics in here, but you know they're watching.

这里没有麦 但你知道他们在看

5. It's metaphorical, of course, because I don't have a real mic.

当然只是比喻而已 因为我并没有真正的麦克风

6. There's a mic. I think we got to wing it.

这儿有麦 看来我们得即兴发挥了

7. We'll kill the mic after four, and I'm not joking.

四分钟后我们就卡音乐 不开玩笑

8. Excuse me good sir, if I could have the mic.

这位先生不好意思 话筒借一下

9. I know the rules. I took my mic off.

我知道那些法则 我的话筒关掉了

10. He's the dude that rocked the mic at your jam.

