
音标: 英 ['lɒftɪ] 美 [ˈlɒftɪ, ˈlɑf-]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 高的, 傲慢的, 崇高的, 高级的, 玄虚的

s of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style
s of imposing height; especially standing out above others
s having or displaying great dignity or nobility


1. Then I shall raise him up, to some lofty position.

那我可以帮他高迁 得到更尊贵的地位

2. That's a lofty goal for a teenage girl.


3. I did not walk into your office with lofty expectations.


4. And you have ascended to that lofty plateau of ten of those.


5. Far away from the lofty palace that she remembered not.

她远离了王宫 也早已忘记了那里

6. Kill tonight for lofty and noble reasons.


7. Dariush would have something lofty to say if he were here now.

如果在大流士在这 一定会说些不着调的话

8. There are some natures too noble to curb and too lofty to bend.

有些天性 太崇高不能抑制 太高尚不能屈服

9. to sacrifice themselves for a lofty cause which has nothing to do with them or the people they care about.

牺牲自己 为了... 崇高的事业 而不是为了保护自己 或者保护那些他们在乎的人

10. I come with no more lofty an aim than to apprise you of the situation in which you find yourself.

我此行的目的 不过就是要告知你们 你们现在的处境
