例句 ADVISE1 to advise someone2 what you say when you are advising someone3 to ask someone for their advice4 to do what someone advises you to do5 someone's advice about what you should do6 someone who advises peopleRELATED WORDSsee alsoSUGGESTTELLASKSHOULD/OUGHT TO (2)1 to advise someone 为某人提供建议 advise /ədˈvaɪz/ [transitive verb] to tell someone what you think they should do, especially when you have more knowledge or experience than they have 建议;劝告;向…提供意见〔尤指因具备比某人丰富的知识或经验〕 advise somebody to do something I advise you to think very carefully before making any decision. 我劝你仔细考虑再作决定。 All US citizens in the area have been advised to return home. 建议该地区的所有美国公民都回国去。advise somebody against doing something advise them not to do it 劝某人不要做某事 Her lawyers have advised her against saying anything to the newspapers. 她的律师建议她什么也不要向新闻界发表。advise somebody on/about something Your teacher will be able to advise you about what qualifications you will need. 你的老师能给你提供建议,告诉你需要哪些资历。strongly advise I strongly advise you to get medical insurance if you're going skiing. 如果你要去滑雪,我强烈建议你去买医疗保险。advise caution/restraint/patience etc Health experts advise extreme caution when handling these materials. 健康专家建议人们在处理这些材料时要特别小心。 say somebody should do something/ought to do something /ˌseɪ somebody ʃʊd ˈduː something, ˌɔːt tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] to tell someone what you think they should do, especially when this is your own personal opinion and not the result of particular information or knowledge 告诉某人应该做某事〔尤指提供个人的看法〕 My friends keep saying I ought to learn to drive. 我的朋友一直在说我应该去学开车。 Her mother said she should call the police immediately. 她母亲说她应该立即报警。 They say you should drink at least eight glasses of water a day. 他们说一天应至少喝八杯水。 tell /tel/ [transitive verb] to tell someone that you think they should do something, especially in order to avoid problems 告诉〔某人应该做某事,尤为了避免出现问题〕 tell somebody to do something I told him to go and see a doctor if he was worried. 我告诉他,如果不放心的话就去看医生。tell somebody (that) they should do something Jimmy has told him he should keep away from the gang for the next couple of weeks. 吉米告诫他,以后几个星期要远离那帮人。 suggest /səˈdʒestǁsəg-/ [transitive verb] to tell someone your ideas about what they should do, where they should go etc 建议 ‘Why not ask Dad?’ he suggested. “为什么不去问问爸爸呢?”他建议道。 I'm not sure which is the best wine to order. What would you suggest? 我不知道点什么葡萄酒好,你有什么建议?suggest (that) Sarah suggested that I should apply for this job. 萨拉建议我去申请这份工作。 recommend /ˌrekəˈmend/ [transitive verb] to advise someone to do something, especially when you have special knowledge of a particular subject or situation 推荐,建议〔尤指因为对某一学科或某一情况有专门的了解〕 The Forsyth Report recommended stricter supervision of the trade in live animals. 福赛思报告建议要加强对活畜交易的监督。 Ask your tour guide to recommend the best places to eat. 叫导游推荐一下什么地方吃饭最好。recommend that Doctors recommend that all children be immunized against polio and tuberculosis. 医生建议所有儿童都接受小儿麻痹症和肺结核的免疫注射。recommend doing something I would always recommend buying a good quality bicycle rather than a cheap one. 我总是建议别人买质量好的自行车,不要买便宜的。strongly recommend I strongly recommend that you get your brakes checked before you go on a long drive. 我强烈建议你长途驾驶前要让人检查一下刹车。 urge /ɜːʳdʒ/ [transitive verb] to strongly advise someone to do something because you think it is very important 〔因认为某事非常重要而〕竭力主张;强烈要求,敦促 The company's bosses are urging full cooperation with the trade union. 公司老板主张与工会全面合作。urge somebody to do something Police are urging drivers not to come into London this weekend. 警方力劝人们这个周末不要开车进伦敦。urge that He gave copies of the report to all those present at the meeting, urging that they read and digest its contents. 他给到会的每一个人都发了报告,要求他们读懂内容。 give advice /ˌgɪv ədˈvaɪs/ [verb phrase] to advise someone about a problem or subject, especially something that they have asked you about 〔关于某问题向某人〕提建议;给意见〔尤指对方问你时〕 I'm afraid that's the only advice I can give you. 恐怕我只能给你这个建议了。give advice to somebody The centre gives free advice to young people who have drug problems. 该中心为受毒品问题困扰的年轻人提供免费咨询。give somebody advice Can you give me some advice? I'm thinking of buying a computer. 你能给我一些建议吗?我在考虑买台电脑。give advice on/about Ask your bank to give you some advice about special student packages. 关于给学生的一整套特别服务,去问问银行,叫他们给你提供一些建议。2 what you say when you are advising someone 为某人提供建议时所说的话 you should do something/you ought to do something /juː ʃʊd ˈduː something, juː ˌɔːt tə ˈduː something/ spoken You should go to the doctor with that cough. 你那咳嗽应该去看看医生。 I think you should stay here until you've sobered up. 我觉得你应留在这里,等清醒了再走。 That new restaurant's great -- you really ought to try it. 那家新的餐厅非常不错一你真的应该去试试。 Do you know what you ought to do? You ought to tell her exactly what you think of her. 你知道你应该怎么做吗?你应该把你对她的看法实实在在地告诉她。 if I were you /ɪf ˌaɪ wəʳ ˈjuː/ spoken say this when you are giving someone friendly advice 【口】要是我的话〔用于给某人提出友好的建议〕 I wouldn't do that if I were you. 我是你的话就不会那样做。 Here's your money -- if I were you I'd put it in the bank right now. 这是你的钱—要是我的话就马上存进银行。 you'd be better off /juːd biː ˌbetər ˈɒf/ spoken say this when you are advising someone how to do something in a better way 【口】你还是…的好〔建议某人用更好的办法做事〕 The ferry takes about eight hours! You'd be better off going by plane. 坐渡轮要八个小时!你还是坐飞机去好了。 I think you'd be better off using a knife rather than scissors for that job. 我觉得你做那件工作别用剪刀,还是用小刀的好。 take my advice /teɪk ˌmaɪ ədˈvaɪs/ spoken say this when you think that someone should do something because you know from your own experience how unpleasant or difficult something can be 【口】听我的劝告,听我的话〔用于以自身不快或困难的经验向某人提建议〕 Take my advice - don't go into teaching unless you're absolutely committed. 听我的忠告,不要去干教书那一行,除非你心志非常坚决。 Divorces are a nightmare. Take my advice and stay single. 离婚很可怕,听我的话,不要结婚。 take it from me /ˌteɪk ɪt frəm ˈmiː/ spoken say this when you are telling someone that they should trust the advice you are giving them because it is based on your personal experience 【口】相信我〔因所提建议基于自己的经验〕 Take it from me, you'll regret it if you waste your time at school. 相信我,上学时虚度光阴你会后悔的。 Love affairs with colleagues never work out -- take it from me. 同事之间的暧昧关系决不会有好结果—请相信我的话。 you'd be well advised to do something/you would do well to do something /juːd biː ˌwel ədˌvaɪzd tə ˈduː something, juː wʊd duː ˌwel tə ˈduː something/ especially written use this when you are strongly advising someone to do something, especially because they may have trouble if they do not do it 【尤书面】你最好做某事〔尤因如果不这样做可能会有麻烦〕 Before your interview you'd be well advised to have another look at what you put on the application form. 我建议你在面试前最好再看一遍你在申请表上填的内容。 There are parts of Detroit you'd be well advised to avoid. 底特律的有些地方我劝你最好别去。 on no account/not on any account /ɒn ˈnəʊ əˌkaʊnt, nɒt ɒn ˈeni əˌkaʊnt/ [adverb] formal use this when you are strongly advising someone not to do something because it would be dangerous or stupid 【正式】决不,绝对不〔用于力劝某人不要做某事,否则会很危险或很愚蠢〕 On no account should you attempt this exercise if you're pregnant. 如果你怀孕了,千万不要尝试这种运动。not on any account You shouldn't sign the contract unless you are sure you understand it. Not on any account. 除非你肯定你理解这份合同,否则的话便不应该签字—绝对不能签。 make sure (that) you ... /meɪk ˈʃʊəʳ ðət juː/ spoken say this when you do not want someone to make a mistake, for example by forgetting to do something or losing something 【口】一定要…,确保 Make sure that you take your passport. 一定要带好护照。 Make sure you lock all the doors and windows at night. 夜里要确保锁好所有门窗。 the best thing is to ... /ðə ˈbest θɪŋ ɪz tuː/ spoken say this when you are telling someone what you think the best way of dealing with a particular situation is, based on your own experience 【口】最好的办法是 The best thing is to just ignore her. She'll soon take the hint. 最好的办法是不去理她,她很快就会明白。 a word of advice ... /ə ˌwɜːʳd əv ədˈvaɪs/ spoken say this especially when you are warning someone to be careful about something 【口】奉劝你一句…,一点建议〔尤用于告诫某人要小心某事〕 A word of advice: when you're at the interview don't mention that you used to work in a bar. 奉劝你一句:面试的时候不要提你曾在酒吧工作。3 to ask someone for their advice 征求某人的意见 ask somebody's advice /ˌɑːsk somebodyˈs ədˈvaɪsǁˌæsk-/ [verb phrase] to ask someone to advise you about something 征求某人的意见 Can I ask your advice? I need to find somewhere to stay in London. 你有什么建议?我要在伦敦找个住的地方。ask sb's advice on/about I always ask my brother's advice about computers. 电脑方面我总是请教我哥哥。 seek advice /ˌsiːk ədˈvaɪs/ [verb phrase] written to ask someone to advise you or to try to find someone to advise you, especially someone who has special or professional knowledge 【书面】〔尤指向专业人员〕征求意见 seek advice from somebody The best thing to do is to seek advice from an expert. 最好的办法是去征求专家的意见。seek somebody's advice on Carla sought her grandmother's advice on all personal matters. 所有的个人问题,卡拉都请教她祖母。 get/obtain advice also take advice British /ˌget, əbˌteɪn ədˈvaɪs, ˌteɪk ədˈvaɪs/ [verb phrase] get legal/medical/professional etc advice to ask someone who has special knowledge to advise you about a problem that you cannot deal with by yourself 咨询律师/医生/专家等的意见 If the debt is not paid within seven days, we will take legal advice. 如果七天内不偿清债务,我们就要咨询律师的意见了。 Pregnant women should get medical advice before taking any kind of drug. 孕妇服用任何药物之前都要咨询一下医生。get legal etc advice on She had told her employers that she would be getting professional advice on her rights. 她已告诉雇主,对于她的权利,她要去咨询专家意见。 consult /kənˈsʌlt/ [transitive verb] formal to get advice from someone who is trained in a particular profession, for example a lawyer or a doctor 【正式】咨询〔律师或医生等专业人士〕 If the symptoms persist, consult your doctor. 如果症状持续,就去看医生。 I want to consult my lawyer before I say anything. 我想先咨询一下我的律师再说话。consult somebody about something Tonight the President will consult his military observers about the likelihood of an attack. 今晚总统将咨询他的军事观察员有关发动进攻的可能性。4 to do what someone advises you to do 按某人的建议去做 take somebody's advice/follow somebody's advice /ˌteɪk somebodyˈs ədˈvaɪsÛˌfɒləʊ-Ûˌfɑː-/ [verb phrase] to do what someone advises you to do 采纳/听从某人的建议〔劝告〕 I've decided to take your advice and go to art school. 我已经决定接受你的建议,去上艺术学院。 If she had followed my advice, this would never have happened. 她要是听了我的忠告,就不可能发生这事了。 do what somebody says /ˌduː wɒt somebody ˈsez/ especially spoken to do what someone has told or advised you to do 【尤口】照某人说的做 If you'd done what I'd said, none of this would have happened. 要是你照我说的话去做了,根本就不会有这种事发生。 listen to /ˈlɪsən tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb not in progressive] to do what someone advises you to do, especially because you respect them and trust their judgement 听从,听信〔你所尊敬和相信的人〕 You tell him Dad - I'm sure he'll listen to you. 你去跟他说吧,爸爸,我敢肯定他会听你的。 Bob warned us about this. I wish I'd listened to him. 鲍勃警告过我们这事,我当初真应该听他的。 on somebody's advice/on the advice of somebody /ɒn somebodyˈs ədˈvaɪs, ɒn ði ədˈvaɪs əv somebody/ [adverb] if you do something on someone's advice, you do it because they have advised you to do it 根据某人的建议 On her doctor's advice, she took a few days off work. 在医生的建议之下,她请假休息了几天。 He decided not to take the exam, on the advice of his professor. 他听了教授的建议,决定不参加考试。5 someone's advice about what you should do 某人给你的建议 advice /ədˈvaɪs/ [uncountable noun] what someone advises you to do 建议;劝告;意见 Get some advice from the people in the tourist office. 向旅行社的人征求一点建议吧。advice on/about For advice on AIDS, phone this free number. 有关艾滋病方面的咨询,请打这个免费电话。give somebody advice I decided to ask Laura what she thought I should do. She always gives me good advice. 我决定去问问劳拉我该怎么办,她总能给我好的建议。a piece of advice some advice 一点建议 Years ago, my father gave me a piece of advice that I've never forgotten. 多年前,父亲给过我一点建议,我一直没有忘记。medical/legal/professional etc advice You should get legal advice before you sign the contract. 在签这个合同之前,你应该咨询一下法律方面的意见。sound advice good advice 明智的忠告 That's sound advice - I'll definitely bear it in mind. 那建议很好,我一定要记住。 tip /tɪp/ [countable noun] a simple but useful piece of advice about how to do something more easily or effectively 〔关于某事如何去做才更容易或更有效的〕提示;小建议 Here's a good ti if you spill red wine on your carpet, pour salt on it to remove it. 教你一个好办法:如果红葡萄酒洒在地毯上,撒点盐可以擦掉它。tip on a leaflet containing some tips on how to take better photos 一本小册子,里面有一些关于如何拍出更好的照片的小建议 recommendation /ˌrekəmenˈdeɪʃən/ [countable noun usually plural] advice about how to deal with a problem, especially given by a group of people who have made a detailed study of it 〔如何处理问题的〕建议〔尤指由一群人在经过深入研究以后提出〕 The railway companies seem to completely ignore safety recommendations. 铁路公司似乎完全不顾安全建议。make a recommendation The committee made a number of recommendations for improving standards in schools. 委员会就提高学校的水平提出了许多建议。recommendation Unless the report's recommendations are implemented soon, the future for industry could be very bleak indeed. 除非这篇报告中的建议很快实施,否则工业的前景将会非常暗淡。 guidance /ˈgaɪdəns/ [uncountable noun] advice about what to do in your job, your education, or your private life - use this about advice you get from someone whose job is to advise and help people 〔工作、教育或私生活方面的〕指导〔用于专业人员提供的指导〕 practical guidance and support for people working abroad 为出国工作者提供的实际指导和支援give guidance on something Your teacher can give you guidance on choosing a career and writing a job application. 老师会指导你择业和写求职信。 counselling British /counseling American /ˈkaʊnsəlɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] advice and support given by a specially trained person who can help people with personal problems or people who have had a very unpleasant experience 〔经过专业培训的人为遭遇私人问题或有过不愉快经历的人提供的〕辅导 The college will provide counselling for students who have problems with alcohol or drugs. 学校将为有酗酒或吸毒问题的学生提供辅导。 Victims of violent crimes often need counseling. 暴力罪行的受害者往往需要接受心理辅导。6 someone who advises people 为别人提供建议的人 adviser British /advisor American /ədˈvaɪzəʳ/ [countable noun] someone whose job is to give advice, especially in business, law, or politics 〔尤指商业、法律或政治方面的〕顾问 financial/legal/careers etc adviser Talk to an independent financial adviser before you invest your money. 把你的钱作投资之前,先找一位独立的理财顾问谈谈。adviser on the Prime Minister's personal adviser on economic affairs 首相的经济事务私人顾问adviser to somebody She's been appointed as scientific advisor to the President. 她被任命为总统的科学顾问。 advisory [adjective usually before noun] existing for the purpose of giving advice 起顾问作用的,提供咨询的 The Science Council is mainly an advisory body. 科学委员会主要是一个顾问组织。 I will be present at committee meetings, but purely in an advisory capacity. 我将出席委员会的会议,但纯粹以顾问的身份出席。 consultant /kənˈsʌltənt/ [countable noun] someone who gives special technical advice to companies or other organizations 〔为公司等机构提供特别技术指导的〕顾问 He's left his job as a computer programmer and is working as a consultant for a German firm. 他辞去了电脑程序员的工作,当了一家德国公司的顾问。consultant on Booth is a consultant on language with one of the national press agencies. 布思是一家全国性通讯社的语言顾问。consultant to somebody As a consultant to NASA, Cockburn had access to confidential details of the US space program. 科伯恩作为美国国家航空航天局的顾问,可以接触到美国宇航计划的机密细节。 counsellor British /counselor American /ˈkaʊnsələʳ/ [countable noun] someone who gives professional advice and emotional support to people, especially about personal problems 〔提供专业咨询和情感支持的〕顾问 I never realized you were so depressed. Have you been to see a counselor? 我一直没意识到你的心情这么抑郁——你找顾问咨询过了吗? Children in the summer camp can see a trained counselor if they have any problems. 参加夏令营的孩子如果有什么问题,可以去咨询受过专门训练的辅导员。 The hospice is appealing for more people to work as bereavement counsellors. 这家安养院正呼吁更多的人来给死者家属提供辅导服务。 guru /ˈgʊruː/ [countable noun] informal someone who is highly respected within their area of work, and to whom people go for advice 【非正式】〔某工作领域中的〕专家,权威,大师 Peter Drucker, the management guru, has just published a new book. 管理大师彼得德鲁克刚出版了一本新书。 It soon became apparent that Colin was the guru of the whole department. 很快大家就明白科林是整个部门的权威。 focus group /ˈfəʊkəs gruːp/ [countable noun] a group of ordinary people who are brought together and asked for their opinions about a particular subject or product by a company, political party etc, in order to help them plan what to do or produce in the future 焦点小组〔由公司、政党等为了制定计划,或决定未来生产什么而召集起来询问意见的一批普通人〕 The government's excessive use of focus groups to sound out public opinion has come under a lot of criticism. 政府过度利用焦点小组探听民意的做法遭到了许多非议。 A focus group gave its responses to the proposed advertising campaign. 一个焦点小组对提议中的广告活动作出了回应。 think-tank /ˈθɪŋk tæŋk/ [countable noun] a committee of people with experience in a particular subject that an organization or government establishes to produce ideas and give advice 〔某一机构或政府就某方面问题而组织的〕智囊团 a right-wing political think-tank 一个右翼的政治智囊团

