
词组 woodwork
释义 woodwork BrE /ˈwʊdwɜːk/
NAmE /-wɜːrk/
blend/fade into the ˈwoodworkbehave in a way that does not attract any attention; disappear or hide 默默无闻;销声匿迹;隐伏I decided the best thing to do would be to try and fade into the woodwork and hope that no one noticed me.
come/crawl out of the ˈwoodwork (informal, disapproving) if you say that sb comes/crawls out of the woodwork, you mean that they have suddenly appeared in order to express an opinion or to take advantage of a situation (为表达观点或得到好处)突然露面,纷纷出笼When he won the lottery, all sorts of distant relatives came out of the woodwork.
NOTE These idioms refer to the fact that insects or small animals, especially unpleasant ones, often hide in holes in wooden parts of a room or building. 这些习语原指昆虫或小动物(尤其是有害动物)通常躲进房间或大楼内木制结构中的事实。

