
词组 root
释义 root /ruːt/ SEE ALL
get to the ˈroot of sthbe able to see or do sth about the main cause (of a problem, etc.) 探本溯源;究其根本原因We must get to the root of the drugs problem.
OPP scratch the surface (of sth)
ˌroot and ˈbranchcompletely; thoroughly 完全地;彻底地The independence movement has been destroyed root and branch.
the ˌroot ˈcause (of sth)the main cause of sth, such as a problem or difficult situation (…的)根本原因,起因Poverty is the root cause of most of the crime in the city.
take ˈrootbecome firmly established 扎根;确立;深入人心His ideas on education never really took root; they were just too extreme.
NOTE If a plant takes root it develops roots and attaches itself to the ground. * take root 指植物在地下生根。

