
词组 game
释义 game /geɪm/ SEE ALL
blow/sod[taboo] ˈthis/ˈthat for a game of soldiers (BrE, slang) used by sb who does not want to do sth because it is annoying or involves too much effort (嫌太讨厌或麻烦而不愿意做某事)算了吧After waiting for twenty minutes more, he thought ‘sod this for a game of soldiers’, and left.
your/sb’s (little) ˈgame (informal) your/sb’s trick, plan or intention (某人的)雕虫小技;(小)把戏;(小)算盘So that’s your little game — getting me moved to a different office and then doing my job for me.
the ˌgame is not worth the ˈcandle (old-fashioned, saying) sth is not worth the effort needed 得不偿失;不值一试After trying to get permission to build the office for a whole year, we gave up, because the game was just not worth the candle.
ORIGIN In the past, candles were used for light at night. If a game or an activity was not worth the cost of the candles required to light the room, it was not worth playing or doing. 旧时,夜间用蜡烛照明,如果你所做的事情或消遣不值得你为之点蜡照亮房间,就不值得去做了。
the game is ˈup (BrE, informal) said to sb who has done sth wrong, when they are caught and the crime or trick has been discovered (用于告诉被抓住的人其阴谋或罪行已败露)游戏结束了,完蛋了The game’s up, Malone. We’re arresting you for the murder of Joe Capella.
游戏结束了,马隆。我们以谋杀乔 ∙ 卡佩拉的罪名逮捕你。
The game is up for the Democrats. They’ll never win the next election after this scandal.
give the ˈgame away (informal) (accidentally) reveal your own or another person’s secret plan, trick, etc. and so spoil it (无意间)泄露秘密,露馅儿Don’t laugh when he comes in or you’ll give the game away. The birthday present’s got to be a surprise.
He can’t keep a secret, so never tell him anything important in case he gives the game away.
OPP keep sb guessing
(be/go) on the ˈgame (BrE, slang) be/become a prostitute 卖淫;做妓女the only game in ˈtown (informal) the most important thing of a particular type, or the only thing that is available 同类中最重要的事物;唯一的选择When it comes to selling technology, our company is the only game in town.
It may not be great, but right now it’s the only game in town.
play the ˈgamebehave in a fair and honest way 办事公道;为人正直That’s the third time this week you’ve left me to finish all your work. You’re not playing the game, Luke.
play sb’s ˈgameplay the same ˈgame (as sb) ( play sb at their own ˈgame) use the same methods as a competitor, an opponent, an enemy, etc. 以其之道,还治其身Safeway started cutting their food prices, so Asda decided to play them at their own game by cutting prices even more.
what’s sb’s/your ˈgame? (BrE, spoken) used to ask why sb is behaving as they are 在搞什么把戏;怎么了Dan’s looking very nervous. Why? What’s his game?
a (whole) different/new ˈball game (informal) a completely different kind of situation 完全不同的情况;全新的局面They used to go out every night, but now they’ve got a baby it’s a whole new ball game.他们以前每天晚上都出去,可是现在有了小孩,情况完全不同了。beat sb at their own ˈgamebe more successful than sb in their special activity, sport, etc.; defeat sb using their own methods 赢某人的看家本领;在某人拿手的方面超过某人;以其人之道还治其人之身If you thought someone was trying to cheat you, would you challenge him or try to beat him at his own game?如果你认为有人企图欺骗你,你会质问他还是以其人之道还治其人之身?ˌeasy ˈgamea person or thing that is easy to attack, criticize, or make a victim 易攻击的对象;容易上钩的受害者Customers who know nothing about cars are easy game for dishonest dealers.对汽车一窍不通的顾客很容易被不诚实的经销商欺骗。fair ˈgameif a person or thing is said to be fair game, it is considered acceptable to play jokes on them, criticize them, etc. 可开玩笑(或抨击等)的对象The younger teachers were considered fair game by most of the kids.大多数孩子觉得跟年轻老师可以开玩笑。 NOTE In this idiom, game refers to birds and animals that people hunt for sport or food. 这个习语中的 game 原指猎物。 be a ˈmug’s game (disapproving, especially BrE) an activity which brings little or no benefit to you 徒劳无功的事;无利可图的事Don’t start smoking — it’s a mug’s game.不要尝试吸烟,这对你有害无益。The money’s terrible in this job — it’s a real mug’s game.这个工作赚钱很少,傻瓜才会干。 NOTE Mug here means ‘fool’. * mug 此处意为“傻瓜”。 the name of the ˈgame (informal) the thing that is considered central or really important in a particular situation (在特定场合下)事情的关键,最为重要的方面Survival is the name of the game when you’re in the jungle.在丛林中,生存下来才是关键。In the art world good publicity is the name of the game, not talent.在艺术界,最重要的是宣传,而不是才华。a/the ˈnumbers gamea way of considering an activity, etc. that is concerned only with the number of people doing sth, things achieved, etc., not with who or what they are 数字游戏(即只注重参与的人数及实现的结果等,而不考虑参与者的身份或背景)Candidates were playing the numbers game as the crucial vote drew closer.在关键的表决临近时,候选人玩起了数字游戏。the rules of the ˈgamethe standards of behaviour that most people accept or that actually operate in a particular area of life or business 游戏规则;处事规则;(大多数人接受的)行为标准It was a very competitive and aggressive business, so I had to learn the rules of the game very quickly.这一行竞争激烈,所以我得迅速掌握其中的游戏规则。have/put skin in the ˈgame (NAmE, especially business 商业) take an active interest in the success or failure of a particular project, activity, etc. because you are involved in a personal or financial way 与参与或投资的项目、活动等利害相干If you want someone to make efficient choices, they have to have a little skin in the game.要想有人高效地进行决策,就必须让他们的切身利益与项目成败相挂钩,促使他投身其中。 ORIGIN This expression was first used by the US investor Warren Buffett to describe a situation in which senior managers own or buy shares in the company that they manage and so have a personal interest in the company’s success or failure. 这个表达法最初由美国投资家沃伦 ∙ 巴菲特所使用,用以描述资深经理拥有或购买自己公司的股票,从而使公司的成败关乎个人利益。ˌtwo can play at ˈthat game (saying) used when you threaten to behave as badly, etc. as sb has just behaved towards you (表示要进行报复)这一套你会我也会‘He told the boss that you were going home early every day.’ ‘Oh did he? Well, two can play at that game. I think I’ll tell the boss about him coming in late every morning.’“他跟老板说你每天都早退。”“哦,是吗?好吧,这一套他会我也会。我就去告诉老板他每天早上都迟到。”a ˈwaiting gamea policy of delaying making a decision or doing sth because this puts you in a stronger position 伺机而动的策略;拖延战术They’re playing a waiting game, delaying their offer until they know what the others are offering.他们采用了观望战术。等到弄清别人的报价之后,再报出自己的价格。

