
词组 hip
释义 hip /hɪp/ SEE ALLjoined at the ˈhip1. (humorous) used to say that two people are never apart and spend a great deal of time together 形影不离She and Scott didn’t separate all night. It’s like they’re joined at the hip or something.整个晚上她和斯科特都形影不离,犹如一对连体婴儿。2. used to say that two things are closely connected to each other 紧密相连Astronomy isn’t physics, but they’re joined at the hip.天文学不是物理学,但它们密不可分。The two companies are joined at the hip through their joint ownership of the TV station.这两家公司共同拥有这家电视台,因而关系密切。ˌshoot from the ˈhipreact quickly without thinking carefully first 轻率应对;鲁莽行事;仓促反应As a manager, he was sometimes accused of shooting from the hip, but he was always popular with his colleagues.作为经理,有时候他被指责做事过于草率,不过他在同事当中总是很有人缘。 NOTE This refers to firing a shot from a handgun immediately after taking it from your belt, without taking proper aim. 这个习语指没有瞄准好就拔枪射击的做法。

