
单词 omens
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔augur〕One of a group of ancient Roman religious officials who foretold events by observing and interpreting signs and omens.(古罗马)占卜官:古罗马宗教官员的一员,可通过观察并解释某些信号及预兆来预言事情美国传统〔augur〕To make predictions from signs or omens.作预测:从迹象或预兆中作出预测美国传统〔auspex〕An augur of ancient Rome, especially one who interpreted omens derived from the observation of birds.预言者:古罗马的预言者,尤指解释来自对鸟类的观察而得到的预兆的人美国传统〔betide〕Such omens betide no good.这种征兆预示情况不妙。英汉大词典〔betide〕The omens betide better results.这预兆表明会产生较好的效果。21世纪英汉〔foretell〕The omens foretold what would happen.种种兆头预示了会发生的事。牛津同义词〔omen〕The omens are not good.这些预兆不祥。外研社新世纪〔omen〕The omens for their future success are not good.他们未来成功的预兆不祥。牛津高阶〔omen〕The blazing red of the setting sun omens fine weather.火红的夕阳预示好天气。英汉大词典〔omen〕There are omens of discord ahead.前面有不和的征兆。英汉大词典〔propitious〕The omens for the game are still not propitious.这场比赛仍不被看好。外研社新世纪〔propitious〕The omens for the game are still not propitious.这场比赛仍不被看好。柯林斯高阶Such omens betide no good. 这种征兆预示情况不妙。译典通There is no famine at present, but the omens for the winter are not good and many people will face starvation.目前没有饥荒,但是冬天的预兆不好,很多人会面临饥饿。剑桥国际

