
单词 oil
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FLOW〕There's oil coming out of your engine. 你的引擎内有油流出来。朗文写作活用〔INSTEAD〕For this recipe you can always use olive oil in place of butter. 这个菜谱中,你总可以用橄榄油来代替黄油。朗文写作活用〔OBVIOUS〕You only have to look at Turner's later oil paintings to see what a genius he was. 你只要看一眼透纳后期的油画,就能看出他多么有天分。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕Although the government has made some shares in National Oil Products available, it intends to maintain its controlling interest. 虽然政府准备出售国家石油产品公司的部分股份,但它还是打算保持其控股权。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕This dial indicates oil pressure in the engine. 这仪表显示引擎的油压。朗文写作活用〔addition〕The addition of a few drops of lavender oil to your bath water aids relaxation.在洗澡水里加几滴薰衣草精油有助于放松。麦克米伦高阶〔adequate〕Will future oil supplies be adequate to meet world needs? 未来的石油供应能满足世界的需要吗?剑桥高阶〔aioli〕A rich sauce of crushed garlic, egg yolks, lemon juice, and olive oil used especially to garnish fish and vegetables.蒜泥蛋黄酱:一种用蒜泥、蛋黄、柠檬汁和橄榄油配制起来的调味汁,尤其用作鱼和蔬菜的配料美国传统〔anger〕The decision to allow more offshore oil drilling angered some Californians.允许进行更多近海石油钻探的决定激怒了一些加利福尼亚人。柯林斯高阶〔anoint〕The bather was anointing his skin with sun-tan oil.洗海水澡的人在用防晒油敷抹皮肤。英汉大词典〔at〕Check the oil at regular intervals, and have the car serviced regularly.定期检查汽油,并对车辆进行定期维护。柯林斯高阶〔balance of payments〕Oil contributed £3bn to the UK's balance of payments last year.石油在英国去年的国际收支差额中占了30亿英镑。外研社新世纪〔balm〕An aromatic salve or oil.香膏,香油美国传统〔base〕Oils may be mixed with a base oil and massaged into the skin.可将油与基底油混合, 通过按摩让皮肤吸收。外研社新世纪〔blaze〕The fires in the oil wells blazed all night.油井大火整夜熊熊燃烧着。21世纪英汉〔bonus〕Britain's possession of North Sea oil has proved a bonus for British technology.英国拥有的北海油田是上天对英国科技的一个恩赐。朗文当代〔break〕They have started drilling for oil in the region, breaking an agreement made five years ago.他们违背了5年前签定的协议,开始在这个地区钻井采油。麦克米伦高阶〔brush〕Brush a little oil over the top of the pizza.在比萨饼上面刷一点油。朗文当代〔castor oil〕She has gone to bed and had a dose of castor oil.她服用了一剂蓖麻油,已经上床睡了。柯林斯高阶〔catalytic cracker〕An oil refinery unit in which the cracking of petroleum takes place in the presence of a catalyst.催化裂化器:由于催化剂的存在而发生石油裂化的炼油装置美国传统〔coat〕TV pictures showed a dying bird coated with oil.电视画面上出现了一只身上沾满油污、奄奄一息的小鸟。柯林斯高阶〔commodity〕Crude oil is the world's most important commodity.原油是世界上最重要的商品。牛津高阶〔commonly〕Oil pollution is the commonest cause of death for seabirds.石油污染是造成海鸟死亡最常见的原因。柯林斯高阶〔comprise〕The exhibition comprises 50 oils and watercolours.展览陈列了50幅油画和水彩画。柯林斯高阶〔contrive〕The oil companies were accused of contriving a shortage of gasoline to justify price increases.石油公司被控故意制造石油短缺以名正言顺地提高油价。柯林斯高阶〔corn〕The grains or kernels of this plant, used as food for human beings and livestock or for the extraction of an edible oil or starch.谷粒:这种植物的颗粒,是人类和牲畜的食品,也用来提取食用油或淀粉美国传统〔cosmetic〕Several nuts produce oils suitable for cosmetic use.好几种坚果都可以用来生产化妆用油。麦克米伦高阶〔cottonseed〕The seed of the cotton plant, the source of cottonseed oil.棉籽:棉花作物的种子,用来制造棉籽油美国传统〔crude oil〕A thousand tons of crude oil has spilled into the sea from an oil tanker.1,000吨原油从一艘油轮中泄漏,流入了海洋。柯林斯高阶〔dependent〕The country is heavily dependent on oil and gas imports.这个国家严重依赖石油和天然气进口。牛津搭配〔depth〕The oil well extended several hundreds of feet in depth.油井向下延伸了数百英尺。牛津高阶〔dilute〕The perfumes are diluted in vegetable oils.香水稀释到植物油中。牛津搭配〔disarray〕Ever since the oil crisis, the industry has been in (a state of) disarray.自石油危机以来,该行业就一直处于混乱状态。剑桥高阶〔drill〕They are going to drill for oil nearby.他们准备在附近钻探石油。剑桥高阶〔drill〕They are planning to drill for oil here.他们计划在此处钻井开采石油。韦氏高阶〔dubbin〕An application of tallow and oil for dressing leather.革用软化防水油脂美国传统〔dynamo〕Oil is the dynamo of the country's economy.石油是该国经济的原动力。朗文当代〔earnings〕Oil provides 40% of Norway's export earnings .石油为挪威提供了 40% 的出口利润。朗文当代〔embargo〕They are planning to embargo oil imports.他们正在计划禁止石油进口。剑桥高阶〔emulsify〕The oil will emulsify with the egg and become thick.油将和鸡蛋一起乳化, 然后变得浓稠。外研社新世纪〔estimate〕According to government estimates, current oil reserves are 10 percent lower than they were a year ago.根据政府的估计,目前的石油储量比去年下降了10%。韦氏高阶〔excess〕Polyunsaturated oils are essential for health. Excess is harmful, however.多不饱和油对健康很重要。但是,食用过量就会有害。柯林斯高阶〔export〕Oil exports account for nearly 80% of the country's foreign earnings.石油出口占该国外汇收入的近八成。牛津搭配〔extraction〕Petroleum engineers plan and manage the extraction of oil.石油工程师对开采石油作出计划并加以管理。外研社新世纪〔fatty alcohol〕Any of various alcohols derived from plant or animal oils and fats and used in plastics and pharmaceuticals.脂肪醇:取自植物或动物油和脂肪的多种醇,用于塑料和制药美国传统〔fat〕When you use oil or fat for cooking, use as little as possible.用油或肥肉做菜的时候, 用量尽可能要少。外研社新世纪〔fee〕The company will earn a fee for every barrel of oil produced.每生产一桶油,该公司就会赚取一定的费用。牛津搭配〔flaxseed〕The seed of flax, the source of linseed oil and emollient medicinal preparations.亚麻籽:用于制亚麻油和配制药用润滑膏的亚麻种子美国传统〔flow〕The new oil well flowed 100 barrels a day.新油井一天出100桶油。英汉大词典〔focus〕The oil crisis became the focus of Western concern in the early 1970s.石油危机成了20世纪70年代初西方国家关注的焦点。麦克米伦高阶〔friction〕Oil reduces friction.润滑油减少摩擦力。英汉大词典〔from〕I made a switch from butter to olive oil for much of my cooking.我做饭的时候已经不怎么使用黄油,而是换成了橄榄油。柯林斯高阶〔funnel〕If you funnel the oil into the engine, you're less likely to spill it.如果你用漏斗往发动机里注油,就不太可能洒出来。剑桥高阶〔gain〕Oil prices rose again today after yesterday's gains.油价继昨天上涨后今天又进一步攀升。剑桥高阶〔give〕This oil lamp gives little light.这盏油灯发出微弱的光。文馨英汉〔gluttonous〕She said that industrialized countries should reduce their gluttonous (= greater than is needed) consumption of oil.她说,工业化国家需要减少对石油资源的浪费。剑桥高阶〔gusher〕One that gushes, especially an abundantly flowing gas or oil well.自喷井:一种喷涌出大量气体或石油的井美国传统〔gush〕Oil began to gush out of the broken pipe.油开始从破裂的管子里喷涌出来。麦克米伦高阶〔hold〕You should hold on to your oil shares.你应该继续保留住你的石油股份。牛津高阶〔hot〕When the oil is hot, add the sliced onion.油热后, 放入切好的洋葱。外研社新世纪〔immiscible〕Water and oil are immiscible.水和油不能融合。英汉大词典〔in place of (someone or something)〕In place of butter, olive oil was served with the bread.橄榄油被用来代替黄油抹面包。韦氏高阶〔incalculable〕The oil spill has caused incalculable damage to the environment.这次石油泄漏对环境造成了难以估计的损害。牛津高阶〔internally〕Evening primrose oil is used on the skin as well as taken internally.夜来香油既可外敷于皮肤也可以内服。柯林斯高阶〔in〕There were artists painting in oils and watercolours.有用油彩和水彩作画的画家。麦克米伦高阶〔irritation〕These oils may cause irritation to sensitive skins.这些油彩可能导致敏感皮肤过敏。外研社新世纪〔jackknife〕The oil tanker jackknifed after skidding on the ice.油罐车在冰上打滑,绞接的车身之间发生了弯折。剑桥高阶〔jump〕Oil prices jumped in the past year.在过去一年中,石油价格猛涨。21世纪英汉〔just〕For the best results use olive oil. Not just any olive oil, mind – only the finest quality will do.要获得最佳效果就要使用橄榄油。 注意,不是随便哪一种橄榄油,要质量最好的才行。朗文当代〔keep〕To keep warm they burnt wood in a rusty oil barrel.他们在一只生锈的油桶里烧木柴来保暖。柯林斯高阶〔kerogen〕A fossilized material in shale and other sedimentary rock that yields oil upon heating.油母岩质:页岩和其他沉积岩中的一种化石材料,加热后产生石油美国传统〔leak〕The tanker is still leaking oil.油轮还在漏油。外研社新世纪〔level〕Be careful not to let the oil level drop too far.小心不要让油位降得太厉害。麦克米伦高阶〔lube〕He took his car to the garage for a lube and oil change.他把车开到车厂添加润滑油并更换汽油。韦氏高阶〔lubricant〕A substance, such as grease or oil, that reduces friction when applied as a surface coating to moving parts.润滑剂:一种象油脂或汽油的物质,被擦在运动部分表面时可减少摩擦美国传统〔marine〕The oil slick seriously threatens marine life around the islands.浮油严重威胁着岛屿周围的海洋生物。剑桥高阶〔mayonnaise〕A dressing made of beaten raw egg yolk, oil, lemon juice or vinegar, and seasonings.蛋黄酱:一种用生蛋黄、油、柠檬汁或醋加调味品制成的酱美国传统〔meanwhile〕Bake the aubergines till soft. Meanwhile, heat some oil in a heavy pan.把茄子烤软。同时在大平底锅中把油加热。外研社新世纪〔measure〕A dipstick is used to measure how much oil is left in an engine.量油尺是用来探查引擎中的剩余油量的。牛津高阶〔medium〕Hyatt has found a way of creating these qualities using the more permanent medium of oil paint.海厄特已经找到产生这些特性的方法,那就是利用油彩这种更加持久的材料。柯林斯高阶〔midnight〕Chris is asleep after burning the midnight oil trying to finish his article.克里斯为了写完文章挑灯夜战,现在已经睡着了。柯林斯高阶〔mix〕Oil and water do not mix.油和水不相融。牛津高阶〔non-renewable〕Oil, natural gas, and coal are non-renewable fuels.石油、天然气和煤都是不可再生燃料。剑桥高阶〔nosedive〕Oil prices took a nosedive in the crisis.危机期间,石油价格暴跌。牛津高阶〔offer〕Olive oil is on offer this week.本周橄榄油特价出售。外研社新世纪〔offtake〕The oil companies will increase their offtake in Saudi Arabia to 20 million barrels a day.石油公司将把他们向沙特阿拉伯的购买量增加到每天2000万桶。英汉大词典〔oil rig〕He works on the oil rigs.他在石油钻塔上工作。麦克米伦高阶〔oiled〕Place the sausages on an oiled baking tray.把香肠放在涂过油的烤盘上。朗文当代〔oilstone〕A fine-grained whetstone lubricated with oil, used for fine sharpening.油石:用油润滑过的细砂磨刀石,用于细磨美国传统〔oil〕A blue oil by Miró hung on the wall.一幅由米罗创作的蓝色油画挂在墙上。外研社新世纪〔oil〕Add a little oil to the pan and stir-fry the onions.在平底锅内加入少许油,煸炒洋葱。韦氏高阶〔oil〕Do you paint in oils or watercolours? 你画油画还是水彩画?剑桥高阶〔oil〕My bicycle needs some oil.我的自行车该加点油了。英汉大词典〔oil〕North Sea oil 北海石油麦克米伦高阶〔or〕Oil or no oil, the country is in difficulties.不管是否有石油, 这个国家都处于困难中。外研社新世纪〔oscillate〕Oil markets oscillated on the day's reports from Geneva.石油市场因当天来自日内瓦的传言而出现了振荡。外研社新世纪〔peak〕Oil production peaked in the early 1980s.*20 世纪 80 年代初期,石油产量达到了最高峰。牛津高阶〔pick-me-up〕When you crave a pick-me-up, don't reach for chocolate or coffee — try peppermint oil instead.如果想提神,不要吃巧克力或者喝咖啡,试试薄荷油。柯林斯高阶〔point〕He checked the points and plugs and topped up the oil.他检查了分电器接触点和火花塞,加满了油。剑桥高阶〔potential〕The accident is a grim reminder of the potential dangers involved in North Sea oil production.该事故残酷地提醒人们北海石油生产可能会出现的危险。剑桥高阶〔prize〕Oil of cedarwood is highly prized for its use in perfumery.雪松油可用于制香水,因此十分珍贵。牛津高阶〔produce〕This is an oil well that no longer produces.这是一口不再出油的油井。21世纪英汉〔public〕There will be a public inquiry into the sinking of the oil tanker.将对油船的沉没进行公开调查。朗文当代〔range over〕The geological prospecting team ranged over the desert in search of valuable deposits of oil.地质勘探队走遍了这片沙漠,寻找有开采价值的油层。21世纪英汉〔react〕The rise in oil costs reacted on the price of food.油费上涨影响食品价格。英汉大词典〔recession〕The oil price increases sent Europe into deep recession.油价上涨使欧洲陷入深重的经济衰退。外研社新世纪〔reduce〕We can use this special oil to reduce the thick paint to a liquid thin enough to spread easily .我们可以使用这种特殊的油将浓油漆稀释一下,使它刷起来比较省力。21世纪英汉〔refinable〕Their daily work is to refine crude oil.他们每天的工作是精炼原油。21世纪英汉〔release〕Oil was released into the sea.油泄漏到海洋里。朗文当代〔reliant〕Lithuania is heavily reliant on Moscow for almost all its oil.立陶宛的石油供应几乎完全依赖莫斯科。柯林斯高阶〔repercussion〕A fall in oil production would have severe repercussions for the global economy.石油产量下降会对全球经济产生严重影响。牛津搭配〔replace〕I clean out all the grease and replace it with oil so it works better in very low temperatures.我把所有的油脂清除干净,然后用油来代替,从而使它在低温条件下运转得更好。柯林斯高阶〔resid〕Residual oil.残油美国传统〔reuse〕The motor oil has been processed for reuse.这种机油经处理后重复利用。韦氏高阶〔rig〕Safety precautions on oil rigs are designed to cope with fires and small-scale explosions.已经对钻塔制定了安全预防措施,以应付火灾和小规模的爆炸事故。剑桥高阶〔rub on〕Rubbing on olive oil and sea salt is a great exfoliator.涂一些橄榄油, 海盐是一种很好的磨砂膏。外研社新世纪〔run on〕This kind of walking tractor runs on diesel oil.这种手扶拖拉机靠柴油运转。21世纪英汉〔run〕Fuel oil ran short during the winter.冬季燃油不足美国传统〔sabotage〕The rebels had tried to sabotage the oil pipeline.叛乱分子曾试图破坏输油管道。剑桥高阶〔salad oil〕An edible vegetable oil, such as corn oil or olive oil, that can be used in salad dressings.沙拉油:一种可食植物油,如玉米油或橄榄油,可用于沙拉调味料美国传统〔saturate〕If the filter has been saturated with motor oil, it should be discarded and replaced.过滤器如果已被机油浸透,则应丢弃并换上新的。柯林斯高阶〔scope〕Oil painting does not come within the scope of a course of this kind.油画不在这类课程范围内。剑桥高阶〔second〕Iraq's oil reserves are second only to Saudi Arabia's.伊拉克的石油储量仅次于沙特阿拉伯。剑桥高阶〔see〕Oil prices have seen a large increase.油价涨了很多。韦氏高阶〔seize up〕If you fail to oil the engine regularly, it would seize up without warning.如果你不定期给发动机注油,它不定那天就会突然卡住。21世纪英汉〔semidrying〕Cottonseed, corn, and sesame oils are of the semidrying type.棉籽油、玉米油和麻油都是慢干油类。英汉大词典〔separate〕The oil separated from the water.油与水分离了。韦氏高阶〔shale oil〕A crude oil that is obtained from oil shale by heating and distillation.页岩油:一种通过加热或蒸馏从油页岩中提取的原油美国传统〔shea butter〕This product contains avocado oil and shea butter to leave your skin silky smooth.这种产品含鲓梨油和牛油脂,可让你的皮肤如丝般光滑。剑桥高阶〔short-circuit〕Carbon dust and oil build up in large motors and cause them to short-circuit.碳尘和燃油在大发动机里越积越多,造成了发动机短路。柯林斯高阶〔sky-high〕The price of oil went sky-high when war broke out.战争爆发后,油价急剧上涨。剑桥高阶〔smear〕My sister smeared herself with suntan oil and slept by the swimming pool.我姐姐在身上抹了防晒油,躺在游泳池边睡着了。柯林斯高阶〔soak〕Use paper towels to soak up the oil.用纸巾把油吸干。麦克米伦高阶〔soften〕Linseed oil will soften stiff leather.亚麻籽油可软化僵硬的皮革。牛津高阶〔soften〕The oil is used to soften and preserve the leather.这种油脂用来软化和保护皮革制品。韦氏高阶〔spill〕An oil spill could be devastating for wildlife.石油泄漏对野生动物来说可能是灭顶之灾。外研社新世纪〔sting〕Never put any essential oils near the eyes. They are very strong and could sting.千万不要将任何精油抹到眼睛周围。它们有很强的刺激性,可能会使眼睛产生刺痛感。柯林斯高阶〔strain〕The supply of oil has been strained.石油供给几乎到了危机的边缘。21世纪英汉〔stride〕The West made impressive strides in improving energy efficiency after the huge rises in oil prices during the 70s.70年代石油价格大幅上涨之后,西方国家在提高能源使用效率方面取得了显著进步。剑桥高阶〔stunt〕Oil shortages stunted world economic growth.石油短缺危及世界经济的发展。英汉大词典〔substitute〕You can substitute oil for butter in this recipe.这道菜中你可以用食用油代替黄油。剑桥高阶〔swindle〕An oil executive swindled £250,000 out of his firm.一名石油公司主管从其公司骗取了25万英镑。外研社新世纪〔swoosh〕Oil is swooshing.喷油了。21世纪英汉〔tar〕The oil has hardened to tar.油已经硬化成柏油了。柯林斯高阶〔terebene〕A mixture of terpenes prepared from oil of turpentine, used as an expectorant and antiseptic.松节油萜:由松节油中提炼的萜的混合剂,用作祛痰剂和抗防腐剂美国传统〔top〕Top the oil up before you set off.出发前加满油。牛津高阶〔toxic〕When spilled into the sea, oil can be toxic to marine plants and animals.石油溢入海洋可能危害海生动植物。英汉大词典〔tragedy〕A new oil crisis would lead to tragedy in the underdeveloped world.一次新的石油危机将会在不发达国家造成灾难。英汉大词典〔tumble〕The price of oil is still tumbling.油价仍在急遽下跌。牛津高阶〔under〕He was the first person to claim there was oil under the North Sea.他是第一个声称北海海底有石油的人。麦克米伦高阶〔uneconomic〕The price of oil dropped so low that it become uneconomic to drill.石油价格跌到如此之低,开采变得不赚钱了。剑桥高阶〔up〕The price of oil went up.油价上涨了。韦氏高阶〔veer〕Three men were feared dead last night after a helicopter veered off course into an oil platform.昨晚一架直升飞机偏离航线撞上了石油钻井平台,恐怕有3人因此死亡。剑桥高阶〔whale oil〕A yellowish oil obtained from whale blubber, formerly used in making soap and candles and as a lubricating oil.鲸油:从鲸脂中获得的黄色油脂,原先用于制造肥皂和蜡烛,并可用作照明油美国传统〔wildcat〕An oil or natural-gas well drilled in an area not known to be productive.野猫井,初探井:在未知是否产出的地区钻探的油井或天然气井美国传统〔world〕World oil prices continue to rise.全球石油价格持续上涨。牛津搭配Oil prices were fairly static worldwide at that time.那时全球的油价相当稳定。剑桥国际Oil production peaked in the early 1980s.石油产量在 20 世纪 80 年代初期达到顶峰。牛津商务A car engine needs to be well lubricated with oil.汽车引擎需要确保润滑。剑桥国际Add a little water, a touch of lemon juice and finish with a drizzle of olive oil.加一点水,一点柠檬汁,最后洒上些橄榄油就好了。剑桥国际Agas used to burn coal but now they use oil, gas or electricity.这种铁制炊具过去燃烧煤炭,但现在使用石油、煤气或电力。剑桥国际Dip the fish in the batter, then drop it into the hot oil.把鱼在面糊里浸一浸,然后投入热油。剑桥国际Flames spouted (out) from the oil wells.油井中喷出了火焰。剑桥国际Graham paints with both watercolours and oils.格雷厄姆既画水彩画也画油画。剑桥国际Hot water sprayed from high-pressure hoses is being used to wash the oil off the rocks.高压软管中喷出的热水正被用来冲洗岩石上的油。剑桥国际If you add a drop of rosemary oil to your bath, it will perk you up (= make you more active).如果你洗澡时加一滴迷迭油,就会使你精神振奋。剑桥国际It is hoped that the oil slick will sink to the seabed where it would be covered within a few years by sediments (= sediment) and eventually decompose.人们希望油膜会沉入海底,几年内被泥沙所覆盖,并最终分解。剑桥国际It may take a year to put out the inferno, as hundreds of oil fires are burning.由于数以百计的油井在燃烧,可能要花一年的时间才能扑灭大火。剑桥国际Lavender, peppermint, and jasmine are essential oils which are widely available.熏衣草油、薄菏油和茉莉油是到处都可买到的香精油。剑桥国际My bicycle skidded on some oil that had been spilled on the road.我的自行车在溅到路面的油上打滑了。剑桥国际Our forecasts assume an average oil price of $55 a barrel.我们的预测假定平均油价为每桶 55 美元。牛津商务Peppermint oil can be used to soothe rheumatic pains.薄荷油可被用来减轻风湿疼痛。剑桥国际Reports are just coming in of a major oil spillage in the North Sea.刚传来北海大面积溢油的消息。剑桥国际Sandalwood has a pleasant smell and its oil is used in making perfume and soap.檀香木有一种好闻的香味,它的油可以用来制造香水和香皂。剑桥国际Some geologists are prospecting for oil here. 一些地质学家在此探勘石油。译典通The oil field has yielded over 3 million barrels.这个油田已经产油超过 300 万桶。牛津商务The oil spill endangered thousands of birds. 石油的溢泄危及成千上万的鸟儿。译典通The oil terminal has a storage capacity of 5 million barrels.这个石油码头的存贮容量达 500 万桶。牛津商务The August crude oil contract expires today (= today is the last day you can buy or sell contracts to have oil delivered in August).八月份原油合约今天到期(今天是你买卖八月份交货的原油合约的最后一天)。牛津商务The anti-tank ditch is seven metres deep, twenty metres wide, and filled with oil which can be set alight.反坦克壕沟深7米,宽20米,灌满了可燃油。剑桥国际The bigger oil companies can spend money on marginal oil development.大型石油公司可以在利润微薄的石油开采项目上投入资金。牛津商务The car leaked oil all over the drive.那辆车漏了一路油。剑桥国际The company's claim to the oil fields has been contested.公司对这些油田的所有权已受到质疑。牛津商务The country is a net importer of oil (= it imports more than it exports).这个国家是石油的净进口国(进口超过其出口)。牛津商务The door opens easily now the hinges have been oiled.这扇门现在很容易开,铰链上过油了。剑桥国际The first person to strike oil in the US was Edwin Laurentine Drake, who discovered it in Pennsylvania in 1859.埃德温·劳伦廷·德雷克于1859年在宾夕法尼亚州发现了石油,他是第一个在美国发现石油的人。剑桥国际The flame above the oil well flared (up) into the dark sky.油井上方的火焰直冲黑暗的天空。剑桥国际The forecast for global oil demand is 76 m barrels a day.预测全球石油需求量为每日 7600 万桶。牛津商务The gallery is having a show of French oil paintings. 这个美术馆在展出法国油画。译典通The lives of thousands of birds are in jeopardy as a result of the oil spillage.石油溢出危及成千上万鸟类的生命。剑桥国际The price of oil, which is still high, may start to unwind soon.依然高昂的石油价格可能将很快下跌。牛津商务The tanker took on 200,000 barrels of crude oil. 油轮装载了二十万桶原油。译典通The wind flickered the light of the oil lamp. 风吹得油灯光摇闪不定。译典通There was a thin layer of oil on the surface of the water.水面上有一层薄的油层。剑桥国际They are exploiting the oil under the sea. 他们在开发海底石油。译典通They conducted public attitude research for a major oil company to measure the likely response to a new industrial development.他们为一家大石油公司进行公众意见调查,以衡量人们对开发新产业可能作出的反应。牛津商务Use silicone-based oil as a lubricator (= a substance which makes a machine operate smoothly) on the servo mechanism.给伺服系统上些(以硅为主要成分)润滑剂。剑桥国际Wood, coal, oil, petrol and gas are all different kinds of fuel.木头、煤、煤油、汽油和燃气都是不同种类的燃料。剑桥国际You can substitute oil for butter in this recipe.做这种菜你可以用食油代替黄油。剑桥国际You should hold on to your oil shares.你应该继续持有这些石油股票。牛津商务

