
单词 corresponds
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Midlands〕A region of central England. It roughly corresponds with the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia and is today a highly industrialized area.英格兰中部地区:英格兰中部地区。与盎格鲁-撒克逊的麦西亚王国疆域大体相当,今为一高度工业化的地区美国传统〔agree〕The Diet in Japan corresponds to the American Congress.日本的议会相当于美国的国会。美国传统〔antimere〕A part or division in the body of a bilaterally or radially symmetric animal that corresponds to an opposite or similar part.体辐,对称部:左右或中心对称的动物身体中与相反或相似部分对应的一侧或一部分美国传统〔condense〕This corresponds to the expected formula of an extensively condensed material.这与一种深度缩合物的预期分子式相符。外研社新世纪〔corresponding〕A 22 per cent increase in car travel corresponds with a 19 per cent drop in cycle mileage per person.乘车出行者的比率上升了22%,与之相对应,人均骑自行车的行驶里程下降了19%。柯林斯高阶〔corresponding〕She still corresponds with American friends she met in Majorca nine years ago.她仍与9年前在马略卡岛结识的美国朋友们通信。柯林斯高阶〔correspond〕Each number corresponds to a location on the map.每个数字对应地图上的一个位置。韦氏高阶〔correspond〕Fulfilment seldom corresponds to anticipation.成果难得与预期相符。英汉大词典〔correspond〕He frequently (regularly) corresponds with his brother.他和他的兄弟经常(定期)通信。英汉大词典〔correspond〕Her story corresponds with mine.她的叙 述和我的相符。牛津同义词〔correspond〕Her white hat corresponds with her white shoes.她的白帽和白鞋很相配。英汉大词典〔correspond〕His first post was as an Associate Professor, which roughly corresponds to Lecturer here.大致相当于麦克米伦高阶〔correspond〕His job in Moscow corresponds to your father's position here.他在莫斯科的职务与你爸爸在这儿的职务相当。外研社新世纪〔correspond〕In machine code, one instruction corresponds directly to one operation of the computer.在机器编码中,一个指令直接对应于计算机的一次操作。麦克米伦高阶〔correspond〕In some countries, the role of president corresponds to that of prime minister.在有些国家,总统的角色相当于首相。韦氏高阶〔correspond〕She still corresponds with American friends she met in Majorca nine years ago.她与九年前在马略卡岛认识的美国朋友依然有书信往来。外研社新世纪〔correspond〕Ten pm London time corresponds to 5 pm in Philadelphia.伦敦时间的晚上十点相当于费城的下午五点。外研社新世纪〔correspond〕The American FBI corresponds to the British MI5.美国的联邦调查局相当于英国的军情五处。剑桥高阶〔correspond〕The British job of Lecturer corresponds roughly to the US Associate Professor.英国的讲师职位大致相当于美国的副教授。牛津高阶〔correspond〕The French 'baccalaureat' exam roughly corresponds to British A levels.法国的毕业会考大致相当于英国的高级程度考试。朗文当代〔correspond〕The U. S. Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.美国的国会相当于英国的议会。英汉大词典〔correspond〕The description of these events corresponds closely to other accounts written at the time.对这些事件的描述与当时的其他记录非常吻合。朗文当代〔correspond〕The money I've saved corresponds roughly to the amount I need for my plane ticket.我存的钱大致够我买机票所需。剑桥高阶〔correspond〕The movement of the dot on the screen corresponds exactly with the movement of the control lever.屏幕上圆点的移动与控制杆的移动完全一致。牛津搭配〔correspond〕The wing of a bird corresponds to the arm of a man.鸟的翅膀相当于人的胳臂。21世纪英汉〔correspond〕The word corresponds roughly in meaning to our 'homesickness'.这个词的意思大致相当于我们的“思乡”一词。牛津搭配〔correspond〕This closely corresponds to the wording of the existing law.这和现有法律的措词非常接近。麦克米伦高阶〔cost-of-living adjustment〕An adjustment made in wages that corresponds with a change in the cost of living.生活费用调整:根据生活费用变化对工资进行的调整美国传统〔duplicate〕One that corresponds exactly to another, especially an original.复制品:同另一物(尤指原件)完全一致的东西美国传统〔f-stop〕A camera lens aperture setting that corresponds to an f-number.f制光圈:以f表示的调节照相机镜头的孔径的装置美国传统〔original〕See that the copy exactly corresponds with the original.务必使复制品与原件一致。英汉大词典〔parallelism〕Philosophy The doctrine that to every mental change there corresponds a concomitant but causally unconnected physical alteration.【哲学】 并行论:一种认为每一个精神变化都有一个随之而来但并非与之直接联系的生理变化的学说美国传统〔parish〕An administrative subdivision in Louisiana that corresponds to a county in other U.S. states.堂区:美国路易斯安那州的一个相当于美国其它州的县的划区美国传统〔relevant〕The scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research.那个科学家和同事们相互通信以了解和她自己的研究有关的事。美国传统〔surface structure〕In generative grammar, the structure that corresponds with the actual form of a sentence.表层结构:生成语法中与句子实际形式相符的结构美国传统〔tally〕Something that is very similar or corresponds to something else; a double or counterpart.相似物对应物:和某一事物很相似或相应的某个事物;完全相似的事物或对等物美国传统〔thorax〕A part in other vertebrates that corresponds to the human thorax.胸部:其它脊椎动物的身体上和人胸部相应的部位美国传统〔ward〕The notch cut into a key that corresponds to such a ridge.钥匙的榫槽:钥匙上切割出的对应锁眼的凸槽美国传统Internal equity is achieved if the employee's pay corresponds to their responsibilities.如果员工的薪酬与其责任相当,内部公平就实现了。牛津商务The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament. 美国国会相当于英国议会。译典通The U.S. State Department corresponds largely to the British Foreign Office. 美国的国务院大体上与英国的外交部相当。译典通The money corresponds roughly to the amount I need for my course.这笔钱大致够我上学所需。剑桥国际The software instantly displays the customer profile that corresponds to the caller's phone number.软件能立刻显示与来电者电话号码相符的顾客档案。牛津商务

