
单词 categorized
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GROUP〕The hotels are categorized according to the standard of the rooms and services they offer. 宾馆根据它们所提供的客房和服务的标准分类。朗文写作活用〔TYPE〕Dali was categorized as a surrealist painter. 达利被归为超现实主义画家。朗文写作活用〔TYPE〕Forecasts suggest that by the year 2010, only about 30 percent of U.S. households will be categorized as middle class. 预测显示,到2010年只有大约百分之三十的美国家庭会被列为中产阶级。朗文写作活用〔branch〕A division of a family, categorized by descent from a particular ancestor.家族支系:家族的分支,由特定祖先的后裔分类美国传统〔categorize〕Animals can be categorized according to the kind of food they eat.动物可以根据其所吃的食物来分类。外研社新世纪〔categorize〕Birds are categorized by type in this field guide.这本野外指南按类型对鸟进行分类。韦氏高阶〔categorize〕His latest work cannot be categorized as either a novel or an autobiography.他最近的作品既不属于小说也不属于自传。牛津高阶〔categorize〕Keene doesn't like to be categorized as a socialist.基恩不喜欢人们把他归类为社会主义者。朗文当代〔categorize〕Participants were categorized according to age.参加者按年龄分组。牛津高阶〔categorize〕The books are categorized into beginner and advanced.这些书分为入门级和高级。剑桥高阶〔categorize〕The employees are categorized as support personnel.这些员工被归为辅助人员。牛津搭配〔categorize〕The population is categorized according to age, sex, and social group.人口根据年龄、性别和社会群体进行了分类。朗文当代〔categorize〕Their opinions can be categorized as conservative.他们的观点可以归为保守派的。韦氏高阶〔categorize〕Three quarters of the factory buildings are categorized as obsolete.四分之三的厂房被划定为陈旧建筑物。英汉大词典〔hierarchy〕The group so categorized.等级森严的组织:按上述办法划分的集团美国传统〔loosely〕Loosely speaking, parents can be categorized into three groups: prescriptive, lenient and inconsistent parents.概括地讲, 父母可以分为三种:说一不二型、宽厚仁慈型和反复无常型。外研社新世纪Organizations can be categorized into the following groups.机构可以分为下列几类。牛津商务The books are categorized into large and small, illustrated and unillustrated, children's and adults'.这些书籍被归为几类: 大开本和小开本的,带插图的和不带插图的,儿童读物和成人读物。剑桥国际

