
单词 alphabet
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABC〕Often ABC's The alphabet. 常作 ABC's 字母表美国传统〔BEFORE〕In the Greek alphabet, the letter delta comes before the letter epsilon. 在希腊字母表中,字母δ在ε之前。朗文写作活用〔Devanagari〕The alphabet in which Sanskrit and many modern Indian languages are written.梵文:梵语和许多现代印度语言书写用的字母系统美国传统〔ITA〕Initial teaching alphabet.最初的教学字母表美国传统〔Kufic〕Relating to or being an angular form of the Arabic alphabet used in making fine copies of the Koran.库法字体的:用来抄写《古兰经》精抄本的一种带棱角的阿拉伯字母字体的,或与其有关的美国传统〔ORDER〕Can you say the alphabet backwards? 你能倒过来背字母表吗?朗文写作活用〔Romanize〕Often romanize To write or transliterate in the Latin alphabet. 常作 romanize 用拉丁字母书写或翻译美国传统〔Roman〕Of or using the Latin alphabet.罗马字母的:属于或使用拉丁字母的美国传统〔Serbian〕Serbo-Croatian as spoken in Serbia and adjacent regions of Yugoslavia, written in a Cyrillic alphabet.塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语:在塞尔维亚和南斯拉夫的相邻地区说的,用西里尔字母写的塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语美国传统〔Urdu〕An Indic language that is the official literary language of Pakistan. It is written in an Arabic alphabet and is also widely used in India, chiefly by Moslems.乌尔都语:巴基斯坦官方书面语言的印度语。用阿拉伯字母书写,在印度被广泛使用,其主要使用者为穆斯林美国传统〔abecedarian〕Having to do with the alphabet.字母表的美国传统〔abecedarian〕One who teaches or studies the alphabet.教字母者,学字母者美国传统〔after〕D comes after C in the alphabet.在字母表里, D出现在C之后。外研社新世纪〔after〕N comes after M in the alphabet.字母表中N排在M之后。麦克米伦高阶〔alphabetical〕Of, relating to, or expressed by an alphabet.字母表的:字母表的,用字母表示的或与之相关的美国传统〔alphabetize〕To supply with an alphabet.用字母表示美国传统〔alphabet〕By two and a half he knew his alphabet.两岁半时他已认识全部字母。外研社新世纪〔alphabet〕By two and a half he knew the alphabet.两岁半时他已认识全部字母。柯林斯高阶〔alphabet〕Out of all the letters in the alphabet, 'e' is used the most.在字母表的所有字母中, e是使用频率最高的。外研社新世纪〔alphabet〕The English alphabet has 26 letters.英语共有26个字母。英汉大词典〔alphabet〕The Roman alphabet begins with “A” and ends with “Z.” 罗马字母表从A开始,到Z结束。韦氏高阶〔alphabet〕The children were learning the alphabet.孩子们正在学习字母表。外研社新世纪〔alphabet〕The modern Russian alphabet has 31 letters.现代俄语字母表有31个字母。柯林斯高阶〔antepenultimate〕X is the antepenultimate letter of the alphabet.X是字母表中的倒数第三个字母。剑桥高阶〔ascribable〕The alphabet is usually ascribed to the phoenicians.通常把字母表归因于腓尼基人。21世纪英汉〔assign〕Assign the letters of the alphabet their numerical values — A equals 1, B equals 2, etc.给字母表里的每个字母赋予相应的数值——A等于1,B等于2,等等。柯林斯高阶〔a〕The first letter of the modern English alphabet.A字母:现代英语字母表中第一个字母美国传统〔before〕The letter K comes before L in the English alphabet.在英语字母表中,K排在L前面。剑桥高阶〔began〕The letters AB begin the alphabet.在字母表中AB是头两个字母。21世纪英汉〔begin with〕The English alphabet begins with A.英语字母表的第一个字母是A。21世纪英汉〔begin〕The English alphabet begins with A and ends with Z.英语字母表从字母A开始,到字母Z结束。韦氏高阶〔begin〕The letter A begins the alphabet.在字母表中A是第一个字母。英汉大词典〔between〕Q comes between P and R in the English alphabet.英语字母表中,Q 在 P 和 R 之间。牛津高阶〔b〕The second letter of the modern English alphabet.B字母:现代英语字母表中的第二个字母美国传统〔come〕P comes before Q in the alphabet.字母表中 P 在 Q 之前。朗文当代〔come〕The alphabet might be more rational if all the vowels came first.如果把所有的元音列在前面,字母表可能会更为合理一些。柯林斯高阶〔come〕Z comes after Y in the alphabet.在英语字母表中,Z排在Y之后。剑桥高阶〔converse〕The converse order of the English alphabet is from “z” to “a”.把英语字母表的顺序倒过来就是从“z”到“a”。英汉大词典〔c〕The third letter of the modern English alphabet.C字母:现代英语字母表的第三个字母美国传统〔dactylology〕The use of the fingers and hands to communicate and convey ideas, as in the manual alphabet used by hearing-impaired and speech-impaired people.手语:用手指和手来交流和表达思想,如听说有障碍的人所用的手势语字母表美国传统〔d〕The fourth letter of the modern English alphabet.字母D:现代英语字母表中的第四个字母美国传统〔e〕The fifth letter of the modern English alphabet.E字母:现代英语字母表中第五个字母美国传统〔fingerspelling〕Communication by means of a manual alphabet.手语交谈:通过手势字母进行的交流美国传统〔futhark〕The common Germanic runic alphabet.北欧古字母表:通用的日耳曼语族如尼文字母表美国传统〔f〕The sixth letter of the modern English alphabet.字母F:现代英语字母表的第六个字母美国传统〔grapheme〕A letter of an alphabet.字母,字素:字母表的一个字母美国传统〔g〕The seventh letter of the modern English alphabet.G字母:现代英语字母表的第七个字母美国传统〔h〕The eighth letter of the modern English alphabet.H字母:现代英语字母表中的第八个字母美国传统〔in unison〕The children recited the alphabet in unison.孩子们齐声背诵字母表。韦氏高阶〔i〕The ninth letter of the modern English alphabet.I字母:现代英语字母表中的第九个字母美国传统〔j〕The tenth letter of the modern English alphabet.J字母:现代英语字母表中的第十个字母美国传统〔last〕Z is the last letter of the alphabet.Z是最末的字母。牛津同义词〔letterform〕The development or design of the shape of an alphabet letter.字体:字母表中字母形状的发展或设计美国传统〔letter〕A written symbol or character representing a speech sound and being a component of an alphabet.字母:一种书写符号或代表一个语音的特征,是字母表的组成部分美国传统〔letter〕There are 26 letters in the English alphabet.英语字母表中有26个字母。英汉大词典〔letter〕There are 26 letters in the English alphabet.英语字母表有 26 个字母。朗文当代〔manual alphabet〕An alphabet used for communication by hearing-impaired people in which finger positions represent the letters.手语字母表:听力有障碍的人之间用于交流的一种字母表,用手指的位置来表示字母美国传统〔ninth〕The ninth letter of the alphabet is I.字母表中第9个字母是 I。剑桥高阶〔ogham〕A character used in this alphabet.欧甘字母:用于这种字母系统的字母美国传统〔ogham〕A stone inscribed in the ogham alphabet.欧甘石碑:铭刻有这种文字的石头美国传统〔ogham〕An inscription in the ogham alphabet.欧甘铭文:用这种字母系统书写的铭文美国传统〔organized〕The letters had been placed in organized piles, one for each letter of the alphabet.信件已经按字母顺序、每个字母一摞地放得整整齐齐。剑桥高阶〔pangram〕A sentence that uses all the letters of the alphabet.全字母短句:使用字母表中所有字母的句子美国传统〔phonetic〕Pronunciations are shown in this dictionary using the International Phonetic Alphabet.这本词典使用国际音标标注读音。剑桥高阶〔phonetic〕This dictionary uses the International Phonetic Alphabet.这本词典采用国际音标。韦氏高阶〔phonogram〕A character or symbol, as in a phonetic alphabet, representing a word or phoneme in speech.音符:在语音中代表词或音的字母或符号,如在音标中美国传统〔point system〕Any of various systems of printing or writing for sightless people, as Braille, that uses an alphabet of raised symbols or dots that correspond to letters.盲文点字体系:一种为盲人设计的印刷或书写体系,如布莱叶点字法,它用一种隆起的符号或圆点所组成的字母与字母对应美国传统〔precedable〕M precedes N in the alphabet.在字母表上M在N的前面。21世纪英汉〔precede〕A precedes B in the alphabet.字母表上 A 在B前。英汉大词典〔representation〕The letters of the alphabet are representations of sounds.字母表中的字母表示不同的语音。韦氏高阶〔represent〕Letters of the alphabet represent sounds.字母表中的字母意指发音美国传统〔respell〕To spell again or in a new way, especially by using a phonetic alphabet.重拼:重新或以新的方式拼写,尤指通过使用音标美国传统〔reverse〕Can you say the alphabet in reverse order? 你能倒背字母表吗?韦氏高阶〔rune〕A similar character in another alphabet, sometimes believed to have magic powers.神秘性的字母:另外的字母表中的类似字母,有时被认为具有魔力美国传统〔second〕B is the second letter in the alphabet.*B是字母表中的第二个字母。韦氏高阶〔speedwriting〕A form of shorthand that uses letters of the alphabet instead of symbols.速记法:不使用符号而使用字母的一种速记形式美国传统〔start〕The alphabet starts with A.字母表从字母A起首。英汉大词典〔start〕The English alphabet starts with A and ends with Z.英语字母表从A开始,以Z结束。韦氏高阶〔third〕C is the third letter in the alphabet.*C是字母表中的第三个字母。韦氏高阶〔transcribe〕Transcribing the Ethiopian text into the English alphabet was their first task.把埃塞俄比亚原文转换成英文是他们的第一项任务。剑桥高阶〔transliterate〕On the road signs, the Greek place names have been transliterated into the Roman alphabet.在路牌上,希腊地名被音译成了拉丁字母。剑桥高阶〔transliterate〕To represent (letters or words) in the corresponding characters of another alphabet.表示:用另一个字母表中的对应字母来表示(字母或词)美国传统He taught himself the alphabet of biology. 他自学了生物学的基础知识。译典通In this dictionary, pronunciations are shown in the International Phonetic Alphabet.在这本词字典里发音用国际音标标出。剑桥国际On the road signs, the Greek place names have been transliterated into the Latin alphabet, sometimes in several different ways.在路牌上,希腊地名用拉丁字母译出,有时候以几种不同的方法译出。剑桥国际Pronunciations are shown in this dictionary using the International Phonetic Alphabet, which is a standard system.这本字典的读音由国际音表标出,这是一个标准体系。剑桥国际Russian and Bulgarian are written in the Cyrillic alphabet.俄语和保加利亚语用西里尔字母来书写。剑桥国际The English alphabet has 26 letters. 英语共有二十六个字母。译典通The Urdu language has thirty-seven letters in its alphabet.乌尔都语的字母表中有37个字母。剑桥国际The Wade-Giles transliteration of Chinese characters into the Roman alphabet has been replaced by Pinyin.把汉字译成罗马字母的韦得--贾尔斯音译已由拼音代替了。剑桥国际The first letter in the English Alphabet is A. 英语字母表中的第一个字母是A。译典通The letters had been placed in organized piles, one for each letter of the alphabet.信已经被有序地存放起来了,按字母表的顺序排列。剑桥国际The pronunciations in this dictionary are given in the International Phonetic Alphabet.这本词典中的发音按照国际音标标出。剑桥国际There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母有二十六个。译典通Transcribing the Ethiopian text into the English alphabet was their first task.把埃塞俄比亚原文转换成英文字母是他们的首项任务。剑桥国际

