
单词 adult
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADULT〕Since I left school, my parents have started to treat me like an adult. 自从我离开学校后,父母就开始把我当大人看待了。朗文写作活用〔ADVANTAGE〕Children have several advantages over adults when it comes to learning another language. 学习其他语言的时候,儿童比成人有更多优势。朗文写作活用〔ARMY〕Moore has been a soldier for most of his adult life. 穆尔成年后大部分时间都在部队里当兵。朗文写作活用〔ARTIFICIAL〕Nearly a third of adults in the UK have false teeth. 在英国将近有三分之一的成年人都装了假牙。朗文写作活用〔COST〕There's an admission charge for adults, but children get into the museum free. 成年人要买门票,但小孩子进博物馆免费。朗文写作活用〔EVERYWHERE〕The adults sat on the porch while the children ran here, there, and everywhere. 大人坐在门廊上,小孩子到处跑。朗文写作活用〔EXIST〕The disease occurs mainly in children, but can also occur in adults. 这种疾病主要发生在儿童身上,但也会发生在大人身上。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕The adult female lays large clusters of eggs. 成年雌体产下大堆大堆的卵。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕It was thought that the skull was too small and light to belong to an adult male. 有人认为,这个头骨太小太轻,不是属于成年男性的。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕Soon the skin of the pupa splits open, and the fully-formed adult butterfly emerges. 不久,蛹皮裂开,完全成形的蝴蝶成虫破蛹而出。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Much of his adult life has been marked by sexual repression and feelings of guilt. 他成年生活的大部分时间都处于性压抑和愧疚的心情之中。朗文写作活用〔ITP〕ITP can be more serious in adults than children.特发性血小板减少性紫癜在成人中比在儿童中可以更严重。剑桥高阶〔LIFE〕The first half of my adult life was spent in jail. 我成年后前半段的时间是在狱中度过的。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕The chances of a healthy adult contracting the disease are negligible. 健康的成年人感染此病的可能性微乎其微。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕Children under 17 will only be admitted in the company of a parent or adult guardian. 17岁以下的儿童须由一名家长或成年监护人陪同才可入内。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕Admission prices are £6 for adults, £5 for senior citizens and £3 for children. 入场费成人六英镑,老年人五英镑,儿童三英镑。朗文写作活用〔REGULAR/REGULARLY〕More than 60% of adults drink wine on a regular basis. 60%以上的成年人定期喝酒。朗文写作活用〔REJECT〕As an adult, she rejected her Catholic upbringing. 成年后她摒弃了自己的天主教教养。朗文写作活用〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕The government needs to do more to fund adult education for the unemployed. 政府需要作出更大努力,资助失业人士接受成人教育。朗文写作活用〔SENSIBLE〕I'm a responsible adult. I can make my own choices. 我是一个负责的成年人,我自己的事情可以自己做选择。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕In most cultures, sexual relations between adults and children are totally unacceptable. 在大多数文化里,成人和儿童之间的性关系是绝对不能接受的。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕The way adults behave is sometimes mystifying to children. 大人的行为有时令小孩子费解。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕Older adults who exercise are mentally sharper than their couch potato peers. 与终日看电视的同龄人相比,有锻炼习惯的老人思维更敏捷。朗文写作活用〔TRUE〕We encourage the kids in the program to work together, and the same thing goes for the adults too. 我们鼓励参加这项计划的儿童互相合作,对成年人也同样如此。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕The Internet has affected the everyday existence of children and adults in all walks of life. 互联网影响了社会各阶层的儿童和成人的日常生活。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕The show draws a mixed audience of children and adults. 这次演出吸引了各类观众,有小孩也有大人。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕Over 15 percent of adults have never learned to write. 15%以上的成年人从未学过写字。朗文写作活用〔accommodation〕The boat provides reasonable overnight accommodations for four adults.这艘小船可为 4 个成年人提供一晚上不错的食宿。牛津搭配〔accompany〕Ten adults accompanied the class on their field trip.十位成年人陪同全班进行了野外考察。韦氏高阶〔accustomed〕I was accustomed to being the only child at a table full of adults.我习惯于作为唯一的孩子坐在满桌大人中间。外研社新世纪〔accustomed〕I was accustomed to being the only child at a table full of adults.我已经习惯了作为唯一一个小不点坐在一桌大人中间。柯林斯高阶〔acromegaly〕A chronic disease of adults marked by enlargement of the bones of the extremities, face, and jaw that is caused by overactivity of the pituitary gland.肢端肥大症:由于脑下垂体过于活跃而在成年人中引起的一种慢性疾病,常表现为四肢骨骼、脸和下巴的增大美国传统〔admission〕The admission price is $8 for adults.成人入场费是8美元。外研社新世纪〔adult education〕Most adult education centres offer computing courses.大多数成教中心都设有计算机课程。柯林斯高阶〔adult education〕The university offers a popular program of adult education.这所大学提供了一门颇受欢迎的成人教育课程。韦氏高阶〔adult〕Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.14岁以下的儿童必须由成人陪同。柯林斯高阶〔adult〕I have spent most of my adult life abroad.我成年后大部分时间在国外生活。外研社新世纪〔adult〕I simply can't believe that responsible adults allowed a child to wander the streets.我简直不相信任何有责任感的成年人会让一个孩子在街上游荡。牛津搭配〔adult〕Only adults can purchase alcohol.只有成年人可以买酒。韦氏高阶〔adult〕Some children find it difficult to talk to adults.一些孩子觉得与大人很难谈得来。朗文当代〔adult〕The adults have white bodies and grey backs.这些成年的动物身体为白色,背部为灰色。朗文当代〔adult〕The film is rated R for language and adult themes.这部影片因为语言和成人题材而被定为限制级。朗文当代〔adult〕This film is for adults only. Minors are not admitted.这部影片仅限成年人观看。未成年人不得入内。韦氏高阶〔adult〕What consenting adults do in private is their own business.到了法定性成熟年龄的成年人私下里做什么是他们自己的事。牛津搭配〔adult〕When my parents split up, it was all very adult and open.我父母离异时,事情处理得很成熟、很开放。牛津高阶〔amphibiotic〕Living in water during an early stage of development and on land during the adult stage.水陆两栖的:在发育的早期水生而成年期陆生的美国传统〔analyst〕My analyst told me to try to find my inner adult.我的精神分析医师告诉我要努力找到自己内在的成人心态。外研社新世纪〔ant lion〕Any of various insects of the family Myrmeleontidae, the adults of which resemble dragonflies.蚁蛉:一种蚁蛉科昆虫,其成虫与蜻蜓相似美国传统〔apt〕Adolescents are more apt to take risks than adults are.青少年比成年人更喜欢冒险。韦氏高阶〔archly〕Adult actors were archly pretending to be children.成人演员们故意装成孩子的模样。外研社新世纪〔baby〕An adult or a young person who behaves in an infantile way.孩子气的人:行为表现出孩子气的成年人或年轻人美国传统〔became〕Children become adults.儿童长大成人。21世纪英汉〔bite〕An adult conger eel can easily bite through a man's leg.成年的康吉鳗不费力就能咬穿人腿。朗文当代〔boar〕The adult male of any of several mammals, such as the beaver, raccoon, or guinea pig.雄性动物:雄哺乳动物,如海狸、浣熊、豚鼠等美国传统〔booster seat〕A car seat for small children that lifts the child by several inches, designed for use with an adult seat belt.辅助车座椅:供小孩坐的汽车座椅,可以升高几英寸,和成人座椅带一起用美国传统〔bounce back〕Children often seem to bounce back from illness more quickly than adults do.孩子通常比成人病后恢复得更快。剑桥高阶〔bull〕An adult male bovine mammal.公牛:成熟的雄牛美国传统〔can〕Children cannot be expected to act like adults.不能指望孩子表现得像成年人一样。外研社新世纪〔caregiver〕An individual, such as a parent, foster parent, or head of a household, who attends to the needs of a child or dependent adult.关心者,操心者:具有照料小孩或未独立成人的需要的个人,如家长,养父(母)或户主美国传统〔cercaria〕The parasitic larva of a trematode worm, having a tail that disappears in the adult stage.尾动幼虫,摇尾幼虫:吸虫纲虫的寄生幼虫,其尾在成虫阶段消失美国传统〔clinically〕One quarter of all adults in the country are clinically obese.该国成年人中有四分之一属于临床性肥胖。外研社新世纪〔cloister〕He had been cloistered in a college all his adult life.自他成年以来, 他一直隐居在一所大学里。外研社新世纪〔cockhorse〕Something used as a toy horse, such as the knee of an adult or a rocking horse.玩具马,摇摇马:用作玩具马的东西,例如成年人的膝或摇木马美国传统〔competently〕Most adults do not feel competent to deal with a medical emergency involving a child.大部分成年人不懂得如何对儿童实施急救。柯林斯高阶〔concession〕Adults £2.50, concessions £2, family £5 成人、优惠、家庭票价分别为 2.50 英镑、2 英镑、5 英镑。牛津高阶〔conscription〕All adult males will be liable for conscription.所有成年男性都有义务服兵役。外研社新世纪〔consenting〕What consenting adults do in private is their own business.已达承诺年龄的成年人私下进行的活动是他们自己的事。柯林斯高阶〔continuing education〕Instructional courses designed especially for part-time, adult students.成人教育:专为非全日性成人学员设计的教育课程美国传统〔contract〕Two-thirds of the adult population there has contracted AIDS.那里的成年人当中有三分之二染上了艾滋病。朗文当代〔conversation〕Children quickly get bored by adult conversation.儿童对成年人的谈话很快就会厌倦。朗文当代〔corporate〕All adults take corporate responsibility for the upbringing of the tribe's children.部落里所有成年人集体承担抚养孩子的责任。剑桥高阶〔countertenor〕An adult male voice with a range above that of tenor.男声最高音:高于男高音的一种男音区美国传统〔course〕His adult life mirrored the downward course of his father's life.他成年后的生活反映出他父亲的生活在走下坡路。外研社新世纪〔cut〕Having a new baby can cut a young mother off from the adult world.有了一个新生儿会使年轻的母亲和成人世界相隔离。麦克米伦高阶〔decrease〕Attacks of asthma decrease in frequency through early adult life.成年早期,哮喘的发病频率会降低。朗文当代〔devoted〕The majority of her adult life was devoted to the relief of suffering.她的绝大部分成年生活都投入到了解救苦难的工作中。麦克米伦高阶〔diaper〕A similar piece of material, worn by incontinent adults.成人尿布:失禁成年人穿着的类似物品美国传统〔distinction〕The Act makes no distinction between children and adults (=it treats them as if they were the same).这条法令对待儿童和成年人没有区别。朗文当代〔distinction〕The new law makes no distinction between adults and children(= treats them equally).这项新法规对成人和孩子同样适用。牛津高阶〔down〕Fine, soft, fluffy feathers forming the first plumage of a young bird and underlying the contour feathers in certain adult birds.绒毛:雏鸟出生时全身羽毛的松软细密羽毛,某些成鸟的廓羽下的松软细密羽毛美国传统〔draw〕The law draws a distinction between children and adults.法律区分儿童和成人。麦克米伦高阶〔eclosion〕The emergence of an adult insect from a pupal case or an insect larva from an egg.孵化:成虫从蛹中孵出来,或幼虫从卵中孵化出来美国传统〔embittered〕He had turned into an embittered, hardened adult.他长大后成了一个愤世嫉俗、铁石心肠的人。外研社新世纪〔eventually〕Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult.最后,你的孩子会离开家,作为一个完全独立的成年人过她自己的生活。柯林斯高阶〔feel〕Children don't seem to feel the cold as much as adults do.孩子们似乎不像成年人那么怕冷。麦克米伦高阶〔fetus〕The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.胎:基本结构与成年动物相似的胎生脊椎动物未出生的幼子美国传统〔focus〕A lot of young adults seem to lack focus in their lives.许多青年人在生活中似乎缺少明确的目标。麦克米伦高阶〔form〕Two weeks later the moth will emerge in its adult form.两周后飞蛾就会变成成虫形态。牛津搭配〔full-fledged〕Having fully developed adult plumage.羽毛长全的美国传统〔get across〕She gets across to children, but not to adults.她能让小孩子明白自己的意思, 但跟大人说不清。外研社新世纪〔golden age〕Adults often look back on their childhood as a golden age.成年人常常追忆童年时代,认为那是他们最美好的岁月。剑桥高阶〔grow into〕Despite her upbringing, she grew into a healthy, normal adult.尽管成长环境不好, 她还是长成了一个健康、正常的人。外研社新世纪〔hair seal〕Any of various seals of the family Phocidae, having a stiff, hairlike coat in the adult and ears visible only as small indentations.粗毛海豹:一种海豹科的海豹,成年有坚硬的发状皮毛,它们的耳朵仅可见为很小的凹口美国传统〔hen〕A female bird, especially the adult female of the domestic fowl.母鸡:一种雌鸟,尤指此种家禽中已成熟的雌性美国传统〔homomorphism〕Zoology A resemblance in form between the immature and adult stages of an animal.【动物学】 成幼同型:一种动物在未成熟阶段与成年阶段外形的相似美国传统〔horse〕An adult male horse; a stallion.成年的公马;种马美国传统〔household〕Becoming an adult and setting up a household no longer mean the same thing.长大成人与成家立户已不再是一回事了。牛津搭配〔hypnosis〕Bevin is now an adult and has relived her birth experience under hypnosis.贝文现在是个成年人了,她在催眠状态下重温了自己的出生过程。柯林斯高阶〔immature〕The flock included both adult and immature birds.鸟群中既有成年鸟也有雏鸟。韦氏高阶〔immune〕Most adults are immune to Rubella.大多数成人对风疹具有免疫力。柯林斯高阶〔implant〕There is much debate on the issue of "therapists" implanting false memories of sexual abuse in adults.有些“理疗师”给成年人植入有关性虐待的虚假记忆,对此现在有很多争议。剑桥高阶〔impunity〕The child cannot express his hatred of adults with impunity.这孩子要表达对成人的憎恨就难免要受罚了。外研社新世纪〔initiate〕In many societies, young people are formally initiated into their adult roles.在很多社会里,年轻人经过正式仪式才算成年。柯林斯高阶〔intend〕The author intended the book for adults.作者编写这本书是给成年人看的。韦氏高阶〔intend〕The book was intended for adults.这本书是给成人看的。韦氏高阶〔intend〕The movie is intended for adults only.这部电影只供成年人观看。21世纪英汉〔in〕One in twelve of the adult population suffers from stress.每12个成人中就有一人受到精神紧张的折磨。麦克米伦高阶〔jump〕The movie is about his adult life, but it keeps jumping (back) to when he was a child.这部电影讲述的是他成年后的生活,但不断跳回到他的孩提时代。剑桥高阶〔karakul〕Any of a breed of Central Asian sheep having a wide tail and wool that is curled and glossy in the young but wiry and coarse in the adult.卡拉库耳大尾羊:中亚产的一种绵羊,生有宽大的尾。幼羊的毛卷曲光滑,长成后羊毛硬直粗糙美国传统〔learner〕Learners must be supervised by adults who are at least 21 years old.学员必须由21岁及以上的成年人监督。外研社新世纪〔learn〕Children mainly learn by copying adults.儿童主要通过模仿成人习得经验。麦克米伦高阶〔life〕Adults need to live their own lives and that's difficult with children.成年人需要过他们自己的生活, 但有了孩子就很难做到了。外研社新世纪〔life〕He lived most of his adult life in prison.成年时期麦克米伦高阶〔literacy〕Far more resources are needed to improve adult literacy.提高成年人的读写能力所需要的资源还远远不够。剑桥高阶〔lose〕Babies lose heat much faster than adults.婴儿身体热量的流失比成人要快很多。外研社新世纪〔male〕What percentage of the adult male population is unemployed? 成年男性中的失业比例是多少?剑桥高阶〔manhood〕Adult males considered as a group; men.男子:作为一个整体的成年男子;男人们美国传统〔manhood〕The state or time of being an adult male human being.成年期:处于成年男子的状态或时期美国传统〔mature〕You and I are mature, freethinking adults.你和我都是心态成熟、思想自由的成年人。外研社新世纪〔max〕The car can seat five adults, but that's the max. The movie was boring to the max.车里最多能坐五个成人。电影乏味到了极点美国传统〔meantime〕Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult, but in the meantime she relies on your support.你的孩子最终将长大成人,完全独立,离开家过自己的生活,不过在此期间她会靠你帮助。柯林斯高阶〔measure ... against〕I measured myself not against adults but against age-mates.我不与成年人较量而与同年龄的伙伴相比衡量自己。21世纪英汉〔miniature〕Through play, children act out in miniature the dramas of adult life.通过游戏,孩子们演出了成年人生活的缩影。牛津高阶〔minor〕Law Being under legal age; not yet a legal adult.【法律】 未成年的:在法定年龄以下的;尚未成为法律上认可的成年人美国传统〔moderation〕Many adults are able to drink in moderation, but others become dependent on alcohol.许多成年人饮酒都能够适度,但是另一些人却嗜酒成性。柯林斯高阶〔more〕Children can often do these puzzles more easily than adults.儿童做这些益智游戏往往会比成年人轻松。朗文当代〔mudflats〕Most of the adult birds have gone off to the mudflats of the Wadden Sea.多数成鸟都已经离开此处到沃登海的潮泥滩去了。外研社新世纪〔nostalgic〕A lot of adults feel nostalgic about their childhood.很多成年人怀念他们的童年时代。麦克米伦高阶〔open-mouthed〕The finale had 50,000 adults standing in open-mouthed wonderment.终场一幕让50,000名成年观众惊叹得张大嘴站了起来。柯林斯高阶〔opinion poll〕An opinion poll showed that 70% of adults were against legalizing drugs.民意调查显示,有 70% 的成年人反对使毒品合法化。朗文当代〔pelvimetry〕Measurement of the dimensions and capacity of the pelvis, especially of the adult female pelvis.骨盆测量:尤指对成年女性骨盆容积的测量美国传统〔perk〕At 15 I looked forward to the perks of adult life.15岁的时候我就期盼着长大成人的好处了。麦克米伦高阶〔pitch〕If you teach children and adults in the same class, it's difficult to get the pitch (= level of difficulty or interest) right.如果你把孩子和成人放在同一个班级里教,就很难完全找出适合学生的难度和他们的兴趣。剑桥高阶〔place〕One of the reasons that adults don't like young people is that they don't know their place.成年人之所以不喜欢年轻人,其原因之一就是年轻人不知天高地厚。英汉大词典〔plasticity〕Children have greater plasticity than adults.孩子的可塑性比成年人强。外研社新世纪〔prerogative〕Voting is the prerogative of adult citizens.选举权是成年公民的特权。英汉大词典〔proportion〕Children tend to have relatively larger heads than adults in proportion to the rest of their body.与成人相比,儿童头部占整个身体的比例相对较大。柯林斯高阶〔psychosomatic〕Children are just as susceptible to psychosomatic conditions as adults.儿童和成人一样易患由精神压力引起的疾病。朗文当代〔puerilism〕Childish behavior in an adult, especially as a symptom of mental illness.幼稚行为:尤指作为一种精神病的成年人的孩子气行为美国传统〔pupa〕The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter.蛹蛰伏在土壤中,直到冬天它们才蜕变成蛾子飞出来。柯林斯高阶〔qualitatively〕There are qualitative differences in the way children and adults think.孩子和成年人的思维方式有质的不同。柯林斯高阶〔quit〕Quit yourselves like adults.让自己的举止象个成人美国传统〔rank〕More older adults are choosing to join the ranks of college students.越来越多的老年人选择加入大学生行列。韦氏高阶〔ratio〕The adult to child ratio is 1 to 6.成人与儿童的比例为1比6。柯林斯高阶〔realistic〕As an adult, you can assess the situation realistically.作为一个成年人,你能现实地评估局势。柯林斯高阶〔reassert〕The adults had reasserted their old authority.成人重申了他们由来已久的权威。外研社新世纪〔responsible〕Children should be in the care of a responsible adult.儿童要由有责任心的成年人照看。朗文当代〔restraint〕Children must use an approved child restraint or adult seat belt.儿童必须使用经过认可的儿童安全带或成人座椅安全带。牛津高阶〔restrict〕Membership of the club is restricted to adults.本俱乐部会员仅限于成年人。21世纪英汉〔roam about〕The problem lies with adults who let them roam about and do what they like.问题在于大人, 他们让小孩到处乱跑, 为所欲为。外研社新世纪〔size〕Only a limited number of the fish will grow to reach adult size.这种鱼只有少数能生长到成鱼尺寸。牛津搭配〔slant〕He wrote a novel which slanted toward young adults.他为年轻人写了一本小说。21世纪英汉〔sow〕An adult female hog.大母猪美国传统〔sow〕The adult female of several other animals, such as the bear.其他雌性成年动物,如大母熊美国传统〔spatially〕Children are more spatially aware, and much better at puzzles than adults.儿童的空间感更好, 在玩拼图方面远胜成年人。外研社新世纪〔specify〕One rule specifies that learner drivers must be supervised by adults.一条规则明确规定,见习驾驶员必须有成人的监督。柯林斯高阶〔splitting〕It also recommended the splitting of the hospice's adult and children's services into two.还有人建议把收容所分为成年人部和儿童部。外研社新世纪〔stag〕The adult male of various deer, especially the red deer.成年牡鹿,尤指赤牡鹿美国传统〔stallion〕An adult male horse that has not been castrated, especially one kept for breeding.牡马:未阉割的成年雄马,尤指用来繁殖后代的种马美国传统〔subject matter〕The movie has been rated 'R' due to adult subject matter.这部影片因其成人题材而被列为限制级。朗文当代〔survive〕Very few of the children survived into adult life.那些儿童很少有活到成年的。牛津搭配〔survivor〕I recommended that she join a self-help group of adult survivors.我建议她加入一个成年人不幸遭遇受害者自助小组。外研社新世纪〔susceptible〕Salt intake may lead to raised blood pressure in susceptible adults.盐的摄入可能导致易病的成年人血压升高。牛津高阶〔sweat〕Don't sweat Vanessa; she's an adult.别为温内莎担心,她已经是个大姑娘了。21世纪英汉〔teach〕John teaches English to adult learners.约翰教授成人英语。麦克米伦高阶〔teenager〕The magazine is aimed at teenagers and young adults.这份杂志的读者对象是青少年和二十来岁的年轻人。剑桥高阶〔the best/happiest days of your life〕Adults like to tell children that their schooldays are the happiest days of their life.成年人喜欢对孩子们说上学那些年是他们一生当中最美好的时光。剑桥高阶〔tongue-tied〕When adults spoke to her, she became tongue-tied and shy.大人和她讲话时她变得害羞,说不出话来。朗文当代〔touch on/upon sth〕The talk was about educational opportunities for adults, and the speaker also touched upon sources of finance.该报告谈的是成人的教育机会,报告人也提到了资金来源问题。剑桥高阶〔transplant〕Adults are not flexible, so they do not transplant comfortably to another place.成年人适应性差,所以移居别处会感到不舒服。英汉大词典〔troop〕A unit of at least five Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts under the guidance of an adult leader.童子军:由至少五个男童子军或女童子军组成的由一个成年人领导的小队美国传统〔turn-off〕This system may provide a powerful tool for adults who find computers a turn-off yet need to learn to use them.这个系统可能会成为那些对电脑没兴趣但又需要学的成年人强有力的工具。剑桥高阶〔underfunded〕Most adults believe state schools are underfunded.大多数成年人都认为公立学校经费不足。柯林斯高阶〔undermine〕Offering advice on each and every problem will undermine her feeling of being adult.对每个问题都给出建议会令她觉得自己不像个成年人。柯林斯高阶〔underwater〕Dragonflies spend a year underwater before emerging as adults.蜻蜓成为成虫出水前在水下生活1年。英汉大词典〔undivided〕Adults rarely give the TV their undivided attention.成年人很少会专心看电视。外研社新世纪〔vaccination〕Vaccination rates remain below 75% of the at-risk adult population.高危成年人的疫苗接种率仍然低于 75%。牛津搭配〔well-adjusted〕He is now a happy, well-adjusted adult.现在他是一个快乐的、能适应环境的成年人。韦氏高阶〔willing〕Have the party on a Saturday, when you can get your partner and other willing adults to help.把聚会安排在周六,这样你就可以找自己的搭档和其他愿意帮把手的成年人来帮忙了。柯林斯高阶〔world〕I tried to understand the adult world and could not.我试着去了解成人世界,却无法猜透。柯林斯高阶〔youth〕Adults who choose to go to college in later life are perhaps making up for a misspent youth.虚度的青春麦克米伦高阶Adults also need to be able to deal with the occasions when they themselves are treated intolerantly.成年人在自己受到执拗不讲理待遇时也须能妥善对付那种场合。剑桥国际Adults usually cannot hear sound of a frequency greater than about 20000 Hz.成人一般听不见频率在20000赫兹以上的声音。剑桥国际A three-day festival pass is $15 for adults and $8 for kids.为期3天的节庆入场证大人是15美元小孩是8美元。剑桥国际All adults take corporate responsibility for the upbringing of the tribe's children.该部落的所有成年人对抚养孩子承担共同责任。剑桥国际At night, adult scorpions prowl the desert for (= trying to catch) insects.在夜晚,长成成虫的蝎子在沙漠里潜行觅食昆虫。剑桥国际Dick is a rather adult child. 狄克少年老成。译典通He was taller than his father when he reached his full stature (= grew to his adult height).他长成后比他的父亲还要高。剑桥国际He's spent the whole of his adult life searching for a soul mate (= perfect lover).他花了整个人生来寻找至爱。剑桥国际In this sense, children and adults have equal rights. 从这个意义上说,儿童和大人享有同样的权利。译典通Johnson was haunted by memories of his unhappy childhood well into his adult life.不幸童年的回忆不时困扰约翰逊的成年生活。剑桥国际She was homeless and had to put her child up for adoption (=asked for the child to be taken by another adult or family as their own).她没有家,不得不请别人收养自己的孩子。剑桥国际The actress had a tragic childhood and as an adult was sad and confused.这位女演员的童年很凄惨,长大后易于感伤,对生活感到迷茫。剑桥国际The course is specifically intended to help with the problems experienced by young adults.这门课程专门帮助刚成年者面对所碰上的问题。剑桥国际The film is about his adult life, but it keeps jumping (back) to when he was a child.这部影片讲的是他成年的生活,但是经常跳回到他的童年。剑桥国际The film tries to compare the naturalness and simplicity of childhood with the artifice and complexity of adult life.影片试图将儿童时代的天真、单纯和成人时代的虚伪和复杂进行对比。剑桥国际The normal body temperature of an adult is about 37℃.成人的正常体温为摄氏37度左右。剑桥国际The research suggests that the ways in which adults and children learn languages are qualitatively different.这个研究表明成人和儿童在学习语言的方法上有质的差别。剑桥国际There is a €100 reduction for a child sharing a room with two adults.小孩和两个大人合住一间房可以享有 100 欧元的折扣。牛津商务Two adults and three halves to Manchester, please.我买两张去曼彻斯特的成人票和三张儿童半票。剑桥国际

