
单词 entry
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEFORE〕Entry forms for the competition should arrive no later than Friday, November 1st. 参赛表格不得迟于11月1日星期五递交。朗文写作活用〔CEEB〕College Entry Examination Board.大学入学考试委员会美国传统〔ENTER〕Immigration officials refused her entry because they thought she was planning to stay. 移民局官员禁止她入境,因为他们认为她打算长期居留。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕The police gained entry by smashing down the door. 警察砸开门冲了进去。朗文写作活用〔Palm Sunday〕The Sunday before Easter, observed by Christians in commemoration of Jesus's entry into Jerusalem, when palm fronds were strewn before him.棕榈星期日:复活节前的星期日,纪念耶稣胜利进入耶路撒冷,当天人们在他前面撒满了棕榈枝美国传统〔SIGN〕There was no indication of forced entry to the building. 没有强行闯入大楼的迹象。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕The question of how the murderer had gained entry to the house perplexed the police for several weeks. 凶手如何进屋这个问题困扰了警察好几个星期。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕His disability was no bar to his entry into the profession. 他生理上的缺陷并没有成为他从事这一行业的障碍。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Her entry in the ‘Funniest Photo Contest’ won third prize. 她送交“最有趣照片比赛”的参赛作品赢得了三等奖。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Each entry in the guide is brief and immediately comprehensible. 指南中的每一条目都简明扼要、一目了然。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕The Luxembourg entry is clear favourite to win the Eurovision Song Contest. 在这次欧洲歌曲电视大奖赛中,卢森堡的参赛选手显然最有希望获胜。朗文写作活用〔alphabetization〕In the biographical entry only the family name has been considered in alphabetization.在人名词条中实行按字母顺序编排时只考虑人物的姓氏。英汉大词典〔appeal〕They appealed to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal after being denied entry by the Immigration Department.他们遭移民局拒绝入境后向行政上诉法庭诉请裁决。外研社新世纪〔attach〕Don't forget to attach your entry form.别忘了附上你的报名表。外研社新世纪〔authority〕Immigration authorities refused him entry to the country.该国的移民部门不准许他入境。牛津搭配〔backdate〕She backdated the diary entry to make it look as if it had been written before the murder took place.她给那篇日记填了比实际日期早的时间, 让它看上去就像是在谋杀案发生前已经写好的。外研社新世纪〔bearer〕The Speaker is preceded by the mace-bearer upon his entry to the chamber.当议长走进议事厅的时候,前面由执议长权标的人开路。柯林斯高阶〔birdhouse〕A box with one or more small entry holes, made as a nesting place for birds.鸟房:有一个或多个小入孔的盒子,用作鸟的巢穴美国传统〔black bag job〕An act of entry, search, and sometimes removal or photographing of property, conducted by federal investigators without a warrant.非法秘密搜查:由联邦调查人员在没有许可证情况下执行的对财产登记、搜查及有时没收或拍照的行为美国传统〔cervical cap〕A small, rubber, cup-shaped contraceptive device that fits over the uterine cervix to prevent the entry of sperm.宫颈套:一种置于子宫颈处的小型杯状橡胶避孕器具,可阻止精子进入美国传统〔chancre〕An ulcer located at the initial point of entry of a pathogen.初疮:病原体最初侵入的那点处的溃疡美国传统〔coincide〕His entry to the party coincided with his marriage.他入党和结婚碰巧在同一时间。朗文当代〔coupon〕To enter the competition, fill in the entry coupon on page 6.若要参加比赛,请填写第 6 页的参赛报名表。牛津搭配〔credit〕An entry or the sum of the entries on this side.贷记:在这一方的记入或记入总数美国传统〔criterion〕The most important criterion for entry is that applicants must design and make their own work.最重要的参赛标准是申请人必须自己设计和制作作品。外研社新世纪〔cross-reference〕The article on alligators in the encyclopedia cross-references to the entry on crocodiles.百科全书中短吻鳄词条有参见鳄鱼词条的注释。韦氏高阶〔cross-refer〕The entry cross-refers to a table of weights.这个词条参见重量计量表。韦氏高阶〔cross-refer〕The entry for ‘polygraph’ is cross-referred to the entry for ‘lie detector’.词条 polygraph 注有指向词条 lie detector 的参照项。牛津高阶〔cross-refer〕The entry for “gram” cross-refers you to a table of weights.词条gram可参见重量计量表。韦氏高阶〔cut-off〕Make sure you get your entry in before the cut-off.务必在截止日期之前入境。外研社新世纪〔data〕She works as a data entry clerk.她担任数据录入员。韦氏高阶〔debit〕An entry of a sum in the debit or left-hand side of an account.借方帐目:记载在借项中或帐簿左边的一笔款项美国传统〔definiens〕The word or words serving to define another word or expression, as in a dictionary entry.字典词条:下定义或释义用的词语,如字典的词条美国传统〔deport〕The authorities deported her for illegal entry.当局以她非法入境为由将她驱逐出境。21世纪英汉〔disable〕The burglars gained entry to the building after disabling the alarm.窃贼破坏警报器后便得以进入大楼。牛津高阶〔docket〕A brief entry of the court proceedings in a legal case.诉讼记录:法律案件中法庭诉讼程序的简要记录美国传统〔earplug〕An object made of a soft, pliable material, such as cotton or rubber, and fitted into the ear canal to block the entry of water or sound.耳塞:一种由柔软而灵便的材料制成的东西,如棉、橡胶等材料,以嵌入耳道挡住水或声音的进入美国传统〔edition〕He had an entry in the 1993 edition of the Guinness Book of Records.他被收录到1993年版的《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》中。麦克米伦高阶〔enrollment〕A record or an entry.登记簿美国传统〔entrance〕The first entry of an actor into a scene.登场:演员在一场中的第一次登场美国传统〔entry〕Entry is open to anyone over the age of 18.*18 岁以上的人均可参赛。牛津高阶〔entry〕Entry tickets to most attractions are included in the price.这一价格中包括大多数景点的门票。牛津搭配〔entry〕Entry to the exhibition costs £5.50.展览的票价为5.5英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔entry〕Entry to the museum is free.该博物馆免费参观。外研社新世纪〔entry〕ABC had a strong entry at nine o'clock.美国广播公司9点钟的那套节目很受欢迎。英汉大词典〔entry〕America's entry into the war 美国的参战麦克米伦高阶〔entry〕At Derek's entry a few heads turned.德里克进来时有几个人转过头来。外研社新世纪〔entry〕At the President's entry everyone fell silent.总统一进来,大家就鸦雀无声了。英汉大词典〔entry〕Britain's entry into the European Exchange Rate Mechanism英国加入欧洲汇率机制一事外研社新世纪〔entry〕Britain's entry into the European Union 英国的加入欧盟朗文当代〔entry〕Drugs are believed to come into the country through five main entry points.据信毒品是通过 5 个主要的途径进入该国的。牛津搭配〔entry〕Fire marshals barred entry to the hall.消防局局长下令禁止进入大厅。牛津搭配〔entry〕He found the door locked, but he forced an entry.他发现门锁着,却还是破门而入。牛津搭配〔entry〕He made an entry in his diary every night.他每天晚上记日记。英汉大词典〔entry〕He made his triumphal entry into Mexico City.他以胜利者的姿态进入墨西哥城。外研社新世纪〔entry〕He made his triumphal entry into Mexico City.他以胜利者的姿态进入墨西哥城。柯林斯高阶〔entry〕He managed to gain entry to an exclusive club.他设法加入了一家入会限制严格的俱乐部。英汉大词典〔entry〕He was refused entry to France.他被拒绝入境法国。外研社新世纪〔entry〕He was their country's official entry.他是他们国家的正式选手。英汉大词典〔entry〕Her pie was the winning entry in the baking competition.她做的派是烘焙大赛的获奖作品。韦氏高阶〔entry〕How did the thieves gain entry into the building? 窃贼是怎样进入大楼的?牛津高阶〔entry〕I post the occasional blog entry.我偶尔会发一条博客。牛津搭配〔entry〕It has been necessary to restrict entry into the club.限制进俱乐部是必要的。牛津搭配〔entry〕Look at the dictionary entry for 'welcome'.翻字典查找 welcome 词条。牛津搭配〔entry〕Make sure the entry is well lit.确保入口处光线充足。外研社新世纪〔entry〕New York was the point of entry for most immigrants arriving in the US.纽约是大多数移民进入美国的门户。牛津搭配〔entry〕Non-residents were refused entry into the region without authority from their own district.非本地区居民未经所在地许可,不得进入该区域。柯林斯高阶〔entry〕Nonresidents were refused entry into the region without authority from their own district.未经所在地许可, 非本地居民不得进入该地区。外研社新世纪〔entry〕Our competition has attracted a huge entry.我们的竞赛吸引了大批参赛者。柯林斯高阶〔entry〕Please don’t block the entry.请您不要挡住门口。牛津同义词〔entry〕Prize money of nearly £90,000 has attracted a record entry of 14 horses from Britain and Ireland.近9万英镑的奖金吸引了来自英国和爱尔兰的14匹赛马, 打破了以往的参赛纪录。外研社新世纪〔entry〕Send in your entry as soon as possible! 请尽快递交参赛作品!牛津搭配〔entry〕She made her entry to the ceremony surrounded by a group of photographers.她在一群摄影师的簇拥下走进典礼仪式现场。剑桥高阶〔entry〕She was denied entry into the courtroom.她进入法庭的要求被拒。韦氏高阶〔entry〕She wondered how she could gain entry to the building.她在想怎么进入这栋大楼。牛津搭配〔entry〕The burglars gained entry by a top window.窃贼是从房顶的天窗进入室内的。剑桥高阶〔entry〕The champion made his usual dramatic entry into the arena.冠军得主像往常一样引人注目地进入运动场。牛津搭配〔entry〕The club offers free entry to women on Thursdays.俱乐部周四免费向女士开放。牛津搭配〔entry〕The country has some40legal entry stations.这个国家有40个左右合法的入境站。英汉大词典〔entry〕The course will ease students' entry into a career.这一课程将使学生更容易找到工作。牛津搭配〔entry〕The point of entry into Zambia would be the Chirundu border post.想要进入赞比亚应该经由奇龙杜边防哨所。柯林斯高阶〔entry〕The race has attracted a record entry.这次比赛的参赛人数创下了纪录。韦氏高阶〔entry〕The refugees were repeatedly refused entry into (=not allowed in) the country.难民进入该国的请求一再遭到拒绝。朗文当代〔entry〕The state should reduce entry barriers for developing countries.国家应该减少对发展中国家的入境壁垒。牛津搭配〔entry〕The winning entry will be published in next month's issue.获胜作品将刊登在下月的杂志上。牛津搭配〔entry〕The word is not common enough for entry in the dictionary.这个单词没那么常见,不能被收入这本词典。韦氏高阶〔entry〕There was no sign of a forced entry .没有强行闯入的迹象。朗文当代〔entry〕There's a record entry for this year's marathon.参加本年度马拉松比赛的人数创下最高纪录。牛津高阶〔entry〕They were charged with illegal entry into the US.他们被指控非法进入美国国境。麦克米伦高阶〔entry〕They were later allowed entry into the country.他们后来获准入境。牛津搭配〔entry〕Violet's diary entry for 20 April 1917 records Brigit admitting to the affair.维奥莉特1917年4月20日的日记里记录着布里吉特承认了那桩风流韵事。外研社新世纪〔entry〕We've attracted a record entry this year.今年我们吸引来的参赛者数量空前。朗文当代〔entry〕You can leave your umbrella in the entry.你可以把伞放在入口处。牛津高阶〔evolution〕The natural evolution of gas from the beer will limit the entry of air at first, until significant beer is used.啤酒中气体的自然释放一开始会限制空气进入, 直到相当多的啤酒被喝掉。外研社新世纪〔exclude〕The Customs excludes certain items for entry.海关不准某些物品进口。英汉大词典〔fee〕The run, to raise money for breast cancer, has a £10 entry fee (=fee to enter a competition) .此次为乳腺癌募捐的赛跑,参赛费用为 10 英镑。朗文当代〔fixed〕Tickets will be printed with fixed entry times.票面上将印有固定的入场时间。柯林斯高阶〔flip〕He flipped the pages of the diary and began reading the last entry.他快速翻了一下那本日志,然后开始读最后一篇。柯林斯高阶〔forbid〕She forbade him entry to the house.她禁止他进入该屋。文馨英汉〔forced entry〕The police found no signs of forced entry.警方没有发现强行进入的迹象。朗文当代〔force〕The burglar forced an entry (= broke a window, door, etc. to get into the house).那个窃贼破门而入。剑桥高阶〔forcible〕The police checked all windows and doors for signs of forcible entry.警察检查了所有的门窗以寻找强行闯入的痕迹。牛津高阶〔forcible〕The police's forcible entry into the building has come under a lot of criticism.警察强行进入大楼的举动遭到了诸多批评。剑桥高阶〔form〕Just complete the entry form (=write the answers to the questions on a form) and return it.填好参赛表格后寄回即可。朗文当代〔fulfil〕Students must fulfil the following entry criteria.学生必须达到以下准入条件。牛津搭配〔gain〕He gained entry to the building by showing a fake pass.他出示了一张伪造的通行证就进入了这幢大楼。麦克米伦高阶〔gated community〕A subdivision or neighborhood, often surrounded by a barrier, to which entry is restricted to residents and their guests.设置关卡的小区:为一区域或邻近小区,常以障碍物围绕,仅供当地居民及其访客出入美国传统〔graduate〕At the age of 25, he started with the standard graduate entry salary of £15,537.他25岁入行, 起薪为15,537英镑, 也就是毕业生的常规工资。外研社新世纪〔grant〕They granted her an entry visa.他们发给她入境签证。剑桥高阶〔guideword〕A word or term that appears at the top of each page or column in a reference book, such as a dictionary, to indicate the first or last entry on the page.眉题:工具书中,如字典中每一页或每一列最上方出现的字或词,用来标明该页起首和末尾的词条美国传统〔hat〕The first correct entry out of the hat on September 2nd will win a prize.9 月 2 日第一个被抽到且答案正确者将赢得奖品。朗文当代〔hover〕If you hover the mouse pointer over the entry, the full web address will be displayed.当你把光标放在这条记录上时,整个网站地址就会显示出来。剑桥高阶〔intravasation〕Entry of foreign matter into a blood vessel.内渗:有异物进入血管美国传统〔intrusion〕Law Illegal entry upon or appropriation of the property of another.【法律】 非法侵入他人财产:非法侵入或占有熔他人的财产美国传统〔invalid〕We cannot accept liability if you are refused entry because of invalid documents.如果你因证件无效被拒入内,我们不承担责任。柯林斯高阶〔item〕An entry in an account.帐目中的一个条目美国传统〔journal〕A book of original entry in a double-entry system, listing all transactions and indicating the accounts to which they belong.分录簿:复式簿记系统中登载原始账目的账本,记录下所有的交易,并表示出它们所归的专项分类帐美国传统〔journal〕Her journal entry for that day describes a thunder storm.她在那天的日志中描述了一场雷雨。牛津搭配〔judge〕I said that if I was judging I wanted to see every entry.我说过, 如果我当裁判, 我需要看到每一件参赛作品。外研社新世纪〔ledger〕A book to which the record of accounts is transferred as final entry from original postings.总帐:从原始记录中把帐目记录转入作为最后帐目的帐本美国传统〔limiting〕Entry to this prize draw is limited to UK residents.这次抽奖只限英国公民参加。柯林斯高阶〔limit〕Entry to this prize draw is limited to U.K. residents.这次抽奖仅限英国居民参加。外研社新世纪〔long shot〕Sports Games An entry, as in a horserace, with only a slight chance of winning.【体育运动】 【游戏】 获胜可能小的:(赛马中)只有微小获胜机会的参赛者美国传统〔mark out〕One of the graduate entry has been marked out as “likely to succeed”.报考的研究生中有一个人事先被看中为“可能成功的人”。21世纪英汉〔matric exemption〕A senior certificate with matric exemption is required for entry to university.上大学需要有中学毕业的资格证书。牛津高阶〔meet〕Out of the original 23,000 applications, 16,000 candidates meet the entry requirements.最初的2.3万份申请中有1.6万份满足入选的要求。柯林斯高阶〔moment〕Swinburne's entry was for me a great moment.斯温伯恩的参加对我来说是个极重要的时刻。英汉大词典〔nary〕He sold merchandise to a friend, with nary an entry on the books.他把商品卖给朋友,从不登账。英汉大词典〔negotiate〕He succeeded in negotiating British entry into the European Community.他通过谈判成功地使英国加入欧洲共同体。外研社新世纪〔nest〕Phrases are nested in the dictionary entry for the first major word.短语按第一主词排入词典词条中。朗文当代〔no〕No unauthorized entry after dark.天黑后未经许可不得入内。英汉大词典〔openness〕A portfolio approach would keep entry into the managerial profession open and flexible.项目组合的方法会使成为管理人员的机会公开灵活。柯林斯高阶〔perfection〕Like the old trouper he is, he timed his entry to perfection.作为一名老戏骨,他上场的时间把握得恰到好处。柯林斯高阶〔perfection〕She timed her entry to perfection.她非常完美地安排了自己入场的时间。外研社新世纪〔permit〕Entry is by permit only.凭许可证方可进入。牛津搭配〔permit〕If they appear to be under 12, then the doorman is not allowed to permit them entry to the film.如果他们看起来不到12岁, 守门人不得允许他们入场观看该影片。外研社新世纪〔point〕Dover is a point of entry into Britain.多佛尔是到英国的一个入口。朗文当代〔polyspermy〕The entry of several sperm into one ovum during fertilization.多精入卵,多精受精:在受精过程中数个精子进入一个卵细胞美国传统〔port running〕The practice of openly evading a customs inspection at a port of entry by refusing to stop one's vehicle when requested.闯关:在入境关口拒绝海关的停车请求,公开逃避海关检查的行为美国传统〔port〕A port of entry.货物的报关港,入境港美国传统〔production〕Entry to the club is only permitted on production (= the showing) of a membership card.需出示会员卡方能进入俱乐部。剑桥高阶〔production〕Entry to the show is free to members on production of their membership cards.会员持会员卡可以免费观看演出。外研社新世纪〔prohibit〕The regulations effectively prohibit the entry of seeds into the country.这些规定有效地禁止了种子进入该国。牛津搭配〔random〕The winning entry will be the first correct answer drawn at random.从所有给出正确答案的参赛者中,随意抽出的第一个将获得大奖。剑桥高阶〔rank〕My entry was ranked third in the flower show.在花展中,我送去参赛的花获得了第三名。剑桥高阶〔requirement〕Graduate status is the minimum requirement for entry to the teaching profession.研究生学历是从事教学工作的最低要求。柯林斯高阶〔requisite〕A university degree has become a requisite for entry into most professions.大学学位已经成为在大多数行业谋职的必要条件。牛津高阶〔restricted〕No Entry – restricted area for army personnel only.非军事人员不得入内。朗文当代〔rip entry〕An entry in diving in which there is little splash.无水花入水:潜水时,几乎无水花的入水美国传统〔road〕The crowds lined the roads for his triumphal entry.人们夹道欢迎他胜利入城。牛津搭配〔rule〕As a general rule, burglars are wary about gaining entry from the front or side of a building.通常来说,窃贼对从房屋的正面或侧面潜入会比较谨慎。柯林斯高阶〔satisfy〕She failed to satisfy all the requirements for entry to the college.她没有达到进入那所学院的全部要求。牛津高阶〔search〕The law already denies entry to people in search of better economic opportunities.法律已经将那些逐寻更好商机的人们拒之门外。柯林斯高阶〔select〕The winning entry will be selected at random by computer.获胜者将由计算机随机选出。牛津搭配〔send〕Entry forms must be sent in by December 21.参赛表格必须在12月21日前提交。麦克米伦高阶〔shirk〕A determined burglar will not shirk from breaking a window to gain entry.一个决计要下手的窃贼会不惜破窗而入。牛津高阶〔speak〕The five countries have now all passed, so to speak, their entry test.可以说,这5个国家现在都已经通过了入门考试。柯林斯高阶〔subentry〕An entry, such as one in an account, a catalog, or a reference work, that is included within a main entry.分项,副条目:如一帐簿中,目录中或参考书目中包括于一主条目之下的小条目美国传统〔throw ... out〕I don't think they have the right to throw your entry out.我认为他们无权拒绝你参赛。21世纪英汉〔throw〕Why did the committee throw my entry out? 为什么委员会不让我参加竞赛?英汉大词典〔triumphal〕He made a triumphal entry into the city.他凯旋入城。外研社新世纪〔triumphal〕Shortly after his triumphal entry into Havana in January 1959, Castro spoke on television for seven hours without a break.1959年1月胜利进入哈瓦那后不久,卡斯特罗在电视上连续作了7个小时的演讲。剑桥高阶〔trouper〕Like the old trouper he is, he timed his entry to perfection.他是个老演员,出场时间把握得恰到好处。柯林斯高阶〔unlawfully〕A pushed-in window indicated unlawful entry.往里推开的窗户表明有人非法入内。柯林斯高阶〔veto〕In 1961, President De Gaulle vetoed Britain's entry into the Common Market.1961年,戴高乐总统行使否决权,反对英国加入西欧共同市场。剑桥高阶〔virtuality〕This is a virtual shopping centre offering visitors entry to a clutch of well-known etailers without going to their different websites.这是一个虚拟的购物中心,访问者在此就可以浏览很多著名的网上零售店铺,而无需分别访问它们各自的网站。柯林斯高阶〔visa〕An official authorization appended to a passport, permitting entry into and travel within a particular country or region.签证:附加于护照的一种官方认可,允许进入和在某一特定的国家或地区内旅游美国传统〔warranted〕All entrants must warrant that their entry is entirely their own work.所有参赛者必须保证其参赛作品完全是自己创作的。柯林斯高阶〔warrant〕All entrants must warrant that their entry is entirely their own work.所有参赛者都必须保证其参赛作品完全是自己原创的。外研社新世纪〔wash〕We have only one entry for the race, so we had better wash it out.只有一人报名参加赛跑,因此我们最好还是取消这项比赛。英汉大词典〔wild card〕Phillips is hoping for a wild card entry to the championships.菲利普斯希望得到外卡参加锦标赛。剑桥高阶〔wild-card〕He was given a wild-card entry into Wimbledon.他获得一张外卡, 可以参加温布尔登的比赛。外研社新世纪〔win〕His entry won him a trip to the Amazon.这次参赛为他赢得了一次亚马孙河之旅。外研社新世纪〔wound〕The exit wound made by the bullet was much larger than the entry wound.子弹造成的出弹伤口比入弹伤口大得多。牛津搭配Entry to the club is only permitted on production of a membership card.出示会员卡才准进入这个俱乐部。剑桥国际Entry to the competition is restricted to those who have a ticket for the exhibition.竞赛参加者限定在有展览会入场券的人。剑桥国际A flock of sheep blocked our entry to the village.一群羊挡住了我们进入村子的路。剑桥国际Data entry clerks were paid by how fast they could key data.数据录入员按其录入速度支付报酬。牛津商务E-commerce is an industry with relatively low barriers to entry (= it is simple and cheap to start doing it).电子商务是进入壁垒相对低的产业。牛津商务He pretended not to observe our entry. 他装作没有看见我们进来。译典通Her galumphing entry into the music business has annoyed many of the established stars.她莽撞地闯进音乐界惹恼了许多已经站住脚的明星。剑桥国际I'll wait for you at the entry to the park.我在公园门口等你。剑桥国际My entry was ranked third (= placed in that position) in the flower show.花展上我的参展作品名列第三。剑桥国际Remember to write your daytime telephone number on the entry form.别忘了在项目表上写下你白天的电话号码。剑桥国际She made her entry to (= entered) the ceremony surrounded by a group of photographers.她被一群摄影师包围着参加典礼。剑桥国际Shell's entry into Japan's retail gas market 壳牌公司参与日本天然气零售市场的竞争牛津商务The burglars gained entry (= entered the building) by a top window.窃贼是从最上面的窗户进去的。剑桥国际The database entry for each student records name, address and telephone number.每个学生的数据库条目记有姓名、住址和电话号码。剑桥国际The dictionary hasn't got an entry for the word.这本字典没有这个词的词目。剑桥国际The government has ruled out early entry into the single currency.政府已排除了尽早加入单一货币体系的可能性。牛津商务The journal entry consists of three parts: a debit entry, a credit entry and a short explanation.日记账分录包括三个部分:借项、贷项和简短的说明。牛津商务The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs.这种新坡道便利了轮椅进入。剑桥国际The people without a ticket are denied entry. 没有票的人不许入内。译典通The police's forcible entry into the building has come under a lot of criticism.警察强行进入那座大楼的举动已经引起了许多批评。剑桥国际The sign over the door said “Private. No entry.” 门上的标记写着“独用。不准入内。”剑桥国际The winning entry will be the first correct answer drawn at random (= by chance).任意抽取出的第一个正确答案将获胜入围。剑桥国际There is no entry in his diary for that day.他的日记里没有那天的记录。牛津商务They granted her an entry visa/They granted an entry visa to her.他们给她签发了入境签证。剑桥国际We have 30 remaining graduate entry positions.我们还有 30 个毕业生入职岗位的空缺。牛津商务You are required to complete a separate customs entry for each shipment of goods.你装运的每批货物需要分开办理海关手续。牛津商务

