“in an emergency”例句

单词 in an emergency
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FULL〕In an emergency, water can be pumped from the well to replenish the irrigation canals. 在紧急情况下可以从井里抽水,以重新注满灌溉渠道。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕In an emergency, dial 911 for police, the fire department or an ambulance. 如有紧急情况就拨打911报警,叫消防队或救护车。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕We were given instructions on what to do in an emergency. 我们接到指示在紧急情况下该怎么做。朗文写作活用〔acid test〕The acid test of a good driver is whether he or she remains calm in an emergency.在紧急情况下能否保持冷静是对好司机的严峻考验。牛津高阶〔acquit〕After months of training, he believes he would acquit himself well in an emergency.经过数月训练之后, 他相信自己遇到紧急情况能够处理得当。外研社新世纪〔aft〕The fore and aft exits can both be used in an emergency.紧急情况下前后舱出口均可使用。韦氏高阶〔backstop〕To substitute for (another) in an emergency.替代:在紧急情况中替代(另一个)美国传统〔canteen〕A temporary or mobile eating place, especially one set up in an emergency.临时餐室:一个临时的或可移动的用膳处,尤指在紧急情况下搭建的美国传统〔coolness〕Her coolness in an emergency was admirable.她在危急关头表现出的冷静沉着令人钦佩。剑桥高阶〔crash dive〕A rapid dive made by a submarine, especially in an emergency.急速潜没:潜水艇遇到紧急情况时的紧急潜没美国传统〔decree〕In an emergency decree, the government banned all rallies.政府颁布紧急命令,禁止一切集会活动。牛津搭配〔divert〕In an emergency, staff will be diverted from less urgent tasks to help out.出现紧急情况时,将会抽调任务不太紧急的人员前去支援。麦克米伦高阶〔egress〕The auditorium is designed to provide easy egress in an emergency.这个礼堂设计有应急便捷出口。韦氏高阶〔emergency〕In an emergency, call this number.遇上紧急情况时,拨打这个号码。麦克米伦高阶〔emergency〕Her quick thinking in an emergency saved the baby's life.她在紧急情况下急中生智救了那个婴儿的性命。韦氏高阶〔emergency〕I need to know what to do in an emergency.我要知道在紧急情况下该做什么。牛津搭配〔emergency〕She always keeps calm in an emergency.她遇到紧急情况, 总很镇静。牛津同义词〔emergency〕The staff need to know what to do in an emergency.员工需要了解遇到紧急情况要做些什么。朗文当代〔emergency〕This door should only be used in an emergency.这道门只能在紧急情况下使用。牛津高阶〔emergency〕You should try not to panic in an emergency.在紧急情况下尽量不要恐慌。外研社新世纪〔except〕Staff are not permitted to make personal phone calls except in an emergency.除了有急事,员工是不允许打私人电话的。朗文当代〔explain〕She explained to them what to do in an emergency.她向他们说明了紧急情况下应采取的行动。牛津高阶〔fitted〕Bedrooms are fitted with alarm pull cords to alert the manager in an emergency.卧室中装有警报器拉绳,遇到紧急情况时可向经理报警。柯林斯高阶〔fitted〕Bedrooms are fitted with alarm pull cords to alert the manager in an emergency.卧室装有警报器拉绳, 遇到紧急情况时可向经理报警。外研社新世纪〔head〕Don't lose your head in an emergency.遇到紧急情况不要慌乱。英汉大词典〔instruction〕A detailed list of instructions was issued on what to do in an emergency.关于应对紧急情况的详细指示表已经发布了。麦克米伦高阶〔life raft〕A raft usually made of inflatable material or wood and used in an emergency at sea.救生筏:用可充气材料制成的或木制的筏子,用于海上紧急事件美国传统〔militia〕A military force that is not part of a regular army and is subject to call for service in an emergency.预备役部队:不作为正规军的一部分,准备在紧急情况下服役的武装力量美国传统〔nasty〕In an emergency you could get out through a window, but it would be a nasty drop.遇上紧急情况,你可以从窗户跳出去,不过这样会有危险。剑桥高阶〔one〕He's the one person you can rely on in an emergency.在紧急情况下他是你唯一可以依靠的人。剑桥高阶〔presence of mind〕The ability to think and act calmly and efficiently, especially in an emergency.镇定自若,遇事不慌:能够镇静和有效地思考和行动的能力,尤指在紧急情况下美国传统〔press〕To use in a manner different from the usual or intended, especially in an emergency.临时使用:与平常或计划中不同地用,尤指在紧急状况下美国传统〔pride〕He prides himself on remaining calm in an emergency.他为自己在紧急关头十分镇定而感到骄傲。21世纪英汉〔pulse〕In an emergency it can be difficult to find a pulse.紧急情况下有时很难找到脉搏。朗文当代〔reserve〕The part of a country's armed forces not on active duty but subject to call in an emergency.后备部队:一国的不处于积极任务中但在紧急情况发生时随叫随到的分武装力量美国传统〔scram〕A rapid shutting down of a nuclear reactor, especially in an emergency.紧急关闭:尤指发生紧急情况时快速关闭核反应堆美国传统〔sheet anchor〕Nautical A large extra anchor intended for use in an emergency.【航海】 备用锚:在紧急状态下使用的大型备用锚美国传统〔shut〕The engines shut off automatically in an emergency.遇到紧急情况发动机便自动停止工作。牛津高阶〔standby〕One that can always be relied on, as in an emergency.可依靠的人,坚定的支持者:总能被依靠的人,如在危急时刻美国传统〔stomach pump〕A suction pump with a flexible tube inserted into the stomach through the mouth and esophagus to empty the stomach in an emergency, as in a case of poisoning.胃唧筒:一种紧急情况下(如在食物中毒时)使用的从口和食道伸入胃中以抽出胃内物的唧筒,用可弯曲的管制成美国传统〔test〕Paul soon found himself in an emergency situation that put all his training to the test.保罗很快发现自己处于紧急状况,让他所接受的全部训练都受到了考验。朗文当代〔use〕This phone number is only for use in an emergency.这个电话号码只在紧急情况下使用。牛津搭配In an emergency you could get out through a window, but it would be a nasty (= long and difficult) drop.紧急时你可以从窗口出去,不过摔下去可是很难受的。剑桥国际In an emergency, call 119. 遇有紧急情况,请打119。译典通He's the one person you can rely on in an emergency.他是在紧急情况中你唯一可以依赖的人。剑桥国际I've written him a letter of introduction to my aunt in New Zealand, so he'll have somewhere to stay in an emergency.我已替他给我在新西兰的姑妈写了一封介绍信,这样他在紧急情况下有个地方住。剑桥国际The engines shut off automatically in an emergency.紧急情况下,发动机会自动停转。牛津商务The soldiers are also paramedics -- trained to act as doctors and nurses in an emergency.士兵们也是医务辅助人员----他们经过训练在紧急情况下担当起医生和护士的任务。剑桥国际They need clear instructions on what to do in an emergency.他们需要如何处理紧急情况的详细说明。剑桥国际You can land a plane on water in an emergency.紧急时你可以把飞机降落在水上。剑桥国际

