
单词 horseback
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔background〕One of the tiny figures in the background is a man on horseback.背景中那些小小人影之一是一个骑马的男人。外研社新世纪〔bridle path〕A trail for horseback riding.(不通车辆的)马道:骑马背(走)的路径美国传统〔carriage〕In the past, people travelled in carriages and on horseback.从前人们乘马车和骑马旅行。英汉大词典〔cavalry〕Troops trained to fight on horseback.骑兵:被训练在马背上战斗的部队美国传统〔cowgirl〕A hired woman, especially in the western United States, who tends cattle and performs many of her duties on horseback.女牛仔:尤指美国西部地区受雇来照料牛群并骑于马上完成其大部分工作的女子美国传统〔crop〕A short whip used in horseback riding, with a loop serving as a lash.短马鞭:一种用环状物做鞭梢的骑马用的短鞭美国传统〔dacoit〕A member of any of the robber bands of India and Burma who formerly lived in the hills and attacked in armed gangs, usually on horseback.武装土匪,强盗:印度或缅甸强盗集团的成员,以前住在山上,武装进行抢劫,通常骑在马背上美国传统〔dude ranch〕A resort patterned after a Western ranch, featuring camping, horseback riding, and other outdoor activities.度假牧场:模仿西部牧场建造,提供宿营、骑马及其它户外活动的度假地美国传统〔equestrian〕Of or relating to horseback riding or horseback riders.骑马者的:与骑马或骑马者有关的美国传统〔equestrian〕One who rides a horse or performs on horseback.骑师:骑在马背上或在马背上表演的人美国传统〔equestrienne〕A woman who rides a horse or performs on horseback.女骑手:骑马或在马背上表演的妇女美国传统〔ford〕They forded the river on horseback.他们骑马涉水过河。英汉大词典〔hack〕To ride on horseback at an ordinary pace.骑马行进:以普通的速度骑着马走美国传统〔horseback〕He refused to go horseback riding.他拒绝去骑马。英汉大词典〔horseback〕In remote mountain areas, voters arrived on horseback.在偏僻的山区, 选民骑着马来参加选举。外研社新世纪〔horseback〕In remote mountain areas, voters arrived on horseback.在偏远山区,选民骑着马赶来了。柯林斯高阶〔horseback〕Many people in this area ride horseback.这个地区有很多人骑马。柯林斯高阶〔horseback〕Many people in this area ride horseback.这个地区的许多人都骑马。外研社新世纪〔horseback〕The crowds were dispersed by policemen on horseback.人群被骑警驱散了。外研社新世纪〔journey〕She has journeyed on horseback through Africa and Turkey.她骑马旅行, 穿过了非洲和土耳其。外研社新世纪〔journey〕She has journeyed on horseback through Africa and Turkey.她骑马游历了非洲和土耳其。柯林斯高阶〔make after〕They made after the runaways on horseback.他们骑马追赶那些逃跑的人。外研社新世纪〔modern pentathlon〕An athletic contest in which each participant competes in five events: running, swimming, horseback riding, fencing, and pistol shooting.现代五项全能运动:一种体育竞赛,参加者在五个项目中竞争:赛跑,游泳,障碍赛马,击剑和射击美国传统〔post〕Archaic One of a series of relay stations along a fixed route, furnishing fresh riders and horses for the delivery of mail on horseback.【古语】 驿站:一系列沿固定路线设立的中转站,用来装备骑马投递邮件的新骑手及马匹美国传统〔post〕He rode horseback posting elegantly.他骑在马上,潇洒地随着马步节奏上下起落。英汉大词典〔post〕She rode horseback posting elegantly.她骑在马上,潇洒地随着马步的节奏上下起伏。21世纪英汉〔post〕To send by mail in a system of relays on horseback.由驿站传递:以驿站骑马系统来传送邮件美国传统〔recklessly〕She loved to ride; on horseback, she was reckless and utterly without fear.她喜欢骑马;在马背上,她纵横驰骋,毫无畏惧。柯林斯高阶〔relay〕Messengers on horseback relayed battle plans to the front lines.信使们骑马为前线送去了一个个作战计划。韦氏高阶〔ride〕A path made for riding on horseback, especially through woodlands.骑马道:骑马道,尤指穿过树林中的美国传统〔ride〕To be carried or conveyed, as in a vehicle or on horseback.骑:被运载或运输,例如在车上或马背上美国传统〔ride〕We went on a horseback ride.我们去骑马了。韦氏高阶〔riding habit〕The outfit typically worn by a horseback rider.女式骑装:一般由骑马者穿的外套美国传统〔riding〕Horseback riding.骑马美国传统〔shed〕Horseback riding helped the weary statesman shed his tensions.骑马有助于使疲惫的政治家消除紧张。英汉大词典〔tilt〕The two knights tilted at each other on horseback.两个骑士骑马持长矛互相冲刺。21世纪英汉〔travel〕The road can be traveled only on horseback.这条路只能骑马通过。21世纪英汉〔urge on〕Visitors remember a lean, cheerful figure on horseback urging on his men.访客们记住了一个瘦削、乐观的人骑在马上为他的手下鼓劲。外研社新世纪〔urge on〕Visitors remember a lean, cheerful figure on horseback urging on his men.访客们记住了一个瘦削、乐观的人骑在马上为他的手下鼓劲。柯林斯高阶Mary has always been a tomboy. She likes hiking and horseback riding. 玛莉一直很男子气,她喜欢远足和骑马。译典通Police on horseback (= riding horses) pushed the angry crowd back.骑警将愤怒的群众向后推。剑桥国际Police on horseback broke up the demonstration. 骑警驱散了游行。译典通The child wanted him to make a story up about dragons and knights on horseback.孩子要他编个关于龙和马背上的骑士的故事。剑桥国际The crowds were dispersed by policemen on horseback. 人群被骑著马的警察所驱散。译典通The knights tilted at each other on horseback. 骑士们骑马持矛相互冲刺。译典通The police's method of crowd control involved charging on horseback and spraying the demonstrators with tear gas.警察控制人群的方法包括用马队冲击和向示威者喷洒催泪瓦斯。剑桥国际They watched two figures on horseback move slowly across the horizon.他们看着两个马背上的身影慢慢地在天边移动。剑桥国际What frightens me about being on horseback is that I don't feel as if I'm in control.骑马时使我恐惧的是我感到似乎不是我说了算。剑桥国际

