
单词 灵感的源泉
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Hippocrene〕A fountain on Mount Helicon, Greece, sacred to the Muses and regarded as a source of poetic inspiration.赫利孔山灵泉:赫利孔山的灵泉,在希腊境内,是缪斯的圣泉,被认为是诗的灵感的源泉美国传统〔Muse〕A source of inspiration.灵感的源泉美国传统〔Pierian Spring〕A source of inspiration.灵感的源泉美国传统〔inspiration〕He has always been a source of inspiration for me.他一直是我灵感的源泉朗文当代〔muse〕Juliet was not only the painter's best model but also his muse.朱丽叶不仅是这位画家最好的模特,也是他灵感的源泉剑桥高阶Juliet was not only the painter's best model but also his muse (= the person who causes him to have the most ideas for his work).朱丽叶不仅是这位画家最好的模特儿,而且是他灵感的源泉剑桥国际

