
单词 猎人
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Nimrod〕In the Old Testament, a mighty hunter and king of Shinar who was a grandson of Ham and a great-grandson of Noah.宁录:圣经旧约中的一个英勇的猎人和史那之王,是含的孙子,诺亚之曾孙美国传统〔Paleolithic〕Paleolithic artifacts/tools/hunters 旧石器时代的手工制品/工具/猎人韦氏高阶〔Vedda〕A member of the earliest people of Sri Lanka, originally forest-dwelling hunters but now almost completely assimilated into the modern Singhalese population.维达人:斯里兰卡最古老的民族的一员,原先是居住在森林中的猎人,但现在已几乎全部被现代的僧伽罗人所同化美国传统〔assure〕The hunter killed the wolf and the child's life was assured.猎人打死了狼,孩子的性命保住了。英汉大词典〔bag〕The hunters bagged five deer altogether.猎人们一共捕获了五只鹿。韦氏高阶〔beater〕A person who drives wild game from under cover for a hunter.驱赶猎物的人:为猎人将藏于隐蔽处的野生动物驱赶出来的人美国传统〔beat〕The hunters beat a path through the undergrowth.猎人们在灌木丛中踩出了一条小径。牛津高阶〔bring ... down〕The hunter aimed, fired, and brought down the deer.猎人瞄准、射击、射倒了那只鹿。21世纪英汉〔bruise along〕The hunter bruised along.猎人骑马瞎冲乱闯。21世纪英汉〔cAMP〕The hunters camped themselves in the valley.猎人们在山谷中扎营。21世纪英汉〔camouflage〕The hunters were camouflaged with branches so that they blended with the trees.猎人们用树枝伪装起来,因而与树木浑为一体。英汉大词典〔carry〕A hunter should be able to tell which of his hounds carries the scent.猎人应该可以辨别出追踪到气味的猎犬。外研社新世纪〔chafe〕Some hunters are chafing under the new restrictions.一些猎人对这些新的限制规定感到十分恼怒。朗文当代〔channel〕She claims to channel the spirit of a 2,000-year-old hunter.她声称能够让一个 2000 岁猎人的灵魂附身。朗文当代〔chase〕Exhausted and hungry, the hunters finally gave up the chase.猎人们又累又饿,最后放弃了追猎。牛津搭配〔chase〕The huntsmen rode fast,chasing after the fox.猎人们纵马飞奔,追捕狐狸。21世纪英汉〔chasseur〕A hunter.猎人美国传统〔commence〕The hunter knelt beside the animal carcass and commenced to skin it.猎人跪在动物尸体旁开始剥皮。外研社新世纪〔commence〕The hunter knelt beside the animal carcass and commenced to skin it.猎人跪在动物尸体旁边,开始剥皮。柯林斯高阶〔confront〕Escape being impossible, the stag turned to confront the hunters.因不可能逃跑,牡鹿就转过身来与猎人对峙。英汉大词典〔creep〕The hunter crept up to the deer.猎人蹑手蹑脚地走近那头鹿。英汉大词典〔dead〕The hunter fired and the wild boar fell dead.猎人开枪,野猪倒毙。英汉大词典〔decoy〕Hunters decoyed the ducks to the pond.猎人们把鸭群引诱到池塘。韦氏高阶〔double〕The part of the old hunter was doubled by a well-known actor.老猎人一角由一位著名演员兼演。英汉大词典〔elude〕The fox eluded the hunters by turning back quickly.狐狸急转身逃脱了猎人的追逐。21世纪英汉〔entice〕Plentiful wild meat and fur-bearing animals had enticed many hunters into the forest.大量可提供肉食和皮毛的野生动物吸引了许多猎人进入森林。英汉大词典〔entrap〕The hunters used nets to entrap the lion.猎人们以罗网诱捕狮子。21世纪英汉〔fall〕Six tigers fell to the hunter's gun.6只老虎倒在猎人的枪口下。英汉大词典〔field〕The body of riders following a pack of hounds in hunting.参加打猎者:打猎中的跟随着一群猎狗的全体骑马猎人美国传统〔follow ... up〕The hunter is following up a wolf.那猎人正在追踪一条狼。21世纪英汉〔get〕The hunter got down two deer.猎人开枪撂倒了两头鹿。英汉大词典〔gun dog〕A dog trained or bred to assist hunters, as in flushing or retrieving game.猎狗:一种被训练或畜养用来帮助猎人打猎的狗,用于赶出猎物或衔回被打中的猎物美国传统〔hunter〕One who hunts game.猎人:打猎的人美国传统〔hunter〕The hunters stalked their prey.猎人悄悄跟踪猎物。外研社新世纪〔hunter〕The hunters stalked their prey.猎人潜行追踪猎物。柯林斯高阶〔huntress〕A woman who hunts.女猎人美国传统〔huntsman〕A man who hunts.男猎人美国传统〔image〕Images of deer and hunters decorate the cave walls.洞穴壁上装饰着鹿和猎人的画像。牛津高阶〔inspiration〕He was the inspiration for Wordsworth's poem 'The Old Huntsman'.他是华兹华斯的诗《老猎人》的原型。朗文当代〔jaeger〕A huntsman or hunting attendant.猎人或参与打猎的人美国传统〔kill〕The hunter's kill was swift and sure.这位猎人捕杀猎物又快又准。英汉大词典〔lamia〕Greek Mythology A monster represented as a serpent with the head and breasts of a woman and reputed to prey on human beings and suck the blood of children.【希腊神话】 吸血鬼:女头女胸的蛇身妖魔,传说其捕猎人类并吸吮孩子的鲜血美国传统〔leap at〕The tiger leapt at the hunter.老虎扑向猎人21世纪英汉〔leap out of〕A wolf leaped out of the bushes and took the hunter by surprise.一只狼从树丛中跳了出来,把猎人吓了一跳。21世纪英汉〔level ... at〕The hunter level(l)ed his gun at the bear.猎人举枪瞄准熊。21世纪英汉〔loose off〕The hunter loosed off at the deer.猎人开枪射鹿。21世纪英汉〔low〕The hunters laid low seven pheasants.猎人打死了7只野鸡。英汉大词典〔lure〕The hunter lured the fox into a trap.猎人诱使狐狸落入陷阱。英汉大词典〔miss〕The hunter's first shot was a miss.猎人的第一枪没有打中。英汉大词典〔montero〕A hunter's cap with side flaps.圆猎帽:两边帽檐可以翻下的猎人美国传统〔nimrod〕A hunter.猎人美国传统〔outwit〕In the story, the cunning fox outwits the hunters.在这个故事里,狡猾的狐狸智胜了猎人剑桥高阶〔outwit〕The fox managed to outwit the hunter by hiding in a tree.狐狸藏在树上骗过了猎人韦氏高阶〔patron saint〕St Hubert, the patron saint of hunters圣休伯特——猎人的守护圣徒外研社新世纪〔pick off〕The hunters hid by the stream and waited to pick off deer as they passed.猎人们躲在河边,等着射猎从这儿经过的鹿。韦氏高阶〔pour〕The hunter poured bullets into the flying birds.猎人向飞鸟连续发射子弹。英汉大词典〔pursue〕The hunters spent hours pursuing their prey.猎人们花费数小时追捕猎物。剑桥高阶〔pursuit〕Away ran the deer, with the hunters in hot pursuit.鹿跑了,猎人紧追不舍。牛津搭配〔put〕Hunters use dogs to put up birds.猎人用狗把鸟赶出隐蔽处。英汉大词典〔quarry〕The hunters lost sight of their quarry in the forest.猎人在森林里看不见他们的猎物了。牛津高阶〔quarry〕The hunters were on the track of their quarry.那些猎人在追踪他们的猎物。文馨英汉〔relentless〕The hunter was relentless in pursuit of his prey.猎人对猎物紧追不舍。韦氏高阶〔shikari〕A big-game hunter.一个打大猎物的猎人美国传统〔sight〕The hunter sighted carefully before firing his gun.那猎人在放枪以前仔细地瞄准。英汉大词典〔sling〕The hunter slung his gun over his shoulder.猎人将枪挂在肩上。英汉大词典〔slot〕The hunter slotted a gnu in the woods.猎人在密林中追踪一只牛羚。21世纪英汉〔solo〕She was left solo to await the returning hunters.她独个儿留下来等候归来的猎人英汉大词典〔spear〕The hunters used spears.猎人用矛捕猎。韦氏高阶〔stalking-horse〕A horse trained to conceal the hunter while stalking.掩护猎人潜近的掩护马美国传统〔stalk〕The hunter stalked the deer.猎人潜近那头鹿。文馨英汉〔stalk〕This is the time of year when hunters are stalking the woods for deer.这是一年中猎人们进入森林捕鹿的季节。韦氏高阶〔take〕The hunter took up his quarters in a hut.猎人在一间小屋里栖身。英汉大词典〔take〕The hunters took a fox by a trap.猎人们设陷阱捉住一只狐狸。21世纪英汉〔trace〕The hunter traced the animal to its den.猎人追踪那只动物到牠的巢穴。文馨英汉〔track〕The hunters tracked the deer.猎人追踪鹿。牛津同义词〔trail〕The hunters lost the tiger's trail in the middle of the jungle.猎人们在丛林中央找不到那只老虎的踪迹了。朗文当代〔trespass〕The hunters trespassed on the farmer's land.猎人们擅闯了农民的土地。韦氏高阶〔way〕The hunter found a way through the forest.猎人找到了一条穿过森林的路。英汉大词典〔whipper-in〕Sports A person who assists the huntsman in handling a pack of hounds in foxhunting.【体育运动】 帮猎人赶猎狗的人:在猎狐中帮助猎手管理猎狗的副手美国传统〔whoop〕A shout uttered by a hunter or warrior.呐喊:猎人或战士的叫喊美国传统〔wound〕The hunter wounded the deer.猎人打伤了鹿。21世纪英汉Bisons used to roam through the American Great Plains, but most of them were slaughtered by hunters. 从前野牛在美国大平原上漫游,但是大多数都被猎人屠杀了。译典通In the story the clever little fox outwits the hunters and escapes from the trap they set.在这个故事里,这只聪明的小狐狸以智慧战胜猎人,逃脱了他们设下的圈套。剑桥国际That hunter bagged two deer. 那个猎人捕获两只鹿。译典通The body was discovered in the forest by a lone hunter.尸体被一个单独行猎的猎人在森林中发现。剑桥国际The chase escaped the hunter. 被追猎的动物逃过了猎人的猎杀。译典通The hunter aimed at the lion and fired. 猎人瞄准了狮子开火。译典通The hunter fired at the deer but missed it. 猎人向鹿开了枪,但未打中。译典通The hunter set traps to catch foxes. 猎人设陷阱捕捉狐狸。译典通The hunter shot a female deer. 猎人射中一只雌鹿。译典通The hunter shot the bear point-blank. 猎人直射大熊。译典通The hunter slashed at the bear with his knife. 猎人挥刀向熊猛烈砍去。译典通The hunter snapped a shot at the deer. 猎人迅速向鹿开了一枪。译典通The hunter snared a skunk. 猎人捕得一只臭鼬。译典通The hunter was mauled by a lion. 猎人被狮子弄伤。译典通The hunters came riding by/past on their horses.猎人们骑着马经过。剑桥国际The hunters followed the tracks of the deer for hours.猎人循着鹿的脚印追了几个小时。剑桥国际The hunters skinned the deer they had killed.猎人们将他们杀死的鹿剥了皮。剑桥国际The hunters speared the antelope (= threw or put a spear into it) through its neck.猎人用矛刺穿了羚羊脖子。剑桥国际The hunters spent hours pursuing their prey/quarry.猎人们花了几个小时追踪他们的猎物。剑桥国际

