
单词 十足的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AMBITIOUS〕You can't help admiring Debbie -- she's a real go-getter. 你不得不佩服黛比一她是个干劲十足的人。朗文写作活用〔CLASS〕Will your posh university friends be coming tonight? 你那些派头十足的大学里的朋友今晚来吗?朗文写作活用〔COMPLETELY〕Don't pay any attention to him - the guy's a total idiot! 别理他—那家伙是个十足的白痴!朗文写作活用〔ENERGETIC〕She is clearly a dynamic young woman with big ambitions. 她显然是个干劲十足的年轻女子,有很大的抱负。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕She had several husbands. Garry Burton, the last but one, was a real alcoholic. 她有过好几位丈夫。加里·伯顿是倒数第二任,他是个十足的酒鬼。朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕He strutted into the room, full of his own self-importance. 他趾高气扬地走进房间,样子十足的傲慢。朗文写作活用〔Pooh-Bah〕A pompous, ostentatious official, especially one who, holding many offices, fulfills none of them.自命不凡的人:自负的、傲气十足的,尤指身兼数职却未干好任何一职的官员美国传统〔STUPID/SILLY〕He always acts like a real goof after a couple of glasses of wine. 他喝了几杯酒之后,总表现得像个十足的大傻瓜。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕Charles quite plainly did not fit the stereotype of a successful, high powered businessman. 查尔斯显然与那种干劲十足的成功商人的典型形象不相符。朗文写作活用〔absolute〕I have absolute confidence in her.我对她有十足的信心。麦克米伦高阶〔aloud〕A spiteful inner monologue and then meekly aloud: “Yes, sir.” 一段怨气十足的内心独白之后,只好温顺地出声答应:“是,先生。”英汉大词典〔berk〕He was acting like a complete berk.他表现得像一个十足的傻瓜。韦氏高阶〔berk〕I felt a right berk when I couldn't remember where I'd parked the car.当我想不起把车停在什么地方时,我觉得自己简直是个十足的傻瓜。剑桥高阶〔big fish〕The four men arrested were described as really big fish by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency.美国禁毒署称被捕的4个人都是分量十足的大鱼。柯林斯高阶〔big fish〕The four men arrested were described as really big fish.被捕的四人被称为分量十足的“大鱼”。外研社新世纪〔bit〕He is every bit the high-powered businessman.他完全是那种劲头十足的商人。韦氏高阶〔blithering〕He was a blithering idiot.他是个十足的傻瓜。牛津高阶〔born〕He is a born fool.他是个十足的大傻瓜。英汉大词典〔butterfly〕Gwen's a real social butterfly .格温是个十足的交际花。朗文当代〔charm〕She is a woman of great personal charm.她是个魅力十足的女人。麦克米伦高阶〔chestful〕His father was a military man all the way and had a chestful of decorations to prove it.他父亲是个十足的军人,满胸勋章可资证明。英汉大词典〔chicken〕I'm scared of the dark. I'm a big chicken.我怕黑,是个十足的胆小鬼。柯林斯高阶〔complete〕He's a complete idiot! 他是个十足的白痴!麦克米伦高阶〔complete〕The man's a complete fool! 这人是个十足的傻瓜!剑桥高阶〔consummate〕He's a consummate athlete/gentleman/liar.他是个极为出色的运动员/十足的绅士/十足的骗子。剑桥高阶〔contemporarily〕He is too contemporarily televisual to play the eighteenth-century part with any success.他是个十足的当代电视演员,饰演这个18世纪的角色不大可能成功。英汉大词典〔core〕He was a bureaucrat to the core.他是个十足的官僚。朗文当代〔core〕He's a politician to the core(= in all his attitudes and actions).他是个十足的政客。牛津高阶〔dork〕I look like a complete dork in these clothes.我穿着这些衣服看上去就像个十足的土老帽儿。韦氏高阶〔fiend〕He was portrayed in the media as a complete fiend.他被媒体描绘成了一个十足的恶魔。剑桥高阶〔fight〕The plucky underdogs showed plenty of fight and never gave up.勇气十足的失败者表示要进行反击, 绝不放弃。外研社新世纪〔flaming〕You flaming idiot! 你这十足的笨蛋!朗文当代〔gentleman〕Martin – always the perfect gentleman – got to his feet when my mother walked in.马丁在我母亲进来时站了起来 — 他一向是十足的绅士派头。朗文当代〔ground〕On her own ground she knows exactly what she's doing.她在自己熟悉的领域里对自己的行为有十足的把握。柯林斯高阶〔hag〕She can be a real old hag at times.她有时是个十足的老巫婆。外研社新世纪〔idiot〕I felt (like) a complete idiot, standing there in front of all those people! 站在那么多人面前,我感觉自己像个十足的白痴!牛津搭配〔ill-tempered〕Six players were sent off in an ill-tempered game.在一场火药味十足的比赛中有六名球员被罚下场。朗文当代〔imbecile〕He drank too much and started acting like a complete imbecile.他喝得太多了,开始表现得像个十足的蠢货。韦氏高阶〔lemon〕He just stood there looking like a real lemon.他就像个十足的傻瓜一样站在那里。朗文当代〔lunatic〕The man's an absolute lunatic.这个男人是个十足的傻瓜。外研社新世纪〔madam〕She's turning into a proper little madam.她正在变成一个十足的小妇人。剑桥高阶〔meanness〕There was pure meanness in his voice.他的声音中透着十足的恶意。外研社新世纪〔measure〕We experienced the full measure of their hospitality.我们领受了他们十足的盛情。牛津高阶〔muck〕The script is utterly banal. It is incredible that human minds can put such muck onto paper.这个剧本是十足的平庸之作, 难以想象有人会写出这样的垃圾。外研社新世纪〔nutcase〕He's a complete nutcase.他是个十足的疯子。朗文当代〔ogre〕Her father sounded like a real ogre.她父亲的口气听上去像个十足的恶魔。朗文当代〔ogre〕Some of my teachers were real ogres.我的一些老师是十足的恶魔。剑桥高阶〔old-liner〕They are straight old-liners, some of them men of fossilized ideas.他们是十足的保守派,其中有些人思想已经僵化。英汉大词典〔paid-up〕Oh yes, he's been a fully paid-up capitalist for years.是的,多年来他一直是个十足的资本家。麦克米伦高阶〔patronizable〕Don't patronize me. I'm not a child.不要以那副神气十足的样子对我,我不是小孩子。21世纪英汉〔patronize〕Don't patronize me! 不要以那副神气十足的样子对我!英汉大词典〔people〕British history of the 19th century is peopled by energetic reformers.19世纪的英国历史是劲头十足的改革者的历史。外研社新世纪〔perfect〕I felt a perfect idiot.我感到自己是个十足的傻瓜。朗文当代〔perfect〕You're behaving like a perfect idiot.你的行为举止像个十足的白痴。外研社新世纪〔phoney〕He's a complete phoney! 他是个十足的骗子!朗文当代〔pinhead〕Her boss is a real pinhead.她的老板是个十足的笨蛋。韦氏高阶〔pisspot〕Patrick's a real pisspot.帕特里克是个十足的酒鬼。剑桥高阶〔plonker〕He was acting like a complete/total plonker.他的行为像个十足的笨蛋。韦氏高阶〔plumb〕It is plumb nonsence.这是十足的胡说。英汉大词典〔posh〕Her parents are terribly posh.她父母是十足的上流社会作派。朗文当代〔put down as〕I had put him down as a complete fool.我把他看成一个十足的傻瓜。外研社新世纪〔radiate〕He alone radiated confidence.唯有他一副信心十足的样子。英汉大词典〔real〕He looks a real idiot.他看上去像个十足的白痴。牛津高阶〔right〕He made me look a right idiot.他使我看起来像个十足的白痴。麦克米伦高阶〔rusticate〕He rusticated himself so long that he has become an absolute country cousin.他定居乡村很久,已变成十足的乡下人了。21世纪英汉〔sense〕The decorations, flowers, and crowds gave the town a real sense of occasion.灯彩、鲜花和人群给小镇带来了一种十足的节庆氛围。剑桥高阶〔sheer〕The concert was sheer delight.这场音乐会是一次十足的享受。牛津高阶〔shyster〕He's a real shyster.他是一个十足的讼棍。剑桥高阶〔snob〕He's a terrible snob - if you haven't been to the right school he probably won't even speak to you.他是个十足的势利眼——如果你没上过名牌学校,他也许一句话都不跟你说。剑桥高阶〔spaz〕I'm a real spaz on the ski slopes.在滑雪道上我是个十足的笨蛋。韦氏高阶〔stamp〕It was his manners that stamped him as a real gentleman.他彬彬有礼的举止表明他是一位十足的绅士。朗文当代〔stiffen〕She had stiffened into a pronounced spinsterhood.她古板得成为一个十足的老处女了。英汉大词典〔street cred〕At 16, she oozes street cred. She wears black, talks cool and looks 18.16 岁时她就是个十足的潮人。一袭黑衣,说话很酷,看起来像 18 岁。柯林斯高阶〔tearaway〕He was a real tearaway at school - he was always in trouble with teachers or with the police.他在学校是个十足的小阿飞,老是因犯事遭到老师或警察的责罚。剑桥高阶〔through〕He was obviously a city kid through and through.很明显,他是个十足的城里孩子。麦克米伦高阶〔tympany〕Archaic Inflated manner or style; bombast.【古语】 傲气十足的方式或风格;高调整美国传统〔utter〕You're an utter fool.你是个十足的傻瓜。英汉大词典〔wager〕He is so confident of victory he has wagered on himself. 他对获胜有十足的信心,甚至为自己下注。剑桥高阶〔you-know-what〕He's a complete you-know-what.他是个十足的那种家伙。韦氏高阶Back in the 1960s, Sam was a real swinger.早在六十年代萨姆是个十足的花花公子。剑桥国际Everyone who worked with her was struck by the sheer force of her personality.每个与她一起工作的人都被她十足的个性力量所感染。剑桥国际For the people living near it, the new road has been an unmitigated disaster.对住在附近的人们来讲, 新公路成为十足的灾难。剑桥国际He is a great big fool. 他是一个十足的大傻瓜。译典通He is a positive fool. 他是一个十足的傻瓜。译典通He must be a raving idiot/lunatic to drive that far without a break.一口气开那么远,他一定是个十足的白痴/疯子。剑桥国际He was a real tearaway at school -- he was always in trouble with teachers or with the police.他在学校里是十足的小阿飞,总是受老师或警察的训斥。剑桥国际He's a right (= total) idiot.他是一个十足的白痴。剑桥国际He's a right Charlie.他是个十足的傻瓜。剑桥国际He's an absolute idiot / moron! 他是个十足的白痴/傻瓜。剑桥国际He's an absolute scoundrel-- he took our antique vase to get it valued and we haven't seen him since.他是个十足的无赖----他把我们的古董花瓶拿去估价,从此我们就再也没有见到过他。剑桥国际I'll look a right wally in the shorts! 穿着这短裤,我看起来就像个十足的笨蛋!剑桥国际I'm not playing with him, he's a total retard (= stupid or mentally slow person).我不和他玩,他是个十足的白痴。剑桥国际She has a reputation in the firm for being a real crawler.公司里人人都知道她是个十足的马屁精。剑桥国际She's a raving beauty (= extremely beautiful).她是个十足的美人。剑桥国际She's a real beauty.她是个十足的美人。剑桥国际The boxer weighed three hundred pounds and walked like a veritable colossus. 这个拳击手重三百镑,走起路来像个十足的巨人。译典通The man was roguish through and through. 那人是个十足的无赖。译典通The minister dismissed the newspaper reports as pure speculation/invention.部长声称这篇新闻报道是十足的推测/编造而不予理睬。剑桥国际The second round was a complete massacre. 第二个回合是十足的惨败。译典通With his lordly manner, he seems like the epitome of the pukka Englishman.他那高高在上的态度使他看上去就像十足的英国人。剑桥国际

