
单词 在陌生人面前
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RELAX/RELAXED〕The boys were quite uninhibited about performing in front of strangers. 这些男孩子大大方方地在陌生人面前表演。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕His reticence with strangers was sometimes interpreted as unfriendliness. 他在陌生人面前的沉默寡言有时被理解为不友善。朗文写作活用〔awkward〕He feels awkward with/around strangers.他在陌生人面前感到局促不安。韦氏高阶〔indiscretion〕They were embarrassed at his indiscretion in talking about family matters in front of strangers.他轻率地在陌生人面前大谈家庭私事,这使他们感到难堪。英汉大词典〔shy〕She was very shy with strangers.她在陌生人面前很害羞。朗文当代〔tremulous〕He was shy and tremulous in the presence of strangers.他在陌生人面前腼腆害羞。英汉大词典〔unfamiliar〕Once she's built up her confidence, she may be less shy with unfamiliar people.她一旦建立起了自信, 在陌生人面前也许就不会那么害羞了。外研社新世纪He had the indiscretion to talk about family matters in front of strangers. 他轻率得在陌生人面前谈论家庭私事。译典通I feel strange in the presence of strangers. 在陌生人面前,我感到不自在。译典通She showed constraint in the presence of the strangers. 她在陌生人面前显得很拘束。译典通Small children are often shy of anyone they do not know. 小孩子在陌生人面前常常是怯生生的。译典通The little child stammers in the presence of strangers. 那小孩在陌生人面前说话就结巴。译典通

