
单词 基本需要
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SURVIVE〕The program provides homeless kids with the basics they need to survive: food, shelter, and health care. 这个计划为无家可归的孩子提供吃、住和医疗保健等生存的基本需要朗文写作活用〔frill〕We supply basic, no-frills tractors at low prices.我们低价供应无花哨功能、满足基本需要的拖拉机。朗文当代〔human〕Contact with other people is a basic human need.和他人接触是人的基本需要牛津高阶〔need〕Energy for cooking is a basic human need.做饭用的能源是人类的一项基本需要牛津搭配〔primary〕Security is a primary need.安全是基本需要英汉大词典〔shelter〕The basic necessities of life are food, clothing and shelter.衣、食、住是生活的最基本需要英汉大词典Housing, enough money to live on and education are basic needs.住房、足够的生活费用和教育是基本需要剑桥国际

