
单词 夸耀
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOAST〕She's always boasting about how clever her children are. 她总是夸耀自己的几个孩子有多聪明。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕He wanted to show his daughter off to everybody. 他想向所有人夸耀他的女儿。朗文写作活用〔blew〕She kept blowing about her medals.她一直在夸耀她的奖牌。21世纪英汉〔boastingly〕He speaks boastingly of his wealth.他夸耀自己的财富。文馨英汉〔boast〕Amy boasted that her son was a genius.埃米夸耀自己的儿子是天才。朗文当代〔boast〕He's always boasting of his great sporting achievements.他老是在夸耀他在体育上取得的巨大成就。麦克米伦高阶〔boast〕His interrogator boasted to him about this masterpiece of detective work.他的审讯者向他夸耀这一侦查工作上的杰作。英汉大词典〔boast〕Parents enjoy boasting about their children's achievements.父母喜欢夸耀子女所取得的成绩。剑桥高阶〔boast〕She is always boasting about how wonderful her children are.她总是夸耀她的孩子多么出色。牛津高阶〔boast〕These verbs all mean to speak with pride,often excessive pride, about oneself or something,such as one's possessions, related to oneself.这些动词都表示夸耀,通常对自己或某些事过分骄傲,例如对自己拥有的东西或与自己相关的东西。美国传统〔boast〕To speak of with excessive pride.夸耀:用特别得意的口气说话美国传统〔bragging rights〕She earned bragging rights for completing the project on time.因为按时完成了项目,她有理由夸耀一下自己。韦氏高阶〔brag〕Arrogant or boastful speech or manner.傲慢的话,夸耀的态度美国传统〔brag〕His brag was his new car.他可夸耀的是他的新车。外研社新世纪〔brag〕She bragged endlessly about her high score.她没完没了地夸耀自己的高分数。21世纪英汉〔brag〕Something boasted of.被夸耀之物美国传统〔brag〕That is nothing to brag about.那没有什么可夸耀的。英汉大词典〔brag〕They bragged that their team had never been beaten.他们夸耀说他们队从未输过。剑桥高阶〔brag〕They bragged that they had never been beaten.他们夸耀他们从没被击败过。21世纪英汉〔brag〕They're always bragging about their son's accomplishments.他们总是夸耀自己的儿子多有成就。韦氏高阶〔brag〕To assert boastfully.夸耀地宣称美国传统〔crew 或 crowed〕He always crowed about his examination results.他总是夸耀自己的考试成绩。21世纪英汉〔crow〕He won't stop crowing about his victory.他滔滔不绝地夸耀自己的胜利。牛津高阶〔crow〕The company hasn't much to crow about, with sales down compared with last year.公司的销售额比去年下降了,没有什么可夸耀的。牛津搭配〔crow〕The rest of us were sick of hearing her crow about/over her success.我们大伙都烦透了听她得意地夸耀自己的成功。韦氏高阶〔emotional intelligence〕This is an age when we boast of our emotional intelligence and we claim to feel each other's pain.这是一个我们都在夸耀自己的情商,声称能感受彼此的伤痛的时代。柯林斯高阶〔extol〕She is forever extolling the virtues of her children.她总在夸耀自己家孩子的优点。剑桥高阶〔flaunt〕One secret he learned very early on was not to flaunt his success.他很早就学到的一个秘诀就是不要夸耀自己的成功。柯林斯高阶〔flaunt〕One secret he learned very early on was not to flaunt his success.他很早就领会到的秘诀便是不夸耀自己的成功。外研社新世纪〔flaunt〕She openly flaunted her affair with the senator.她公开夸耀与参议员的恋情。牛津高阶〔horn〕To brag or boast about oneself.自我吹嘘,自我夸耀美国传统〔however〕However you praise the film, I just feel it so-so.不管你怎么夸耀那部影片,可我觉得它不过尔尔。21世纪英汉〔hurrah〕Excitement; fanfare.激动;夸耀美国传统〔modest〕He is modest about his achievements.他不夸耀自己的成就。牛津搭配〔nouveau riche〕One who has recently become rich, especially one who flaunts newly acquired wealth.新贵:最近变富的人,尤指夸耀新近得到的财富的人美国传统〔ostentation〕Pretentious display meant to impress others; boastful showiness.炫耀:试图打动别人的、夸耀的展示;自吹自擂的卖弄美国传统〔parade〕The Chancellor will be able to parade his cut in interest rates as a small victory.财政大臣就能把他的减息举措当作一场小胜来夸耀了。柯林斯高阶〔parade〕To behave so as to attract attention; show off.炫耀,展示:为了吸引别人的注意力而做;夸耀美国传统〔pedant〕One who exhibits one's learning or scholarship ostentatiously.卖弄学问者:夸耀地显示自己学识或学问的人美国传统〔praise〕He was loud in his praises of his new car.他张口闭口夸耀自己的新车。英汉大词典〔pretension〕Ostentatious display; pretentiousness.炫耀地显示;做作,夸耀美国传统〔proud〕It was a proud time for his parents when he received his diploma.他领到毕业文凭的时刻对他父母来说是一个值得夸耀的时刻。英汉大词典〔rhapsody〕The mayor launched/went into a long rhapsody about his plans for the city.市长滔滔不绝地夸耀他的城市规划。韦氏高阶〔right〕The team earned the bragging rights by taking first place in all three events.该队在全部 3 项赛事中都夺魁,因而有了夸耀的资本。牛津搭配〔self-effacing〕As women we tend to be self-effacing and make light of what we have achieved.作为女性我们往往不喜夸耀,对自己获得的成功轻描淡写。柯林斯高阶〔splurge〕An extravagant display.夸耀:过分地显示美国传统〔spread-eagle〕To make a grandiloquent, patriotic speech.夸耀:说大话,发表爱国演说美国传统〔swagger〕Boastful or conceited expression; braggadocio.吹嘘,自大:夸耀或自负的措辞;吹牛美国传统〔swagger〕To brag; boast.夸耀;炫耀美国传统〔swank〕Just because you won, there's no need to swank.没必要因为赢了就四处夸耀剑桥高阶〔theatricalize〕To make a spectacle of; display showily.夸耀:表演;夸耀地表现美国传统〔unassuming〕Exhibiting no pretensions, boastfulness, or ostentation; modest.不装腔作势的:不装腔作势的,不夸耀的;不铺张招摇的;谦逊美国传统〔unpretentious〕Despite his success, he's refreshingly unpretentious about his career.尽管他获得了成功,但令人欣喜的是,他从不夸耀自己的事业。麦克米伦高阶〔vaunt〕To speak boastfully of; brag about.吹嘘:吹嘘地说…;夸耀美国传统〔whiff〕The TV show had the whiff of hypocrisy and pomposity.这个电视节目有些伪善和夸耀的嫌疑。柯林斯高阶Ever since he started working out, he likes to flaunt himself (=show his body) at every opportunity.自从他开始外出工作后,他一有机会总是喜欢夸耀自己。剑桥国际He is boastful of his learning. 他总是夸耀自己的学识。译典通He made a display of his learning. 他夸耀自己有学问。译典通He made a great brag of his ability. 他夸耀自己的能力。译典通He piques himself on having a good memory. 他常夸耀自己记性好。译典通He's always boasting about his prowess in public debate.他总是夸耀自己的辩论雄才。剑桥国际Parents enjoy boasting about their children's achievements.父母们都喜欢夸耀自己孩子们取得的成绩。剑桥国际Planning, patience, and discipline were vaunted as virtues in the army.策略、耐性和纪律被夸耀为军人的美德。剑桥国际Schools that have achieved good exam results this year have been crowing about it.今年考试成绩良好的学校一直在夸耀此事。剑桥国际She was always bragging about her cottage in Italy.她总是夸耀她在意大利的别墅。剑桥国际

