
单词 头像
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BACK〕The reverse side of the coin has the president's head on it. 这枚硬币的背面有总统的头像朗文写作活用〔EDGE〕The new five-dollar bills have shifted the president's head toward the left-hand side. 新的五美元纸币把总统头像移到了左边。朗文写作活用〔George〕An English coin during the reign of Henry VIII, imprinted with a figure of Saint George.圣乔治币:在亨利八世执政期间印有圣乔治头像的英国硬币美国传统〔Identikit〕An Identikit picture of the gunman was flashed on the television screens.一幅由容貌拼具拼出的持枪歹徒的头像映现在千家万户的电视屏幕上。英汉大词典〔PICTURE〕On the wall was a drawing of a woman's head by Matisse. 墙上有一幅马蒂斯画的女性头像朗文写作活用〔accolade〕He's been granted the ultimate accolade - his face on a postage stamp.他获得了最高荣誉——他的头像被印在了邮票上。剑桥高阶〔admiration〕He moulded the heads in clay to admiration.他用模子做泥塑头像,维妙维肖。英汉大词典〔aegis〕Greek Mythology The shield or breastplate of Zeus, later an attribute of Athena, carrying at its center the head of Medusa.【希腊神话】 羊皮盾:宙斯的帝盾或胸铠,后来成为雅典娜的象征,盾中心装有美杜莎的头像美国传统〔avatar〕She chose a penguin as her personal avatar in the chat room.她选择企鹅作为她在网络聊天室的个人头像韦氏高阶〔composite〕Galton created composite pictures in which different faces were superimposed over one another.高尔顿制作的合成照片是由不同的头像叠印而成的。外研社新世纪〔cover〕Her face was on the cover(= the front cover)of every magazine.各种杂志的封面都有她的头像牛津高阶〔criosphinx〕A sphinx with the head of a ram.狮身羊头像美国传统〔crown〕A coin stamped with a crown or crowned head on one side.克朗:在某一面上印有王冠或戴着王冠的头像的硬币美国传统〔head〕A portrait or representation of a person's head.头像:一个人物头部的肖像或艺术作品美国传统〔herma〕A bust, usually one of Hermes mounted on a square stone post.头像方碑:半身塑像,通常为方形石柱上的赫耳墨斯像美国传统〔identikit〕Police have issued an Identikit of the man they want to question.警方公布了他们想要讯问的男子的合成模拟头像剑桥高阶〔like〕My new profile picture got 100 likes.我的新头像图片得到了100个赞。剑桥高阶〔mask〕An often grotesque representation of a head and face, used for ornamentation.头像:面或头部通常奇怪的象征,用于装饰美国传统〔relief〕Each gold coin depicts the queen's head in relief on the front.每一枚金币正面都刻有女王的浮雕头像韦氏高阶〔reverse〕The coin has a date on one side and the emperor's head on the reverse.硬币的一面是日期,另一面是君主的头像牛津搭配〔side〕Canadian coins have a picture of the British Queen's head on one side.加拿大硬币的一面有女王的头像剑桥高阶〔superpose〕They had superposed a picture of his head onto someone else's body.他们把他的头像贴在别人的身体上。牛津高阶〔touch〕He drew her head, and quickly touched in the eyes, nose, and mouth.他画她的头像,只几笔就勾勒出了眼、鼻和嘴。英汉大词典Canadian coins have a picture of the Queen's head on one side.加拿大硬币的一面有女王的头像剑桥国际The huge heads on Easter Island were carved from local stone.复活节岛上的巨型头像是由当地的石头雕刻而成。剑桥国际The prow of the motor-boat cut through the water like a knife. 汽艇的船头像一把刀子劈开水面向前行驶。译典通This is his centennial year and he's been granted the ultimate accolade--his face on a set of three postage stamps.这是他的百年纪念,他已受到了最高赞誉----头像被印在3张一套的邮票上。剑桥国际

