
单词 女修道
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abbatial〕Of or having to do with an abbey, abbot, or abbess.修道院的,男修道院院长的,女修道院长的美国传统〔abbess〕The superior of a convent.女修道院院长:修道院内的女长者美国传统〔abbess〕Used as a title for such a person.女修道院院长:赋予这种人的尊称美国传统〔abbey〕A convent supervised by an abbess.女修道院:由女性任院长的修道院美国传统〔cloister〕A place, especially a monastery or convent, devoted to religious seclusion.修道院:用于宗教隐居的地方,尤指修道院或女修道美国传统〔cloister〕Life in a monastery or convent.修道院生活:在修道院或女修道院里的生活美国传统〔cloister〕Mother Dolores has been cloistered in a nunnery in rural Connecticut for 37 years.多洛雷斯修女已被隔绝在康涅狄格州乡下的一个女修道院里达37年。外研社新世纪〔convent school〕She goes to convent school.她在女修道会学校读书。外研社新世纪〔conventual〕Of or relating to a convent.女修道院的:女修道会的或与之相关的美国传统〔convent〕At 17 she left the convent.她17岁那年离开了这所女修道会学校。外研社新世纪〔mother superior〕A woman in charge of a religious community of women.女修道院长:管理妇女宗教团体的女人美国传统〔mother〕A mother superior.女修道院院长美国传统〔mother〕Used as a form of address for such a woman.用作对女修道院院长的称呼美国传统〔nunnery〕A convent of nuns.女修道院,尼姑庵美国传统〔observance〕Teresa eventually found her own convent of strict observance.特雷莎最终建立了自己有严格教规的女修道会。外研社新世纪〔sister〕The sisters live in the convent.修女们住在女修道院里。韦氏高阶〔superior〕Ecclesiastical The head of a religious community, such as a monastery, an abbey, or a convent.【基督教会】 修道院院长:宗教团体,例如修道院、寺院或女修道院的主持人美国传统She refused marriage and entered a nunnery. 她拒绝结婚而进女修道院修行。译典通

