
单词 偿还债务
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔advance〕The bank advanced $1.2 billion to help the country with debt repayments.银行预先发放了12亿美元的贷款帮助该国偿还债务外研社新世纪〔amortize〕He refuses to amortize the debt.他拒绝筹款以分期偿还债务英汉大词典〔anticipate〕To pay (a debt) before it is due.提前偿还债务美国传统〔bankrupt〕Years of mismanagement had left the region virtually bankrupt.多年管理不善使得该地区实际上无力偿还债务麦克米伦高阶〔deadbeat〕One who does not pay one's debts.赖帐者:不偿还债务的人美国传统〔debtor〕The debtor agrees to pay the debt over a three-year period.债务人同意在三年期间偿还债务韦氏高阶〔debt〕Three years later, he is still paying off his debts.三年后, 他仍然在偿还债务外研社新世纪〔debt〕Three years later, he is still paying off his debts.都3年了,他仍在偿还债务柯林斯高阶〔discharge〕They have failed to discharge their debts.他们未能偿还债务韦氏高阶〔distinct〕The company, as distinct from its shareholders, should be liable for any debts.公司与其股东不同,负有偿还债务的责任。麦克米伦高阶〔enjoin〕The court enjoined the debtors to pay.法庭责令债务人偿还债务韦氏高阶〔expect〕We expect you to pay your debts.我们要求你偿还债务韦氏高阶〔fire sale〕The company was forced to have a fire sale of its assets.公司被迫低价抛售其资产偿还债务牛津高阶〔gearing〕You must look at the company's gearing level and its ability to service its debt.你必须关注公司的资产负债比和偿还债务的能力。剑桥高阶〔go towards〕This money will go towards the debt.这笔钱将用以偿还债务21世纪英汉〔grace period〕A period in which a debt may be paid without accruing further interest or penalty.宽限期:一段时间,在此期间偿还债务不用追加进一步的利息或惩罚美国传统〔hock〕He's trying to get out of hock.他正在努力偿还债务韦氏高阶〔honor〕They are accused of failing to honor their debts.他们被控未能偿还债务韦氏高阶〔insolvent〕Insufficient to meet all debts, as an estate or a fund.不足偿还债务的:财产或资金不足以清偿所有债务的美国传统〔insolvent〕Unable to meet debts or discharge liabilities; bankrupt.无法偿还债务的:不能还债或清偿负债的;破产的美国传统〔insufficient〕There are insufficient funds to pay the debt.缺乏足够的资金来偿还债务外研社新世纪〔land〕His refusal to pay his debts landed him in prison.他因拒绝偿还债务而入狱。英汉大词典〔liquidate〕The owners were ordered to liquidate the company and pay their creditors.公司股东被责令变卖公司资产以偿还债务韦氏高阶〔mortgage〕A temporary, conditional pledge of property to a creditor as security for performance of an obligation or repayment of a debt.抵押:给予债权人临时的、有条件的财产抵押,以此作为履行责任或偿还债务的保证美国传统〔ordain〕The court pronounced a judgment ordaining him to pay the debts.法院宣布由他偿还债务的判决。英汉大词典〔pass〕He had passed his word that he would repay the debt.他作出过偿还债务的保证。英汉大词典〔pay-as-you-go〕The system or practice of paying debts as they are incurred.现买现付:到期偿还债务的制度或行为美国传统〔pay〕To discharge a debt or an obligation.偿清:偿还债务或责任美国传统〔pledge〕Something given or held as security to guarantee payment of a debt or fulfillment of an obligation.抵押物:作为保证偿还债务或履行义务的担保而给予或持有的东西美国传统〔prospect〕There's a reasonable prospect that his debts will be paid.可以合理地预期他会偿还债务牛津高阶〔repayment〕The company will use the money for debt repayment.公司将把这笔钱用于偿还债务韦氏高阶〔repay〕He failed to repay the debt.他没能偿还债务外研社新世纪〔reschedule〕Banks have rescheduled the debts of many developing countries .多家银行推迟了很多发展中国家偿还债务的日期。剑桥高阶〔suffer〕Major banks are suffering losses as a result of having lent too much money to companies who cannot repay their debts.由于将太多资金借给了那些无力偿还债务的公司, 各大银行正在蒙受损失。外研社新世纪〔term〕You should be thinking in terms of paying off your debts.你应该考虑偿还债务了。英汉大词典〔work off〕The report proposes that students be allowed to work off their debt through community service.这份报告建议让学生通过参加社区服务来偿还债务柯林斯高阶〔work off〕The report proposes that students be allowed to work off their debts through community service.这份报告建议让学生通过做社区服务工作来偿还债务外研社新世纪A debt-counselling service has been set up to advise those who are finding it hard to repay what they owe.已建立了一个债务咨询服务机构向那些感到难以偿还债务的人提供建议。剑桥国际Sales proceeds would be used to pay down debt (= reduce the amount of debt that is owed).销售收入将可用于偿还债务牛津商务The company's directors are jointly and severally responsible for paying debts (= they are not responsible for only their own part of a debt).公司董事共同且分别对偿还债务负责。牛津商务The country agreed a debt rollover with the IMF.这个国家与国际货币基金组织达成了延期偿还债务的协议。牛津商务The group is anxious to generate free cash flow in order to repay debt.这个集团急于产生自由现金流以偿还债务牛津商务There are fears the firm may lack funds to redeem its debt.有人担心这家企业缺乏偿还债务的资金。牛津商务They agreed on a payment of $5 000 in full satisfaction of the debt.他们同意支付 5 000 元用以全额偿还债务牛津商务This land was sold for the purpose of liquidating debts.为了偿还债务,这块土地被出售了。牛津商务

