
单词 和诗
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Dan〕Used formerly as a title of honor for respected men, such as clerics and poets.先生:以前用作对受尊敬人的称呼,如牧师和诗人们美国传统〔FULL〕He had a notebook that he had filled with stories and poems. 他有一本笔记本,里面写满了故事和诗朗文写作活用〔LOT〕Baldwin was the author of six novels, four plays and dozens of essays and poems. 鲍德温写了六本小说、四部剧本,以及大量的散文和诗歌。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕We spent hours discussing politics, religion, and poetry. 我们聊了好几个小时,大谈政治、宗教和诗歌。朗文写作活用〔SPEAK〕Anglo-Saxon stories and poems were part of a largely oral culture. 盎格鲁一撒克逊民族的传说故事和诗歌是一个以口头传播为主的文化的组成部分。朗文写作活用〔antiphonal〕An antiphonary.唱和诗歌的圣歌诗集,唱和祈祷书美国传统〔antiphonal〕Relating to or resembling an antiphon.唱和诗歌作品的:唱和诗歌作品的,关于唱和诗歌作品的美国传统〔antiphony〕A composition that is sung responsively; an antiphon.唱和诗歌的乐曲;唱和诗歌的作品美国传统〔antiphon〕A devotional composition sung responsively as part of a liturgy.唱和诗歌:作为仪式一部分轮流吟唱的祈祷乐曲美国传统〔contagious〕Duffy has a contagious enthusiasm for life and poetry.达菲对生活和诗歌的激情很有感染力。外研社新世纪〔hemistich〕A half line of verse, especially when separated rhythmically from the rest of the line by a caesura.半行:诗的半行,尤指由于休止而有节奏地和诗行的其余部分分开者美国传统〔odeum〕A small building of ancient Greece and Rome used for public performances of music and poetry.圆形剧场:古希腊和古罗马的小剧场,用来表演音乐和诗歌节目美国传统〔playwriting〕He gave classes in playwriting and poetry.他教剧本创作和诗歌。韦氏高阶〔programme〕The programme of events also includes a parade and poetry recitations.活动方案还包括游行和诗歌朗诵。牛津搭配〔theater〕Her interests include theater and poetry.她的兴趣包括戏剧和诗歌。韦氏高阶〔throw〕Our country has thrown up many good writers and poets.我国出了许多优秀作家和诗人。英汉大词典Fragments of songs and poems evoke the human emotions at the heart of his story.歌曲和诗歌片断引发出他故事核心的人类情感。剑桥国际Guitars and lutes are fretted musical instruments.吉他和诗琴都是装有品的乐器。剑桥国际Literature includes novels, short stories, plays and poetry.文学作品包括小说、短篇小说、戏剧和诗歌。剑桥国际The end-of-term concert consisted of songs and recitations of poetry.期末音乐会包括歌曲和诗歌朗诵。剑桥国际The first-person narrator is a stylistic device that has been used by many novelists and poets throughout the ages.第一人称叙述方式是一种已被历代许多小说家和诗人用过的文体手段。剑桥国际

