
单词 pulverize
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Turkish coffee〕A sweetened brew of pulverized coffee.土耳其咖啡:一种用磨碎的咖啡煮成的有浓烈甜味的咖啡美国传统〔ash〕Geology Pulverized particulate matter ejected by volcanic eruption.【地质学】 火山灰:火山爆发喷射出来的粉末状颗粒物质美国传统〔cochineal〕A red dye made of the dried and pulverized bodies of female cochineal insects. It is used as a biological stain and as an indicator in acid-base titrations.胭脂红:由雌胭脂虫虫体干燥并研成粉末制成的一种红色染料。用作生物着色剂和酸基滴定指示剂美国传统〔comminute〕To reduce to powder; pulverize.弄碎:分解成粉末;粉碎美国传统〔confectioners' sugar〕Finely pulverized sugar with cornstarch added.细砂糖:加过焦糖的细砂糖美国传统〔flock〕Pulverized wool or felt that is applied to paper, cloth, or metal to produce a texture or pattern.絮凝物:用于制造纸、布或金属时生成某种外观或图案的研磨成粉状的羊毛或毛毡美国传统〔flock〕To texture or pattern with pulverized wool or felt.为…植绒:用研磨成粉状的毛或毛毡制成某种外观或图案美国传统〔fluidize〕To pulverize (a solid) so finely that it takes on most of the properties of a fluid.使流体化:(把一固体)压成细粉以使其显现流体的诸多特性美国传统〔grind〕To become crushed, pulverized, or powdered by friction.磨碎:使…被压碎或磨成粉末美国传统〔hearthstone〕A soft stone or composition of pipe clay and pulverized stone used for scouring and whitening hearths or doorsteps.软磨石:一种用来磨面和打磨炉堂或门阶的软石或用陶土及石粉制成的混合物美国传统〔lithotrity〕A surgical procedure to pulverize stones in the urinary bladder or urethra so that they can be passed out of the body in the urine.碎石术:一种外科手术,粉碎膀胱或尿道中的结石使其随尿排出体外美国传统〔mill〕To grind, pulverize, or break down into smaller particles in a mill.研磨,粉碎:用磨臼研磨或碾制成细小的颗粒美国传统〔pounce〕A fine powder, such as pulverized charcoal, dusted over a stencil to transfer a design to an underlying surface.印花粉:撒于镂花模板上以便在其表面上印出图案的细粉末,如磨碎的木炭粉美国传统〔pound〕To beat to a powder or pulp; pulverize or crush.捣碎,碾碎,舂烂:打碎成粉末或浆;磨碎或压碎美国传统〔powder〕A substance consisting of ground, pulverized, or otherwise finely dispersed solid particles.粉末:由磨粉、研碎或均匀分布的固体颗粒组成的物质美国传统〔powder〕To reduce to powder; pulverize.把…磨成粉:使变成粉末;研碎成粉美国传统〔pulverizable〕He pulverized the opposition with the force of his oratory.他能言善辩把对方驳得体无完肤。21世纪英汉〔pulverize〕A factory making armaments had been bombed the night before and a residential area not far away had been pulverized.前天晚上,一家兵工厂被炸,不远处的居民区也被夷为平地。柯林斯高阶〔pulverize〕Bits of pulverized rock filled the air.岩石粉末弥漫在空气中。韦氏高阶〔pulverize〕His side has pulverized the Pakistan team.他们队击败了巴基斯坦队。外研社新世纪〔pulverize〕Our team was pulverized by the defending champions.我们的队伍被卫冕冠军彻底打垮了。麦克米伦高阶〔pulverize〕She pulverized a dried herb mix into a fine powder.她把干草药混合物磨成了粉末。外研社新世纪〔pulverize〕Stewart completely pulverized the opposition.斯图尔特彻底击败了对手。朗文当代〔pulverize〕The media pulverized the company.媒体把那家公司毁了。外研社新世纪〔pulverize〕The mower pulverizes grass clippings.割草机把草切碎。韦氏高阶〔pulverize〕The seeds can be used whole or pulverized into flour.这些籽可以完整使用,或者磨成粉末。朗文当代〔pulverize〕The statues had been pulverized by tank shells.雕像已全被坦克炮弹炸毁了。外研社新世纪〔pulverize〕The stern old faiths have all pulverized.僵化古老的信念都已毁灭。英汉大词典〔pulverize〕They pulverize to fine sand.它们被磨成了细砂。外研社新世纪〔pulverize〕They pulverized the opposition.他们击溃了反对派。韦氏高阶〔pulverize〕We pulverized the opposition.我们彻底击败了反对派。牛津高阶〔reduce〕To powder or pulverize.磨成粉:捣碎或碾碎美国传统〔terra alba〕Finely pulverized gypsum used in making paper, paints, and as a nutrient for growing yeast.白土:可粉碎的很细的石膏,用于造纸、颜料和正在发酵的酵母的营养剂美国传统〔triturate〕To rub, crush, grind, or pound into fine particles or a powder; pulverize.研磨捣碎:搓擦、磨细、捣烂,使…研磨成细粉末,使成粉末状美国传统Divers found an area of pulverized rock on the sea bed.潜水者在海底发现了一片碎成粉末的岩石。剑桥国际Mirta said the storm pulverized their trailer home.莫塔说这场暴风雨严重损坏了他们的拖车式活动房屋。剑桥国际The hurricane pulverized the houses on the beach. 飓风摧毁了海滩上的房屋。译典通

