
单词 流口
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DELICIOUS〕The thought of bacon and eggs made her mouth water. 她一想到培根煎蛋就要流口水。朗文写作活用〔baby〕Babies drool a lot when they are teething.宝宝长牙的时候爱流口水。牛津搭配〔condition〕Pavlov conditioned dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell.巴甫洛夫通过训练使狗一听到铃声就流口水。剑桥高阶〔condition〕Pavlov's dogs were conditioned to drool at the sound of a bell.巴甫洛夫的狗一听到铃声就会习惯性地流口水。外研社新世纪〔dribble〕Babies dribble constantly.婴儿总是流口水。剑桥高阶〔dribble〕The baby was dribbling.那个婴儿在流口水。麦克米伦高阶〔dribble〕This protects the sheets when the baby dribbles.这可以防止婴儿流口水时把床单弄脏。外研社新世纪〔dribble〕To let saliva drip from the mouth; drool.垂涎,流口水:让唾液从口里流下;流口美国传统〔drool〕My dog is drooling on my shoulder.我的狗正趴在我的肩头流口水。外研社新世纪〔drool〕The dog was drooling at the mouth.那条狗在流口水。朗文当代〔drool〕To let saliva run from the mouth; drivel.垂涎:让口水从口中流出;流口美国传统〔mouthwatering〕The menu is mouthwatering.这张菜单使人看了馋得直流口水。英汉大词典〔mouth〕My mouth started watering when I smelled the food.闻到食物的香味,我开始流口水了。牛津搭配〔mouth〕The sight of the apple made his mouth water.他一见到苹果就馋得流口水。 英汉大词典〔mouth〕The smell of the cooked fish made her mouth water.做好的鱼那味道把她馋得直流口水。朗文当代〔mouth〕The smell of the food made my mouth water.这食物的香味都让我流口水了。韦氏高阶〔overflow〕An outlet or a vent through which excess liquid may escape.溢流口,溢流管:能使过剩的液体流出去的出口或漏洞美国传统〔salivate〕Any dog will salivate when presented with food.所有狗看到食物都会流口水。柯林斯高阶〔salivate〕The smell alone was enough to make me salivate.光闻这香味就足以让我流口水了。韦氏高阶〔salivate〕The thought of all that delicious food made me salivate.一想起那些美味佳肴,我就开始流口水了。剑桥高阶〔slaver〕The dog is slavering over his food.那只狗对著食物流口水。文馨英汉〔slaver〕The dog slavered with excitement when told it was time for a walk.那条狗得知要去散步时,兴奋得直流口水。剑桥高阶〔slaver〕To slobber; drool.流涎;流口美国传统〔slobber〕To let saliva or liquid spill out from the mouth; drool.流口水:让唾液或液体从嘴里流出;淌口水美国传统〔water〕The smell made my mouth water.厨房飘来的香味使我直流口水。麦克米伦高阶〔water〕The smell of that bread is making my mouth water! 那种面包的香味让我直流口水!剑桥高阶〔water〕The smells from the kitchen made our mouths water.厨房里的香味馋得我们直流口水。牛津高阶Ooh, the smell of that bread is making my mouth water! 噢,那面包的香味令我直流口水。剑桥国际The dog slavered with excitement when told it was time for a walk.当告诉那条狗要去散步时,它兴奋得流口水。剑桥国际

