
单词 抛物
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Apollonius of Perga〕Greek mathematician who first defined the conic sections called the parabola, hyperbola, and ellipse.阿普罗涅斯:古希腊数学家,他最早定义了称为抛物线、双曲线和椭圆的圆锥形部分美国传统〔conic section〕The intersection of a right circular cone and a plane, which generates one of a group of plane curves, including the circle, ellipse, hyperbola, and parabola.圆锥曲线:一正圆锥与一平面相切产生的一组平面曲线,包括圆、椭圆、抛物线和双曲线美国传统〔dish antenna〕A microwave transmitter or receiver consisting of a concave parabolic reflector.截抛物面天线:一种由凹形的抛物面状的反射器构成的微波发射器或接收器美国传统〔dish〕A radar dish picks up the radio signals and feeds them to a computer.雷达(抛物面)天线接收无线电讯号并把讯号输入计算机。英汉大词典〔dish〕Electronics A dish antenna.【电子学】 截抛物面天线美国传统〔hyperbolic paraboloid〕A surface of which all sections parallel to one coordinate plane are hyperbolas and all sections parallel to another coordinate plane are parabolas.双曲线抛物线面:一个平面,平面上所有平行于一个坐标平面的所有截面都是双曲线;而平行于另一坐标平面的所有截面都是抛物线美国传统〔parabola〕A plane curve formed by the intersection of a right circular cone and a plane parallel to an element of the cone.抛物线:一个直立圆锥和平行于该锥体中轴的平面相交形成的平面曲线美国传统〔parabola〕A plane curve formed by the locus of points equidistant from a fixed line and a fixed point not on the line.抛物线:到一固定直线和不在直线上某一固定点等距的点的轨迹所形成的平面曲线美国传统〔parabolic〕Of or having the form of a parabola or paraboloid.抛物线或抛物面的或有其形状的美国传统〔parabolic〕Of or similar to a parable.抛物线的或与之相像的美国传统〔paraboloid〕A surface having parabolic sections parallel to a single coordinate axis and elliptic sections perpendicular to that axis.抛物面:一种有与单坐标轴平行的抛物截面和与该轴垂直的椭圆截面的平面美国传统〔reflector〕The parabolic reflector of a searchlight gives a parallel beam.探照灯的抛物面反射镜发出平行光束。英汉大词典〔sun lamp〕A high-intensity lamp with parabolic mirrors, used in photography.强光照明灯:装有抛物面反光镜的强光照明灯,拍摄时使用美国传统If you throw a heavy object its natural trajectory tends to be a parabola.如果你把一样重物抛出去,它的自然轨迹往往是抛物线。剑桥国际Three large satellite dishes were ready to transmit TV pictures around the globe.三个巨大的卫星抛物面反射器准备将电视画面传送到世界各地。剑桥国际

