
单词 我答应了
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCEPT〕I've agreed to help Sarah move this weekend. 我答应了这个周末帮萨拉搬家。朗文写作活用〔REGRET/NOT REGRET〕I was sorry I ever agreed to go with them. 很抱歉我答应了和他们一起去。朗文写作活用〔accept〕He asked me to marry him and I accepted!他要我嫁给他, 我答应了外研社新世纪〔accept〕He asked me to marry him and I accepted.他向我求婚,我答应了牛津高阶〔assure〕You can rest assured (= feel confident) that I shall be there as promised.你放心,我答应了就一定会到的。剑桥高阶〔besides〕I need the money. And besides, when I agree to do something, I do it.我需要这笔钱,而且,我答应了做什么事情,我就要去做。朗文当代〔cook〕I promised I'd cook for them.我答应了会给他们做饭。朗文当代〔very〕I said yes. I can't very well say no.我答应了。我没法拒绝。柯林斯高阶〔yes〕He proposed to me and I said yes .他向我求婚,我答应了朗文当代I made a promise to you and I've kept it.我答应了你,也做到了。剑桥国际I'm absolutely dreading making the after-dinner speech -- I don't know what possessed me to agree to it! 我非常不愿作宴会后发言----我也不知道是什么让我答应了剑桥国际

