
单词 whirlwind
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔courtship〕After a whirlwind courtship, they married and went to live in Bath.经过一场旋风式恋爱,他们结了婚并搬到巴斯生活。牛津搭配〔darken〕The birds darken the dying sun in a whirlwind.鸟群像旋风般地把西沉的太阳遮得暗淡无光。英汉大词典〔dust devil〕A small whirlwind, usually of short duration, that swirls dust, debris, and sand to great heights.尘暴,尘卷:一种小型旋风,往往持续期较短,并能将尘土、碎石、沙子卷得很高美国传统〔mourn〕Let the whirlwind mourn its requiem.任由旋风哀唱其挽歌。21世纪英汉〔romance〕After a whirlwind romance the couple announced their engagement in July.在闪电式的恋爱后,两人在7月宣布订婚。柯林斯高阶〔romance〕Elaine and Michael married after a whirlwind romance.旋风般的浪漫关系麦克米伦高阶〔romance〕Michelle married him after a whirlwind romance (=one that happens very suddenly and quickly) .经过一场旋风式的恋爱,米歇尔嫁给了他。朗文当代〔romance〕They got married last year after a whirlwind (= very short and unexpected) romance.一段闪电式恋爱后,他们去年就结了婚。剑桥高阶〔romance〕They had a whirlwind romance.他们之间有过一段短暂的风流韵事。牛津高阶〔romance〕They married after a whirlwind romance.旋风般的恋爱之后他们结婚了。牛津搭配〔tornado〕A whirlwind or hurricane.旋风或飓风美国传统〔tourbillion〕A whirlwind.旋风美国传统〔tourbillion〕A vortex, as of a whirlwind or whirlpool.涡流,如旋风或旋涡的美国传统〔tour〕The band completed a whirlwind tour of North America in two months.这支乐队在两个月内完成了在北美的旋风式巡回演出。牛津搭配〔waterspout〕A tornado or lesser whirlwind occurring over water and resulting in a funnel-shaped whirling column of air and spray.海龙卷:水上生成的飓风或稍弱之旋风,形成漏斗状旋转的空气柱和水柱美国传统〔whirlwind〕He attended a whirlwind of meetings.他马不停蹄地出席了一连串会议。韦氏高阶〔whirlwind〕He got married after a whirlwind romance.他在一场旋风式的恋爱后结婚了。外研社新世纪〔whirlwind〕He got married after a whirlwind romance.在一场旋风式的恋爱后他很快就结婚了。柯林斯高阶〔whirlwind〕He had been swept aside in the whirlwind of reform and anarchy.在改革和无政府状态交织的混乱风暴中, 他被抛在了一边, 无人理睬。外研社新世纪〔whirlwind〕He had been swept aside in the whirlwind of reform and anarchy.在改革和无政府状态交织的混乱风暴中,他被抛在了一边,没人理睬。柯林斯高阶〔whirlwind〕I had been running around southern England in a whirlwind of activity.我一直在英格兰南部地区辗转奔走, 处理应接不暇的事务。外研社新世纪〔whirlwind〕I had been running around southern England in a whirlwind of activity.我一直奔忙于英格兰南部地区,疲于应对一连串的活动。柯林斯高阶〔whirlwind〕My life has been a whirlwind lately.最近,我的生活一片忙乱。韦氏高阶〔whirlwind〕The band went on a whirlwind concert tour.这支乐队马不停蹄地巡回演出。韦氏高阶〔whirlwind〕They married three months after they met - it was a real whirlwind romance.他们认识3个月后就结婚了——真是旋风式的恋爱。剑桥高阶〔whirlwind〕They were married after a whirlwind romance.他们在一场旋风式恋爱后结婚了。韦氏高阶〔whirlwind〕To recover from the divorce, I threw myself into a whirlwind of activities.为了从离婚中恢复过来,我马不停蹄地投身于一系列的活动。牛津高阶〔whirlwind〕We continued on at a whirlwind pace.我们以旋风般的速度继续。韦氏高阶A freak whirlwind destroyed 20 vehicles and damaged roofs and windows in west Wales early yesterday.昨天早上威尔士西部一阵反常的旋风摧毁了20辆车辆,损坏了许多屋顶与窗户。剑桥国际A freak whirlwind has destroyed over 20 caravans in west Wales.一场怪异的旋风摧毁了威尔士西部20多座活动房屋。剑桥国际The corn circles are believed to have been created by a vortex--a sort of small whirlwind.这些玉米状圆圈据认为是由旋风----一种小的龙卷风----造成的。剑桥国际They got married last year after a whirlwind (= very short and unexpected) romance.他们在快速的恋爱之后于去年结婚了。剑桥国际

