
单词 wedge-shaped
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cleat〕A wedge-shaped piece of material, such as wood, that is fastened onto something, such as a spar, to act as a support or prevent slippage.楔子,防滑木:楔状物,如木楔子,为了支撑或防滑固定在某物上,如翼梁美国传统〔cuneal〕Wedge-shaped.楔形的美国传统〔cuneate〕Wedge-shaped. Used especially to describe a leaf or petal base that is narrowly triangular.楔形的:楔形的。尤其用来描述呈窄三角形的叶子或花瓣的基部美国传统〔cuneiform〕Wedge-shaped.楔形的美国传统〔cuneiform〕Anatomy A wedge-shaped bone, especially one of three such bones in the tarsus of the foot.【解剖学】 楔状骨:楔状骨,尤指脚的跗骨中的这样的三块骨头之一美国传统〔cuneiform〕Anatomy Of, relating to, or being a wedge-shaped bone or cartilage.【解剖学】 楔状骨的:属于、关于或形成楔状骨或软骨的美国传统〔cuneiform〕Writing typified by the use of characters formed by the arrangement of small wedge-shaped elements.楔形文字:以使用由小型楔状元素排列而成的字母为典型的文字美国传统〔cutwater〕The wedge-shaped end of a bridge pier, designed to divide the current and break up ice floes.桥墩分水角:桥墩的楔形边缘,用来分开水流并打碎浮冰块美国传统〔fan〕A collapsible, usually wedge-shaped device made of a light material such as silk, paper, or plastic.扇子:一种可折叠的通常为扇形的装置,由轻原料如丝、纸或塑料构成美国传统〔flying wedge〕A compact, wedge-shaped formation, as of police or guards, moving as a body and used especially for penetrating crowds.楔形推进队:一种尤用于穿过人群中的作为一个整体向前移动的紧密的楔形队列,例如警察或保镖美国传统〔frog〕A wedge-shaped, horny prominence in the sole of a horse's hoof.蹄叉:马蹄底部的楔形角质垫美国传统〔maul〕A heavy hammer having a wedge-shaped head and used for splitting logs.楔手重锤:有楔形头的重锤,用于劈圆木美国传统〔peen〕The end of a hammerhead opposite the flat striking surface, often wedge-shaped or ball-shaped and used for chipping, indenting, and metalworking.锤顶:锤头平的打击面反面通常呈楔形或半球形的顶端,用于削、凿和金属加工美国传统〔pile〕Heraldry A wedge-shaped charge pointing downward.【纹章学】 楔形普通图记:一种头朝下的楔形图章美国传统〔quoin〕Printing A wedge-shaped block used to lock type in a chase.【印刷术】 版楔:用来将铅字锁固在活版架中的楔形块美国传统〔soldering iron〕A usually rod-shaped metal implement with a pointed or wedge-shaped tip, used in soldering metallic parts.焊锡铁具:通常有尖头或是楔型顶端的杆状金属工具,作为焊锡的金属工具美国传统〔sphenoid〕Wedge-shaped.楔形的美国传统〔voussoir〕One of the wedge-shaped stones forming the curved parts of an arch or a vaulted ceiling.拱楔块:用于形成拱或穹窿的曲线部分的楔形石头中的一块美国传统〔wedge〕A wedge-shaped formation, as in football or ground warfare.楔形队形:一种楔状的队形,如在足球运动或地面战争中美国传统〔wedgie〕A shoe having a wedge-shaped heel joined to a half sole so as to form a continuous undersurface. Often used in the plural.坡跟鞋:其楔形后跟与鞋底的一半相连,形成一个连续的底面的鞋。常用作复数美国传统

