
单词 一尊
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEHIND〕In the photograph, a statue of St. Andrew stood in the background. 在这幅照片的背景中,有一尊圣安德鲁塑像。朗文写作活用〔BURN〕Inside the shrine candles flicker next to statues of saints. 圣殿内烛光摇曳,旁边是一尊尊圣像。朗文写作活用〔PAINT〕On the shelf there was a painted statue of the Virgin Mary. 架子上放着一尊上了色的圣母马利亚像。朗文写作活用〔Pygmalion〕A king of Cyprus who carved and then fell in love with a statue of a woman, which Aphrodite brought to life as Galatea.皮格马利翁:塞浦路斯国王,他雕刻一尊女人的雕像然后深深爱上了她,阿佛洛狄忒赋予她生命,名为加勒提阿美国传统〔acquisition〕The museum's latest acquisition is a four-million-dollar sculpture.该博物馆最新购置的藏品为一尊价值400万美元的雕塑。剑桥高阶〔before〕Before the temple gate stood a bronze statue of Buddha.在庙宇大门前矗立着一尊铜佛像。麦克米伦高阶〔bicentenary〕A statue was erected to mark the bicentenary of the composer's birth.人们建了一尊塑像以纪念这位作曲家诞辰200周年。剑桥高阶〔block〕The sculptor transformed the block of wood into a statue.雕塑师将这块木料雕成了一尊塑像。外研社新世纪〔build into〕She has built these scraps of metal into a sculpture.她把这些金属下脚料制成一尊雕刻品。21世纪英汉〔bust〕At the top of the steps was a bust of Shakespeare.在台阶的顶端有一尊莎士比亚的半身像。文馨英汉〔bust〕There was a bust of Mahler on his desk.他书桌上有一尊马勒的半身像。剑桥高阶〔cannonball〕A round projectile fired from a cannon.炮弹:从一尊大炮中射出的一个球状抛射物美国传统〔carving〕She bought a small wooden carving of a Buddha.她买了一尊木刻小佛。韦氏高阶〔colossal〕In the centre of the hall stood a colossal wooden statue, decorated in ivory and gold.大厅中央矗立着一尊用象牙和金子装饰的木质巨型雕像。剑桥高阶〔commemorate〕A statue has been built to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the poet's birthday.为纪念诗人百年诞辰建起了一尊雕像。剑桥高阶〔craft〕He is crafting a new sculpture.他在精心制作一尊新的雕像。韦氏高阶〔cut〕At the center of the table was a statue cut out of ice.桌子中间有一尊冰雕。韦氏高阶〔effigy〕His body is lying beneath a stone effigy.他的遗体安放在一尊石雕下。外研社新世纪〔heroine〕The town remembered her as the heroine of the flood and erected a statue in her honor.这个小镇的人民纪念她是抗洪女英雄,为她竖立了一尊雕像。韦氏高阶〔idol〕The ancient people of this area worshipped a huge bronze idol in the shape of an elephant.这一地区的古代居民膜拜一尊象形的青铜巨像。剑桥高阶〔image〕The temple contained the god’s image.神殿里摆放着一尊神像。牛津同义词〔immobile〕Joe remained as immobile as if he had been carved out of rock.乔一动不动,仿佛一尊石头雕像。柯林斯高阶〔niche〕Above him, in a niche on the wall, sat a tiny veiled Ganesh, the elephant god.在他上方墙上的壁龛里安放着一尊极小的蒙面象头神伽内什的塑像。柯林斯高阶〔pair〕This sculpture was originally one of a pair owned by the King of France.这是原为法国国王所拥有的一对雕塑中的一尊牛津搭配〔paving〕In the centre of the paving stood a statue.铺面的中央是一尊雕塑。柯林斯高阶〔petrify〕An excess of 'dramatic seriousness' would lead one to quickly petrify and become his own statue.过分的“严肃认真”会让人快速僵化, 使自己变成一尊雕像。外研社新世纪〔plaster〕A plaster cast of Madame Fournier stood in the artist's studio.那位艺术家的工作室里立着一尊富尼埃夫人的石膏像。牛津搭配〔pull down〕A small crowd attempted to pull down a statue.一小伙人试图推倒一尊塑像。柯林斯高阶〔recumbent〕The archaeologist found a statue of a recumbent woman.那考古学家发现了一尊卧姿妇人雕像。英汉大词典〔scale〕The tower was surmounted by an enormous statue, utterly out of scale with the building.那座塔的顶部矗立着一尊巨型雕像,与整个建筑完全不成比例。柯林斯高阶〔sculpture〕He worked on the symbolic monumental sculpture for Oscar Wilde's tomb.他为奥斯卡・王尔德的墓地雕刻了一尊具有象征意义的纪念雕塑。牛津搭配〔statue〕The protestors toppled a statue of King George III.抗议者推倒了国王乔治三世的一尊塑像。牛津搭配〔statue〕They planned to put up/erect a statue to the president.他们计划为总统竖一尊雕像。剑桥高阶〔veneration〕This statue is an object of religious veneration.这是一尊被人敬奉的宗教偶像。英汉大词典A statue fell, and shivered on the stones. 一尊塑像倒下,砸在石头上打碎了。译典通A statue was erected to mark the bicentenary of the composer's birth.为了纪念这位作曲家诞辰二百周年, 人们树了一尊塑像。剑桥国际Shakespeare produces a very unsatisfying deus ex machina in ‘The Winter's Tale’, when, at the very end of the play, a statue turns out to be a real woman.莎士比亚在《冬天的故事》中制造了一个很不能令人满意的大团圆结局:在戏剧的最末处,一尊雕塑变成了一个真的女人。剑桥国际She bought an exquisite china figurine. 她买了一尊小巧而精致的瓷塑像。译典通The column is surmounted by a statue. 柱顶上树立了一尊雕像。译典通The square is dominated by an immense statue of the President.一尊总统的巨大塑像高耸于广场上。剑桥国际There was a bust of Mahler on his desk.他书桌上有一尊马勒的半身像。剑桥国际They erected an equestrian statue of the Prince (= a statue of the Prince on a horse.) 他们立起一尊王子骑马的塑像。剑桥国际They planned to put up/erect a statue to the President.他们计划为总统竖一尊立像。剑桥国际

