“true to form”例句

单词 true to form
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TYPICAL〕True to form, Oliver turned up late and drunk. 跟往常一样,奥利弗来晚了,还喝得醉醺醺的。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕They promised to pay by Friday and yes, true to form, the money didn't arrive till Wednesday. 他们答应星期五前把钱付清。果然,一如往常,直到星期三那笔钱才送来。朗文写作活用〔form〕True to form, he made an instant decision.和往常一样,他立刻作出了决定。英汉大词典〔form〕True to form, he was 20 minutes late for the meeting.和往常一样,他开会迟到了20分钟。韦氏高阶〔form〕True to form, she kept her guests waiting for more than 90 minutes.和平常一样,她让客人们等了 90 多分钟。柯林斯高阶〔form〕True to form, she kept her guests waiting for more than 90 minutes.和往常一样, 她让客人们等了90多分钟。外研社新世纪〔form〕Before the train had left the outskirts of London he behaved true to form and began a conversation.一如往常,列车还没驶出伦敦郊区,他就开始和别人聊起天来。柯林斯高阶〔form〕Her latest movie is/runs true to form.她最新的电影延续了她一贯的风格。韦氏高阶〔form〕Jack's luck was running true to form.杰克的好运气一如既往。英汉大词典〔form〕My luck was running true to form.我的运气和往常一样。柯林斯高阶〔true〕True to form, Henry turned up late.亨利照例又迟到了。朗文当代〔true〕True to form, Tony asked to borrow some more money.不出所料,托尼又开口借钱了。麦克米伦高阶〔true〕True to form, she refused.不出所料, 她拒绝了。外研社新世纪〔true〕True to form, when it came to his turn to buy the drinks, he said he'd left his wallet at home.像往常一样,轮到他买饮料时,他就称钱包忘在家里了。剑桥高阶True to form, when it came to his turn to buy the drinks, he said he'd left his wallet at home.象往常一样, 当轮到他买饮料时, 他就说钱包忘在家里了。剑桥国际

