“to oneself”例句

单词 to oneself
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔I〕Used to refer to oneself as speaker or writer.我:正在说话或写作的人用来称自己美国传统〔abnegate〕To deny (something) to oneself.自我克制(某物)美国传统〔boast〕These verbs all mean to speak with pride,often excessive pride, about oneself or something,such as one's possessions, related to oneself.这些动词都表示夸耀,通常对自己或某些事过分骄傲,例如对自己拥有的东西或与自己相关的东西。美国传统〔chuckle〕To laugh quietly or to oneself.轻笑或自笑美国传统〔die to〕One cannot see God until one has died to oneself.一个人只有在舍弃自我之后才能见到上帝。外研社新世纪〔expropriate〕To transfer (another's property) to oneself.剥夺…的所有权:把(另一人的财产)据为已有美国传统〔oneself〕It's good to have the children to oneself sometimes.有时自己一个人跟孩子们相处很有意思。麦克米伦高阶〔oneself〕It's possible to have the place to oneself if it's early.如果早的话有可能独用这个地方。麦克米伦高阶〔oneself〕The only guarantee of having a cabin to oneself is by travelling first class.只有坐头等舱旅行才能保证一个人独享一舱。柯林斯高阶〔oneself〕To work one must have time to oneself.一个人要工作就必须有属于自己的时间。柯林斯高阶〔oneself〕To work one must have time to oneself.一个人要工作就必须有属于自己的时间。外研社新世纪〔plagiarize〕To put forth as original to oneself the ideas or words of another.抄袭:将他人的观点或语言以自己的名义提出美国传统〔prefigure〕To imagine or picture to oneself in advance.预想:预先想象或为己设想美国传统〔reserve〕The keeping of one's feelings, thoughts, or affairs to oneself.自我克制:把感受、想法或事情全留给自己美国传统〔secret〕Something kept hidden from others or known only to oneself or to a few.秘密:不为他人所知或仅为本人和少数人所知的事物美国传统〔self-defense〕Defense of what belongs to oneself, as one's works or reputation.个人所有的保护:保护属于自己的东西,如自己的作品或声誉美国传统〔self-destructive〕Tending to do harm to oneself.自毁的:有伤害自己的倾向的美国传统〔soliloquy〕The act of speaking to oneself.自言自语:自己和自己说话的行为美国传统〔subvocalize〕To articulate or engage in articulation by moving the lips or other speech organs without making audible sounds, as in reading to oneself.默读,不出声地谈话:通过移动嘴唇或其他语言器官但不出声地说出或进行发音,如对自己默读美国传统It's lovely to have the house (all) to oneself (= with no other person present) for a while.独自占用房子一会儿是件美妙的事。剑桥国际

