“to shoulder”例句

单词 to shoulder
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COUNTRY〕UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said the British should stand shoulder to shoulder with the American people. 英国首相布莱尔说英国人民应当同美国人民肩并肩站在一起。朗文写作活用〔RESPONSIBLE〕The company is unwilling to shoulder the cost of installing a daycare center. 公司不愿负担设立日托中心的费用。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕British soldiers fought shoulder to shoulder with American and French troops. 英国士兵和美国、法国的军队并肩作战。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Mitterrand, although a socialist, stood shoulder to shoulder with the NATO allies during the challenges of the early 1980s. 密特朗虽然是社会党人,但是在20世纪80年代初的挑战中,他还是支持北约盟友。朗文写作活用〔bring〕Bring your hands slowly up to shoulder height.把你的手慢慢举至齐肩高。麦克米伦高阶〔burden〕She had to shoulder the burden of childcare.她不得不担起照顾孩子的重担。牛津搭配〔burden〕When an elderly relative falls ill, you should not have to shoulder the burden alone.挑起担子;承担责任麦克米伦高阶〔height〕Bring your hands to shoulder height.手上抬,与肩齐平。牛津搭配〔height〕The corridors there were painted chocolate-brown to shoulder height.那里的走廊从地面到齐肩高的部分都漆成棕褐色。柯林斯高阶〔jammed〕We were jammed together, shoulder to shoulder, in the narrow corridor.我们在狭窄的走道里肩靠肩地紧挨在一起。朗文当代〔jam〕We were jammed together shoulder to shoulder.我们肩靠肩紧紧挤成了一团。牛津搭配〔level〕Raise both arms to shoulder level.把双臂举到与肩同高。麦克米伦高阶〔press〕Sports A lift in weightlifting in which the weight is raised to shoulder level and then steadily pushed straight overhead without movement of the legs.【体育运动】 推举:在举重中杠铃先被举至与肩平,然后在不移动腿的情况下把它缓慢举到头顶正方的推举美国传统〔shoulder to shoulder〕Everyone was standing/squeezed shoulder to shoulder on the crowded bus.在拥挤的公共汽车上,大家肩并肩地紧挨着站着。韦氏高阶〔shoulder to shoulder〕I stand shoulder to shoulder with the other legislators in this effort.在这件事上,我和其他立法者并肩努力。韦氏高阶〔shoulder to shoulder〕The refugees were packed shoulder to shoulder on the boat.难民们肩挨着肩挤在船上。剑桥高阶〔shoulder〕Bars and restaurants stand shoulder to shoulder all along this street.整条街上都是一家挨着一家的酒吧与餐馆。麦克米伦高阶〔shoulder〕Blacks and whites stood shoulder to shoulder in the stands to applaud.黑人和白人并肩站在看台上鼓掌。朗文当代〔shoulder〕He has had to shoulder the responsibility of his father's mistakes.他得为他父亲的过错承担责任。柯林斯高阶〔shoulder〕He managed to shoulder his sister out of the way.最后他还是用肩膀把姐姐推了出去。麦克米伦高阶〔shoulder〕He was unwilling to shoulder this responsibility alone.他不愿意独自担负这个责任。牛津搭配〔shoulder〕I wanted someone else to shoulder the responsibility.我希望其他人来担起这个责任。外研社新世纪〔shoulder〕She had to shoulder her way through the crowd.她只好侧身挤出人群。麦克米伦高阶〔shoulder〕She had to shoulder the burden of childcare.她不得不担负起抚养孩子的重担。牛津搭配〔shoulder〕She stood shoulder to shoulder with her husband throughout his trial.在丈夫受审期间,她一直站在丈夫一边支持他。麦克米伦高阶〔shoulder〕She was carrying two suitcases and had to shoulder the door open.她手提着两个箱子,不得不用肩把门顶开。剑桥高阶〔shoulder〕Teachers cannot be expected to shoulder all the blame for poor exam results.考试成绩不理想,责任不能全部归到老师身上。剑桥高阶〔shoulder〕The government cannot ask the public to shoulder the extra cost.政府不能让公众负担额外的费用。麦克米伦高阶〔shoulder〕The residents are being asked to shoulder the costs of the repairs.居民们被要求承担这笔修理费用。朗文当代〔shoulder〕The route of the procession was lined with police officers standing shoulder to shoulder.游行所经道路两边都是肩并肩站立的警察。牛津搭配〔shoulder〕They could fight shoulder to shoulder against a common enemy.他们可以齐心协力对抗共同的敌人。外研社新世纪〔shoulder〕They fell into step, walking shoulder to shoulder with their heads bent against the rain.他们开始迈着一致的步伐并肩而行,低着头躲避雨水。柯林斯高阶〔shoulder〕They walked shoulder to shoulder.他们并肩而行。外研社新世纪〔shoulder〕They were standing shoulder to shoulder.他们并肩而立。英汉大词典〔shoulder〕We are working shoulder to shoulder with local residents.我们和当地居民肩并肩共同努力。朗文当代〔shoulder〕We went on board and saw these people packed shoulder to shoulder on the decks.我们上了船,看见这些人在甲板上肩挨着肩挤在一起。柯林斯高阶〔shoulder〕We will need you and the chairman standing shoulder to shoulder on basic positions.我们需要你和主席在一些基本立场上共同进退。柯林斯高阶〔stretch〕The horses entered the final stretch shoulder to shoulder.这些马并排进入了终点直道。麦克米伦高阶Not many parents can afford to shoulder the cost of educating their children privately.没有多少父母能负担让孩子进私立学校的费用。剑桥国际She was carrying two suitcases and had to shoulder the door open.她提着两个提箱,不得不用肩膀将门顶开。剑桥国际Teachers cannot be expected to shoulder all the blame for poor exam results.不能期望老师们对糟糕的考试成绩承担所有的责任。剑桥国际The British fought shoulder to shoulder with the Americans during the battle.在战斗中,英国人与美国人并肩作战。剑桥国际The manager was ready to shoulder the blame. 经理愿意承担过失。译典通The refugees were packed shoulder to shoulder on the boat.难民们在船上肩并肩地挤在一起。剑桥国际They were standing shoulder to shoulder. 他们并肩站著。译典通

