
单词 track
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔A-side〕Artists perform an original track on the A-side, backed by a favourite cover version.唱片 A 面是艺术家演绎的原唱歌曲, B 面是广受欢迎的翻唱歌曲。外研社新世纪〔A-side〕Why didn't they release this track as the A-side?他们为什么不把这首歌作为主打歌曲发行?外研社新世纪〔CHANCE〕Alice Coachman's Olympic success opened the door for generations of African-American track athletes. 艾丽斯·科奇曼在奥运会上的成就为一代代非洲裔美国田径运动员打开了机会之门。朗文写作活用〔FOLLOW〕Dogs are used to track the wolves to their lair in the forest. 用狗来追踪狼在林中的巢穴。朗文写作活用〔FOLLOW〕Undercover agents have been tracking him for weeks. 密探已跟踪他几星期了。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕Particularly impressive is the horn section on the penultimate track, ‘Just Jivin’ Around'. 尤其好听的是倒数第二首“来跳摇摆舞吧”的小号乐组。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕The police were busy examining the tyre tracks of the two vehicles which were involved in the accident. 警察正忙着检查两辆肇事汽车留下的轮胎印。朗文写作活用〔NERVOUS〕Trying to keep track of all those little kids at the same time must be pretty nerve-wracking. 同时要照看这么多小孩子一定是很伤脑筋的事。朗文写作活用〔OBSESSION〕Boys of that age have a one track mind. All they think about is sex. 那个年龄的男孩脑子里只有一样东西,那就是性。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕No, that's not quite right, but you're on the right track. 不,还没全对,但你的思路是正确的。朗文写作活用〔ROAD/PATH〕The track was only wide enough for one car. 这条小径只够一辆汽车通行。朗文写作活用〔absorb〕I was so absorbed by her story that I lost track of time.我完全被她的故事吸引住了,以至于忘记了时间。韦氏高阶〔adhesion〕Better driving equipment will improve track adhesion in slippery conditions.较好的驾驶设备能够提升在湿滑路面上的抓地力。柯林斯高阶〔ahead〕There will be an inspection of the track ahead of tomorrow's race.明天比赛前会先检查跑道。麦克米伦高阶〔be on the right track〕These results suggest that we are on the right track.这些结果表明,我们的做法是正确的。剑桥高阶〔be on the right/wrong track〕If you think my son was involved, you are on the wrong track.如果你认为我的儿子与这有关系,那你就错了。剑桥高阶〔beaten〕The restaurant is a little off the beaten track, so it won't be crowded.这家餐馆的位置有点偏僻,所以食客不会太多。韦氏高阶〔beaten〕Tiny secluded beaches can be found off the beaten track.隐蔽的小海滩鲜有人至。外研社新世纪〔beaten〕When you get off the beaten track, you can find some lovely spots.去到人迹罕至的地方, 会发现一些美丽的景致。外研社新世纪〔bettor〕Thousands of bettors were at the race track last weekend.上个周末,成千上万的投注者聚集在赛马场上。韦氏高阶〔branch off〕She branched off down the earth track.她改变路线,沿着土路走了下去。柯林斯高阶〔branch off〕They drove down a narrow track that branched off from the main road.他们驶入一条从干道分叉的小狭路。21世纪英汉〔broad-gauge〕Having a broad gauge. Used of a railroad track.宽轨距的。用于指铁道美国传统〔broaden〕The track broadens and becomes a road at this point.小道逐渐拓宽,到这里就成了一条马路。剑桥高阶〔bump〕The jeep bumped along the dirt track.吉普车在土路上颠簸着行驶。牛津高阶〔cd〕How many tracks are on the CD? 这张激光唱片上有多少首歌?牛津搭配〔circle〕The silent wolves would track and circle them.悄无声息的群狼会跟踪并包围他们。外研社新世纪〔cleaner〕We used a sample on that track and the record company took us to the cleaners.我们只使用了那段音轨中的一个片段, 结果唱片公司就把我们的钱都洗劫一空了。外研社新世纪〔cold〕I tracked the boy as far as the factory, but there his trail went cold.我追踪那名男孩一直到工厂,但他已踪影全无。朗文当代〔continuous〕The album is divided into different tracks, but it is really one continuous song.这张专辑虽然被分成了几个不同的曲目,但它其实是一首连续的曲子。韦氏高阶〔cover〕He had at tempted to cover his tracks by making her death appear like suicide.他使她的死亡看起来像是自杀,企图以此掩盖自己的罪行。牛津高阶〔cover〕He started to destroy documents to cover his tracks.他开始销毁文件,掩盖自己的行径。朗文当代〔current events〕She reads several newspapers so she can keep track of current events.她读几份报纸,所以能够时刻了解时事动态。韦氏高阶〔curve〕The track curved away below him.在他身下, 铁轨蜿蜒伸向远方。外研社新世纪〔discernible〕Roads were dusty tracks scarcely discernible from the adjacent desert.道路是尘土覆盖的小道,几乎难以跟两旁的沙漠区分开来。英汉大词典〔dogtrot〕The team dogtrotted along the track.运动队沿跑道慢跑。英汉大词典〔dog〕She kept dogging my tracks all the way to my home.她一直跟踪我到我家。21世纪英汉〔double〕He doubled back on his tracks.他顺着原路往回走。21世纪英汉〔drag strip〕A short, straight course or track for drag racing.加速汽车速度的跑道:加速汽车赛的短而笔直的跑道或路线美国传统〔drape〕He draped himself in the Canadian flag and went round the track.他身披加拿大国旗绕跑道奔跑。柯林斯高阶〔drive〕They saw a car driving along the track behind the house.他们看见一辆汽车在屋后的道路上行驶。外研社新世纪〔dynamite〕Fifty yards of track was blown up with dynamite.50 码铁轨被炸毁。柯林斯高阶〔electrocute〕The boy was electrocuted when he wandered onto a railway track.那名男孩闲逛时踩到铁轨上触电死亡。牛津高阶〔fall away〕On either side of the railway tracks the ground fell away sharply.铁路轨道两侧都是很陡的斜坡。外研社新世纪〔fall〕On either side of the tracks the ground fell away sharply.跑道两侧都是很陡的斜坡。柯林斯高阶〔fast track〕Many saw independence as the fast track to democracy.许多人将独立视为通往民主的快车道。朗文当代〔finish〕We'll finish off with a track from Adam's new album.我们将播放亚当新专辑中的一首歌作为结束。朗文当代〔fishplate〕A metal or wooden plate bolted to the sides of two abutting rails or beams, used especially in the laying of railroad track.接合板,鱼尾板:尤指用在铁路枕木上的钉在两个毗连的栏杆或梁木上的金属板或木板美国传统〔gantry〕A mount for a traveling crane consisting of a large archlike or bridgelike frame designed to move along a set of tracks.托台:由大的拱形或桥形架组成的供移动升降架的框架,设计为沿着一系列轨道移动美国传统〔gate〕Go through the gate and continue down the track.穿过大门,沿着小路继续走下去。牛津搭配〔grade〕A slope or gradual inclination, especially of a road or railroad track.斜坡:斜面或缓缓的倾斜面,尤指道路或铁轨的美国传统〔grade〕Light rail trains also operate at grade, instead of relying on elevated tracks and tunnels.轻轨列车也在同一平面上运行, 而不用依靠高架轨道和隧道。外研社新世纪〔halt〕The project has been halted in its tracks by this intervention.开发计划由于这次干涉而中途搁置起来。牛津搭配〔hard〕The factory stands hard by the railroad tracks.工厂座落在铁路沿线美国传统〔hawthorn〕Much of the track had become overgrown with hawthorn.小道上很多地方长满了山楂树。外研社新世纪〔hit〕She hit real big at the track last week.上周她赌赛马大赢。英汉大词典〔house〕I finally tracked him down at his house in Denver.我最后总算在丹佛他的家中追踪到了他。牛津搭配〔hug〕The track hugs the coast for a mile.那条小径有一英里紧靠海岸。牛津高阶〔in your tracks〕A sudden loud scream stopped me (dead) in my tracks (= caused me suddenly to stop what I was doing).突如其来的一声大叫惊得我停下了手中的工作。剑桥高阶〔inkling〕There was no path—no inkling even of a track.没有通道,甚至连有人踩过的小径的影子也没有。英汉大词典〔inspection〕Engineers carried out a thorough inspection of the track.工程师对轨道进行了彻底检查。牛津高阶〔jammed〕Nearby roads and the dirt track to the beach were jammed with cars.附近通往海滩的公路和土路全都堵满了汽车。柯林斯高阶〔jog〕The horse and cart jogged down the rough track towards the farm.马车在崎岖的路上颠簸着驶向农场。剑桥高阶〔jolt〕The truck jolted along the rough track through the field.卡车沿着田野里崎岖的小路颠簸前行。剑桥高阶〔jump〕The train jumped the track.火车出轨了。21世纪英汉〔keyword〕A quick search by keyword tracks down the book's title and author.用关键词搜索一下就可以找到书名和作者。剑桥高阶〔lay ... down〕This track was laid down last year,but now it is in need repair.这条铁轨是去年铺成的,可现在却需要修复。21世纪英汉〔lead〕There's a track that leads directly to the reservoir.有一条小道直接通向水库。剑桥高阶〔leverage〕Using ropes and wooden poles for leverage, they haul sacks of cement up the track.利用绳子和木棍取得杠杆作用,他们把几大袋水泥从轨道上拖开。剑桥高阶〔line〕A railway track or system of tracks.铁路,铁轨:铁路或铁路系统美国传统〔literally〕The runner literally flew round the track.这位赛跑运动员飞也似地绕着跑道奔跑。英汉大词典〔locomotive〕A self-propelled vehicle, usually electric or diesel-powered, for pulling or pushing freight or passenger cars on railroad tracks.机车:一种自行推进的车辆,通常用电力或内燃机作动力,用于推或拉铁轨上的货车或客车美国传统〔lose track〕What he was saying was so complicated that I lost track after the first couple of sentences.他说得太复杂,我听了开头的几个句子以后就跟不上了。剑桥高阶〔monitor〕The software will track music usage during broadcasts by monitoring inaudible audio 'watermarks'.这个软件将通过监测听不到的音频“水印”跟踪广播期间音乐的使用情况。外研社新世纪〔number〕The local trains will be arriving on track number 4.市郊列车将会开到第4号轨道。麦克米伦高阶〔off track〕Let's not get off track.咱们别跑题。韦氏高阶〔on the right/wrong track〕She believes that our current foreign policy is on the wrong track.她认为我们当前的对外政策不对路。韦氏高阶〔overage〕She kept track of the cost overages.她记录了成本超额的情况。韦氏高阶〔percussion〕The track features Joey Langton on percussion.唱片的这段乐曲是乔伊 · 兰顿演奏的打击乐。牛津高阶〔perilously〕The track snaked perilously upwards.这条小道蜿蜒而上,很危险。柯林斯高阶〔peter out〕The track petered out after a mile or so.大约一英里后,小路逐渐消失了。剑桥高阶〔platform〕The train for Chicago is on track 9.往芝加哥的火车在第 9 道。牛津高阶〔polka-dot〕The tracks of mountain goats polka-dotted the dusty ridge.山羊的踪迹使土灰色的山脊上布满斑点。英汉大词典〔possible〕We are doing everything possible to track down the killer.我们正竭尽全力追捕杀人凶手。朗文当代〔proven〕He is a seasoned executive with a proven track record.他是一名经验丰富的主管, 拥有出色的工作业绩。外研社新世纪〔pugmark〕The mark, print, track, or trail of an animal; a pug.兽迹:动物的痕迹、脚印或踪迹;兽迹美国传统〔rail〕A steel bar used, usually in pairs, as a track for railroad cars or other wheeled vehicles.铁轨,钢轨:用作火车车厢或其它有轮车辆的轨道的钢轨,通常成对使用美国传统〔range〕Aerospace A testing area at which rockets and missiles are launched and tracked.【太空学】 火箭发射场:进行火箭、导弹等发射、追踪的试验地区美国传统〔rawinsonde〕A radiosonde used to observe the velocity and direction of upper-air winds and tracked by a radio direction-finding instrument or radar.无线电探空测风仪:一种由无线电定向器或雷达制导的监测大气层上层风速和风向的无线电探空仪美国传统〔redouble〕The fox redoubled on its tracks.狐狸急速转身沿原路往回跑。英汉大词典〔release〕Before release, the sea lions are fitted with electronic tracking devices.海狮在释放之前被装上了电子追踪器。朗文当代〔remix〕The band are remixing some tracks.这个乐队正对一些曲目进行重新合成。柯林斯高阶〔running〕Our track team had muddy running today.我们的径队今天跑的是泥泞的跑道。英汉大词典〔run〕Trains no longer run on this track.这条轨道已经不通火车了。韦氏高阶〔score〕Schumacher is ready to score at his home track again.舒马赫准备在自己的家乡赛道再次拿分。牛津搭配〔sidetrack〕To switch from a main railroad track to a siding.转轨:从一主轨道转到一岔线上美国传统〔skid〕A plank, log, or timber, usually one of a pair, used as a support or as a track for sliding or rolling heavy objects.滑动垫木:用来在滑动或滚动重物时做支持物或轨道的木板、圆木或木材,通常是一对中的一个美国传统〔sleuth〕To track or follow.跟踪,跟随美国传统〔source〕Experts are trying to track down the source of the contamination in the water supply.专家们正试图找到水源中污染物的来源。剑桥高阶〔spin〕The racing car spun over the track.赛车在跑道上疾驰。英汉大词典〔spur track〕A short side track that connects with the main track of a railroad system.支线,岔线:连接铁路系统主要轨道的短的边线美国传统〔stop〕The question stopped Alice dead in her tracks.这个问题一下子把艾丽斯问住了。牛津搭配〔storm〕We'll be tracking the storm as it makes its way across the Gulf.当暴风雨横扫海湾时,我们将一路追踪过去。牛津搭配〔stream〕Chiefly British A course of study to which students are tracked.【多用于英国】 对学生进行编班的课程美国传统〔struggle〕Walkers were struggling up the dusty track.步行者艰难地在尘土飞扬的小径上走着。朗文当代〔stumble along〕He stumbled along the track in darkness.黑暗中他在小径上蹒跚而行。21世纪英汉〔style〕Belmont Park is a broad sweeping track which will suit the European style of running.贝尔蒙特跑马场有宽阔的弧形跑道,很适合举行欧式赛马。柯林斯高阶〔tear up〕Dozens of miles of railway track have been torn up.好几十英里的铁轨被毁坏了。柯林斯高阶〔the wrong/other side of the tracks〕Her boyfriend came from the wrong side of the tracks.她的男朋友来自贫民区。剑桥高阶〔throw off〕He tried to throw police off the track of his lover.他努力让警方无法跟踪他的情人。柯林斯高阶〔timekeeper〕Sports One who keeps track of elapsed time in a sporting event.【体育运动】 计时员:记录体育比赛所花时间的人美国传统〔title track〕They come from Tuam, a place they refer to on the title track of their album, 'All the Way From Tuam'.他们来自蒂厄姆, 就是那个在他们的专辑同名歌曲《一路行自蒂厄姆》中提及的地方。外研社新世纪〔trace〕Archaeologists excavated fossilized dinosaur tracks from the riverbed.考古学家从河床中挖掘出恐龙的足迹化石。美国传统〔track and field〕Athletic events performed on a running track and the field associated with it.田径运动:在跑道及其围成的田赛场上进行的体育运动美国传统〔track down〕She had spent years trying to track down her parents.她已经花了好多年时间查找父母的下落。外研社新世纪〔track light〕A light mounted on and movable along an electrified metal track.活动式投射灯:安装在一带电的金属轨道上并沿其移动的灯美国传统〔track record〕His track record in this field is pretty poor.他在这一业界的过往表现非常差劲。外研社新世纪〔track record〕The school has an impressive/strong track record of getting its students into good universities.这个学校在学生进入名牌大学方面成绩骄人。剑桥高阶〔trackage〕Railway tracks.铁路轨道美国传统〔tracking shot〕A movie sequence made by a camera moving steadily on a track or dolly.移动镜头:由一个在轨道或滑动台架上稳定移动的摄影机拍成的电影片断美国传统〔tracking〕Tracking assigns some students to college prep and others to vocational programs.按照能力,一些学生被分到大学预科班,另一些则被分到职业培训班。柯林斯高阶〔tracking〕As an agent, you may have an inside track when good deals become available.作为代理人,一旦有划算的买卖你恐怕能近水楼台先得月。柯林斯高阶〔tracking〕Forecasters are also tracking hurricane Josephine.气象预报员也在追踪飓风“约瑟芬”的动向。柯林斯高阶〔tracking〕I followed him, tracking him in the snow until finally he got tired.我跟着他,在雪地里追踪他,直到他最终体力不支。柯林斯高阶〔tracking〕The only evidence of pandas was their tracks in the snow.熊猫活动的唯一迹象是它们留在雪地上的足迹。柯林斯高阶〔tracking〕The player is being tracked by Juventus.该选手正为尤文图斯队所追踪关注。柯林斯高阶〔tracking〕U.S. manufacturers may find the export boom stopping dead in its tracks.美国制造商将会发现出口热戛然而止。柯林斯高阶〔tracking〕You become so deeply absorbed in an activity that you lose track of time.你会因过于专注某项活动而失去时间概念。柯林斯高阶〔trackrecord〕If possible, select pairs of fish that already have a track record for breeding.如果可能的话,选择几对有过繁殖记录的鱼。牛津搭配〔track〕At the start of the movie, the camera tracks along the street to the house's front door.在电影的开头,摄影机沿街一直拍到这座房子的大门。韦氏高阶〔track〕Bank statements help you keep track of where your money is going.银行账单有助于你了解你的资金使用情况。牛津高阶〔track〕Continue along the farm track for another hundred yards.顺着农场小径再走 100 码。牛津搭配〔track〕Don't track up the floor.别在地板上留下脚印。英汉大词典〔track〕Don't you track mud into this clean kitchen! 你千万别把泥脚印带进这个干净的厨房!韦氏高阶〔track〕Follow the track into the forest.沿着小径走进森林。韦氏高阶〔track〕Forecasters are also tracking hurricane Josephine.气象预报员也在追踪飓风“约瑟芬”的动向。外研社新世纪〔track〕He is off the track with his offer of mediation.他提议调停是失策的。英汉大词典〔track〕I found it difficult to follow the track of his argument.我觉得难以跟上他论证的思路。剑桥高阶〔track〕It's getting late-I'd better make tracks (= leave).天不早了,我得走了。牛津搭配〔track〕It's hard to keep track of time in here.在这里很容易忘了时间。外研社新世纪〔track〕Meteorologists are tracking the storm.气象学家正在追踪这次风暴。韦氏高阶〔track〕No effort must be spared in tracking down the leak of information.必须尽一切努力查出消息是如何泄漏的。英汉大词典〔track〕Our radar began tracking the jets.我们的雷达开始追踪那架喷气式飞机的航迹。外研社新世纪〔track〕Police are on the track of the bank robbers.警方正在追踪银行劫匪。朗文当代〔track〕Police have been tracking the four criminals all over Central America.警方一直在中美洲到处追捕这四名犯人。朗文当代〔track〕She ran a few laps around the track before the race.比赛开始前,她绕跑道跑了几圈。韦氏高阶〔track〕The track leads across a field.小径穿过一块田地。牛津搭配〔track〕The album includes four previously unreleased tracks.这张专辑收录了4首以前未曾面世的歌曲。剑桥高阶〔track〕The boys made tracks for home when it began to get dark.天黑下来了,男孩们匆匆跑回家去。英汉大词典〔track〕The country is on the fast track to democracy.这个国家已进入奔向民主的快车道。牛津搭配〔track〕The country was headed on the wrong track, economically.该国经济正沿着错误的路线发展。外研社新世纪〔track〕The dog tracked dirt all over the floor.那只狗在地板上到处留下脏爪印。韦氏高阶〔track〕The figures show we are on the right track.这些数据表明我们是对的。麦克米伦高阶〔track〕The fox didn't leave any tracks.狐狸没有留下任何脚印。外研社新世纪〔track〕The house is at the end of a dirt/an unmade track.房子在一条泥土路/尚未铺好的小路的尽头。剑桥高阶〔track〕The only evidence of pandas was their tracks in the snow.熊猫活动的唯一迹象是它们留在雪地上的足迹。外研社新世纪〔track〕The police are on the track of the killer.警方正在追踪该杀人犯。剑桥高阶〔track〕The police are on the track of the murderer.警察正在追踪凶手。英汉大词典〔track〕The research project involves tracking the careers of 400 graduates.这个研究项目对 400 名毕业生的事业发展情况进行跟踪调查。牛津高阶〔track〕The ship can track incoming missiles with radar.这艘船能用雷达追踪到来袭的导弹。韦氏高阶〔track〕The speaker was a long way off the track.演讲者离题千里。英汉大词典〔track〕The study tracked the patients over the course of five years.这项研究对病人进行了为期五年的跟踪调查。韦氏高阶〔track〕The terrorists were tracked to (= found in) Amsterdam.恐怖分子在阿姆斯特丹被追踪到。剑桥高阶〔track〕The title track is Auld Lang Syne.这张唱片的片名歌曲是《友谊地久天长》。英汉大词典〔track〕They are trying to track the lost satellite.他们正设法跟踪失踪的卫星。21世纪英汉〔track〕They followed the tracks for miles.他们一路追踪这些痕迹走了数英里。外研社新世纪〔track〕This school does not track.这所学校没有实行分级教学。韦氏高阶〔track〕To move along a track.沿着轨道前进美国传统〔track〕We continued tracking the plane on our radar.我们继续用雷达追踪那架飞机。牛津高阶〔track〕We've had the initial test results and it looks as though we're on the right track.我们有了初步的试验结果,好像我们的思路是正确的。朗文当代〔triple jump〕A distance jump in track and field consisting of a hop landing on the take-off foot, a stride landing on the other foot, and a jump landing on both feet.三级跳:田径远距离跳远,动作分解为一脚起跳、另一脚跨步、然后双脚同时跃起美国传统〔triple〕He tripled his winnings at the track.他在径赛项目上赢得的钱增加了两倍。韦氏高阶〔underhung〕Resting on or mounted along a supporting track, as a sliding door on rollers.在轨上滑动的:靠在或架在支撑轨道上的,如滑门或滚筒的美国传统〔vegetation〕The railway track will have to be cleared of vegetation if it is to be used again.那条铁路如果要重新启用,就得清除沿线的草木。剑桥高阶〔walk〕A track event in which contestants compete in walking a specified distance.竞走比赛:一种径赛运动,参加者以走的方式在一段固定的距离内竞争美国传统〔whirl〕The cars were whirling around the track.那些车当时正沿着赛道转圈。韦氏高阶After a while the narrow track merges with a wider path.过了一会儿,狭窄的小道并入了一条较宽的路径。剑桥国际Bill had a feeling he was on a fast track. 比尔感觉到他正快速迈向成功。译典通Detectives have finally tracked down the killer.侦探们最终追捕到杀手。剑桥国际Even a slight hand injury can stop/halt a guitarist's career dead in its tracks (= stop it suddenly and completely).即使是轻微的手伤也可能令吉它手的事业就此嘎然而止。剑桥国际He fell dead in his tracks.他当即倒地死去。剑桥国际He runs around the track every morning. 他每天清晨绕著跑道跑步。译典通His campaign promises are strongly underpinned by his track record. 他的选举承诺有他过去的纪录作强有力的支撑。译典通I found it difficult to follow the track of his argument.我发觉很难跟上他论证的思维方式。剑桥国际It was not long before I tracked down the lost wallet. 不久我就找到了遗失的钱包。译典通The child rushed into the room and tracked dirt over the floor. 小孩冲进房间,在地板上到处留下带泥的脚印。译典通The company is on track to make record profits.这家公司走在正轨上,赢得了空前的利润。剑桥国际The company uses telematics to track the position of its vehicles at all times.公司利用远程信息处理技术随时跟踪其车辆的位置。牛津商务The directive allows common ownership of track and rail operators by a single group.指示允许同一个集团共同拥有轨道和铁路公司。牛津商务The group's wireless division trades as a tracking stock.集团的无线部门作为追踪股票上市交易。牛津商务The house is at the end of a dirt/unmade track.房子在一条泥土路/尚未铺好的小路的末端。剑桥国际The lorry chugged up the hill/along the rough track.卡车嚓嘎嚓嘎地开上了山/在坑洼不平的道路上。剑桥国际The metalled road became a muddy track.碎石铺面的路成了泥泞的小径。剑桥国际The police tracked the thieves to their lair. 警察跟踪小偷找到他们的巢穴。译典通The police has lost track of the criminals. 警方已失去追踪罪犯的线索。译典通The police raid on the house was part of an operation to track down international drug smugglers.警方对这所房子发动的突袭是追捕毒品走私犯行动的一部分。剑桥国际The train jumped the track. 火车出轨了。译典通There are 15 000 kilometres of railway track, and it is impossible to guard it securely against terrorist attacks.对于15 000公里的铁路线,要万无一失地保护它不受到恐怖分子的袭击是不可能的。剑桥国际We want to improve morale and give all our employees a career track.我们要提高士气,让所有员工的事业都有发展方向。牛津商务While people enter data, we're tracking their work in real time.人们输入数据时,我们对其工作进行实时跟踪。牛津商务

