
单词 人造
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARTIFICIAL〕The dark blue sweater had imitation pearls sewn across the front. 这件深蓝色的毛衣,前面缝着一些人造珍珠。朗文写作活用〔ESV〕Earth satellite vehicle.人造地球卫星美国传统〔Esperanto〕An artificial international language with a vocabulary based on word roots common to many European languages and a regularized system of inflection.世界语:一种人造的国际辅助语,其单词是建立在许多欧洲语言基础上,具有规定统一的音调变化系统美国传统〔TOUCH〕Good imitation leather looks and feels like the real thing. 上好的人造皮革看上去、摸上去就像真皮一样。朗文写作活用〔YAG〕A hard synthetic yttrium aluminum garnet used in laser technology and as a gemstone.人造钇铝石榴石:一种坚度的、人工合成的钇铝石榴石,用于激光工艺并用作一种宝石美国传统〔additive〕This margarine is full of additives - just look at the label! 这种人造黄油里面都是添加剂——看看标签说明就知道了!剑桥高阶〔annatto〕A yellowish-red dyestuff obtained from the seed aril of this plant, used especially to dye fabric and to color food products such as margarine and cheese.胭脂树红,胭脂树橙:从胭脂树果肉中提取的橙红色染料,尤用于给纺织品染色,或给食品如人造黄油和奶酪上色美国传统〔apogee〕The point in the orbit of the moon or of an artificial satellite most distant from the center of the earth.远地点:月球或人造卫星轨道上离地球中心最远的点美国传统〔artificial language〕A language invented for a specific purpose and based on a set of prescribed rules.人造语言:一种为某特定目的并以一套特定规则为基础而发明的语言美国传统〔artificial〕The product contains no artificial colours, flavours, or preservatives.该产品不含人造色素、调料或防腐剂。麦克米伦高阶〔artificial〕This product contains no artificial colors/flavors/sweeteners—only natural substances are used.本产品不含人造色素/香料/甜味剂——只采用天然物质。韦氏高阶〔beat/bang the drum for〕They joined together to beat the drum for their candidate.他们合力为他们的候选人造势。韦氏高阶〔biosatellite〕An artificial, recoverable satellite that is designed to carry and support humans, animals, or other living organisms.生物卫星:设计用于运送和搭载人、动物或其他生物的、人造可返回式卫星美国传统〔bootstrap〕A loop of leather, cloth, or synthetic material that is sewn at the side or the top rear of a boot to help in pulling the boot on.提靴带:一种由皮、布或人造原料制成的套环,缝在靴子的边上或后顶部,以助于穿靴美国传统〔build〕They used publicity to build up their candidates.他们进行宣传,为他们的候选人造舆论。英汉大词典〔chiffon〕A fabric of sheer silk or rayon.薄绸:一种极薄的丝绸或人造丝织物美国传统〔cloque〕A cotton, silk, or rayon fabric with a raised woven pattern and a puckered or quilted look.泡泡纱:一种棉、丝或人造纤维的织物,有凸起的编织图案及打皱或多层缝合的外观美国传统〔collaborate〕The two nations are collaborating on several satellite projects.两国在几个人造卫星项目上进行合作。朗文当代〔corn oil〕A pale yellow liquid obtained from the embryos of corn grains, used especially as a cooking and salad oil and in the manufacture of margarines.玉米油:从玉米胚芽中提取的一种浅黄色液体,主要用于烹制油,色拉油,并用于制造人造黄油美国传统〔costume jewelry〕Jewelry made from inexpensive metals and imitation or semiprecious stones.人造珠宝饰物,半宝石半宝石:由不贵的材料和人造珠宝或半宝石所做出的珠宝美国传统〔creature〕They have been visited by creatures from outer space.外星人造访过他们。外研社新世纪〔crown〕An artificial substitute for the natural crown of a tooth.假齿冠:天然齿冠的人造替代品美国传统〔crystal〕A natural or synthetic crystalline material having piezoelectric or semiconducting properties.石英:一种天然的或人造的晶体材料,具有压电性和半传导性美国传统〔dash〕A fake fur collar or cuff adds a dash of glamour to even the simplest style.哪怕是最简单的款式,加上人造毛皮衣领或袖口也会显出几分雍容华贵。柯林斯高阶〔degree〕These man-made barriers will ensure a very high degree of protection.这些人造屏障将会确保提供高度的保护。柯林斯高阶〔dental implant〕A tooth, usually artificial, that is anchored in the gums or jawbone to replace a missing tooth.假牙:植于牙龈或颚骨中代替缺损了的牙的牙齿,通常是人造美国传统〔discriminate〕Can you discriminate between butter and margarine?你能区别黄油和人造黄油吗?牛津同义词〔distinguish〕Can you distinguish between butter and margarine?你能区别黄油和人造黄油吗?牛津同义词〔duvetyn〕A soft, short-napped fabric with a twill weave, made of wool, cotton, rayon, or silk.起绒织物:一种柔软、起短绒并有斜纹波浪的织物,用羊毛、棉、人造纤维或丝制成美国传统〔fake〕She wore fake fur.她穿人造皮草。外研社新世纪〔faux〕The chairs were covered in faux animal skin.椅子外层是人造兽皮。牛津高阶〔fibranne〕A linenlike fabric made of spun-rayon yarn.黏胶短纤维(织物):由人造短纤维纱制成的亚麻状织物美国传统〔further〕Butter sales have fallen because margarine has improved in flavor. Further, butter consumption has decreased because of links to heart disease.黄油销量下滑是因为人造黄油的味道有了改进。 此外,因为与心脏疾病有关,黄油的消耗量也减少了。朗文当代〔geostationary〕Of, relating to, or being the orbit of such a satellite.属于、有关或本身是此种人造同步地球卫星的轨道的美国传统〔go for sth〕Instead of butter, I always go for margarine or a low-fat spread.我总是选择人造黄油或低脂肪的面包酱以代替黄油。剑桥高阶〔hangover〕As a hangover from rationing, they mixed butter and margarine.作为食品配给制的一种遗留影响,他们总把黄油和人造黄油混在一起吃。柯林斯高阶〔hateful〕It was all the fault of that hateful man! 都是那个可恶的人造的孽!朗文当代〔hazard light〕A light on a vehicle that blinks to indicate that the vehicle poses danger to others.危险信号灯:安装在车辆上表示会对别人造成危险的能闪烁的灯美国传统〔herl〕A fishing fly made with this type of barb.饰有人造用羽支的假蝇:用这种羽支做的钓鱼用的假蝇美国传统〔imitation〕It's not real silk - it's just imitation.这不是真丝——是人造的罢了。剑桥高阶〔imitation〕The ceiling is supported by imitation marble columns.天花板是用人造大理石柱支撑的。外研社新世纪〔implantation〕Doctors in Arizona say they have implanted an artificial heart into a 46-year-old woman.亚利桑那州的医生称他们已经把一颗人造心脏移植到一名 46 岁妇女的体内。柯林斯高阶〔indophenol〕Any of various synthetic blue or green dyes.靛酚染料:任何一种人造合成的蓝色或绿色染料美国传统〔instead〕Use margarine instead of butter.用人造黄油代替黄油。外研社新世纪〔jewel〕A small natural or artificial gem used as a bearing in a watch.钻石:小的天然的或人造宝石,用作手表中的轴承美国传统〔latterly〕Scientists have studied the moon through telescopes, and, latterly, from satellites.科学家通过望远镜研究月球,最近还使用了人造卫星。朗文当代〔launch〕A test satellite was launched from Cape Canaveral.一颗实验人造卫星从卡纳维拉尔角发射升空。朗文当代〔linkup〕The concert was broadcast via a satellite linkup.通过人造卫星对这场音乐会进行转播。麦克米伦高阶〔maple syrup〕Syrup made from various sugars and flavored with maple syrup or artificial maple flavoring.由各种糖制成,掺有槭糖浆或人造槭糖调味品的糖浆美国传统〔margarine〕Cream the margarine and sugar together.把人造黄油和糖一起搅成糊状。牛津搭配〔marquisette〕A sheer fabric of cotton, rayon, silk, or nylon, used for clothing, curtains, and mosquito nets.尼龙薄纤维:一种用棉、人造丝、丝或尼龙制成的薄纤维,用作布料、窗帘和蚊帐美国传统〔material〕The artificial turf is laid onto a rubber composite material.人造草皮覆盖在橡胶复合材料上。牛津搭配〔medium〕Foods that contain only medium levels of sodium are bread, cakes, milk, butter and margarine.含钠量仅为中等水平的食物有面包、蛋糕、牛奶、黄油和人造黄油。柯林斯高阶〔misrepresent〕The artificial stones were being misrepresented as the real thing.这些人造宝石被伪称为天然宝石。麦克米伦高阶〔oleomargarine〕Margarine.人造黄油,人造奶油美国传统〔optical illusion〕Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.大楼主体的斜墙给人造成一种视错觉。柯林斯高阶〔orbit〕A new satellite has been put into orbit around the earth.一颗新的人造衞星被送上了环绕地球的轨道。牛津高阶〔paste〕Are these real diamonds or paste? 这些是真钻石还是人造宝石?剑桥高阶〔perilla〕The oil from the seeds of this plant, widely used in the manufacture of paint, varnish, and artificial leather and as a substitute for linseed oil.紫苏油:从此种植物种子里炼出的油,广泛用于制造油漆、光亮漆和人造革,并可做蓖麻油的代用品美国传统〔plush〕A fabric of silk, rayon, cotton, or other material, having a thick, deep pile.长毛绒:由浓长绒毛的真丝、人造丝、棉或其它材料制成的一种织物纤维美国传统〔polyunsaturate〕This margarine is high in polyunsaturates.这种人造黄油富含多重不饱和脂肪酸。剑桥高阶〔pozzuolana〕Any of various artificially produced substances resembling pozzuolana ash.类似的人造白榴火山灰:任何人工制造的,相似于白榴火山灰的物质美国传统〔preservative〕Our products contain no artificial preservatives.我们的产品不含人造防腐剂。牛津搭配〔rayon〕A fabric so woven or knit.人造纤维:这样编织或生产的纤维美国传统〔rayon〕Any of several synthetic textile fibers produced by forcing a cellulose solution through fine spinnerets and solidifying the resulting filaments.人造丝,人造纤维:一种人造纺织纤维,将原制纤维胶体强行穿过喷丝头,使生产出来的细丝得到加固美国传统〔real〕Artificial flowers can sometimes look better than the real thing .人造花有时比真花看起来更漂亮。朗文当代〔rotate〕The satellite slowly rotates as it circles the earth.人造卫星围绕地球旋转的同时也在缓慢自转。剑桥高阶〔satellite〕Images of the planet are sent by satellite.人造卫星发送了该行星的图像。韦氏高阶〔satellite〕Satellites help meteorologists predict the weather.人造卫星帮助气象专家预测天气。韦氏高阶〔satellite〕The broadcast came from America by satellite.广播节目从美国通过人造卫星转播过来。英汉大词典〔satellite〕The signals are sent by satellite link.信号通过人造卫星链路发出。柯林斯高阶〔satin〕A smooth fabric, as of silk or rayon, woven with a glossy face and a dull back.缎子:一种面子光亮而里子不滑的光滑织物,如用丝或人造纤维制成的美国传统〔seersucker〕A light, thin fabric, generally cotton or rayon, with a crinkled surface and a usually striped pattern.绉条纹薄织物,泡泡纱:一种轻而薄的织物,一般是棉质或人造丝质,面料带有波状表面并通常为条纹图案美国传统〔self-indulgence〕A bit of self-indulgence never did anyone any harm.稍稍地放纵一下自己绝不会对任何人造成伤害。外研社新世纪〔sharkskin〕A rayon and acetate fabric having a smooth, somewhat shiny surface.鲨皮布:一种具有光滑、稍微磨光表面的人造丝和醋酸丝织物美国传统〔snowmaker〕A machine that makes artificial snow.造雪机:制造人造雪的机器美国传统〔sour cream〕A smooth, thick, artificially soured cream, widely used as an ingredient in soups, salads, and various meat dishes.人工酸奶油:一种光滑、稠黏的人造酸奶油,广泛用作制作汤、沙拉以及各种肉类菜的成分美国传统〔spacebridge〕An international communication by television, transmitted by artificial satellite.太空桥:通过人造卫星转播而进行的国际间电视联络美国传统〔sponge〕Porous plastics, rubber, cellulose, or other material, similar in absorbency to this skeleton and used for the same purposes.人造海绵:多孔的塑料、橡胶、纤维质或其他物质,与海绵体的吸收性能相近,用于同等用途美国传统〔substitute〕Butter can be substituted with margarine in this reci pe.做这道菜可以用人造黄油代替黄油。牛津高阶〔substitute〕Margarine can be substituted for butter in this recipe.做这道菜可以用人造黄油代替黄油。牛津高阶〔surah〕A soft twilled fabric of silk or of a blend of silk and rayon.斜纹软绸:一种丝绸的或与人造丝混合织成柔软的斜纹织物美国传统〔syrup〕A thick, sweet, sticky liquid, consisting of a sugar base, natural or artificial flavorings, and water.糖浆:稠的、甜的粘质液体,以糖为主剂,天然或人造调味品和水组成美国传统〔unfavo(u)rable〕This might perhaps create an unfavo(u)rable impression.这也许会给人造成一种不好的印象。英汉大词典〔viscose rayon〕A rayon made by reconverting cellulose from a soluble xanthate form to tough fibers by washing in acid.粘胶纤维:一种人造纤维,通过在酸液中漂洗把共同源素从可溶性纤维素形式转化为硬质纤维所制成美国传统〔vitamin〕Butter, margarine, and oily fish are all good sources of vitamin D.黄油、人造黄油和多脂鱼都含有丰富的维生素D。柯林斯高阶An unruly element causes/Unruly elements cause (= particular badly behaved people create) trouble for the others in the school.校中不受管教的学生给其他人造成麻烦。剑桥国际He estimated that the average American consumes about 45 micrograms of possibly carcinogenic man-made pesticide residues in a day.他估计普通美国人每天摄入约45微克有可能致癌的人造杀虫剂残留物。剑桥国际He was born with only one ear, but surgeons have fitted him with an artificial one made of silicon.他生下来时只有一只耳朵,但医生为他装上了一只用硅橡胶制的人造耳。剑桥国际I don't like wearing clothes made of artificial fibres.我不喜欢穿人造纤维的衣服。剑桥国际It's an artificial device which stimulates the auditory areas of the brain.这是刺激大脑中听觉区域的人造装置。剑桥国际She was wearing a rayon blouse.她穿着人造丝衬衫。剑桥国际Some studies have suggested a link between certain types of artificial sweetener and cancer.一些研究表明某些种类的人造甜味剂可能致癌。剑桥国际The club plays on an artificial/synthetic pitch (= a special strong material which covers the surface of the ground).俱乐部在人工/人造场地上打球。剑桥国际The inventor of Esperanto hoped that his artificial language would help reduce misunderstanding between nations.世界语的发明者希望他的人造语言能帮助减少国家之间的误解。剑桥国际The room was decorated with artificial flowers. 房间用人造花装饰。译典通This margarine is full of additives--just look at the label! 这种人造奶油里充满了添加剂----看看这个标签!剑桥国际This product contains no artificial preservatives. 此产品不含任何人造防腐剂。译典通This skirt is made of cotton and rayon.这裙子是棉和人造丝做的。剑桥国际Virtual Reality aims to give us artificial worlds to explore, outside normal space and time.虚拟现实旨在提供一个正常时空之外的人造世界,供人们探索。剑桥国际

