
单词 客套话
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-mouthed〕I mouthed some sympathetic platitudes.我言不由衷地说了一些表示同情的客套话柯林斯高阶〔POLITE〕The last thing I felt like doing was making polite conversation with my roommate's parents. 我最不想的就是与室友的父母亲说客套话朗文写作活用〔TALK〕There was a lot of polite waffle about how well the Princess and her family were looking before anyone got to the point. 大家在进入正题之前讲了许多王妃和她家人气色有多好的客套话朗文写作活用〔can〕What can I do for you? 有何贵干?(原义「我能为你作何效劳?」为店员侍候顾客前的客套话文馨英汉〔courtesy〕Everyone knows each other here, so we won't bother with the usual courtesies.在这里大家彼此都认识,我们就不用费事说客套话了。韦氏高阶〔formula〕An utterance of conventional notions or beliefs; a hackneyed expression.客套话:常用信条的陈述或信仰的自白;陈腐的语句美国传统〔mouth〕I mouthed some sympathetic platitudes.我言不由衷地说了些表示同情的 客套话外研社新世纪〔polite〕Are you really keen or are you just being polite?你这样说是当真还是仅仅是客套话外研社新世纪〔polite〕I know Ian said he liked her singing, but he was only being polite .我知道伊恩说过喜欢听她唱歌,不过那仅仅是客套话而已。朗文当代〔prefix〕She prefixed a few complimentary remarks to her speech.她在演说之前说了几句客套话21世纪英汉〔preliminary〕He spent a long time on polite preliminaries.他开始时讲了很长时间的客套话英汉大词典〔preliminary〕She began speaking intensely, without preliminaries.她一句客套话都没说就开始了热情的演讲。牛津搭配〔ritually〕I realized that here the conventions required me to make the ritual noises.我意识到此时按照惯例我应该说些客套话柯林斯高阶〔triviality〕She noted that he was not in the habit of exchanging courteous trivialities.她注意到他没有说些无关紧要的客套话的习惯。英汉大词典After a few polite preliminaries (= introductions), we stated our main ideas and intentions.几句客套话后,我们陈述了主要观点和意图。剑桥国际

