
单词 度晚年
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OLD〕She wanted to grow old gracefully, and retire to a cottage in the country. 她想优雅地老去,躲到一个乡村小屋里安度晚年朗文写作活用〔comfort〕They had enough money to live in comfort in their old age.他们有足够的钱舒舒服服地安度晚年牛津高阶〔fated〕I'm fated to spend my last years in an old folks' home.我注定要在一个老人院里度晚年朗文当代〔old age〕You need to start putting money away for your old age.你得着手为安度晚年存钱了。朗文当代

